April 25, 2015

My light,
My love, I give
unto you, freely;
all that I AM is yours
to embrace,
to accept,
to use.
All that I
AM is yours;
use it to the fullest
degree; and, My Kingdom
will flow onto the Earth, through thee.
And The Holy Sprit says:  There is no greater way to live
than: within the light of All That Is; within all that is
holy, and sacred; within the power that created all
things; within the light of God all creation sings.

April 19, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

I resolve
issues, and matters, the
only way they can be resolved,
with My presence, and My love,
allowing each of My children to
experience that which they are
meant to experience,
with them,
and that I love them,
and that together, we walk
through the experience, so they
will know it, and be wiser for it.
And The Holy Sprit says: The presence
of God is the only resolution

April 24, 2015

the banner, and let
the celebration reign over all:
over all matters, over all situations,
over all people; for, when the banner
you hold high is the banner of peace,
and light, and love, there should
be naught, but celebration.
And The Holy Sprit says:
Come, rise-up.
It is time
for you
to "know,"
it is time, for you
to awaken and realize,
that celebration is The Way!

April 23, 2015

you wish to be heard,
whisper.  And The Holy Sprit says:
Whenever you wish to be understood,
you must be still. . . and first. . . understand.

April 22, 2015

If you will set aside a day, dedicated to Peace,
come the end of the day, you will be surprised to realize,
that you feel healthier, and happier, your attitude about life,
and how you see it, is elevated.  And you will also notice, that
the day has been productive, and it all passed... in peace.  And
The Holy Sprit says: Notice, look, and see, how productive you can be
when dedicating a day to peace.  You will move in peace.  You
will have peaceful thoughts.  You will choose your words
wisely, dedicated to peace.  And your deeds will be
peaceful, as well.  And when all of this is in
place, and you see the results of a day
of peace, you will begin to dedi-
cate more and more days
to this most sacr-
ed energy,

April 21, 2015

Your body, soul, and spirit are awakening from the slumber
of winter, to the ecstatic playfulness of spring.  Watch the birds,
the insects, the butterflies.  Listen to the sounds of spring.  Allow
yourself enough time to sit by the flowers, beginning to open, un-
furl their leaves.  And within this symphony of life born anew,
it is important to remember, that it is also being born anew,
within you.  You release the sleepiness, the slowness,
of winter, and embrace the dance of spring,
and all the playfulness it brings.
You are My child.  Go,
and see the beauty,
Earth is rising-up,
a new spring, a new life.
And The Holy Sprit says: Look all around
you.  See, be amazed, be filled with wonder, and then
let gratitude, and thanksgiving, move through your body, for
that which God has created; and, in this feeling, remember too, it is God
who created you!  Therefore, as you dance into springtime, knock on the door of your heavenly Parent, and say, "Hello, God, it is me.  Will You
come out and play with me, today; and God will always say, "Yes!"

April 20, 2015

Blessed are you who have the faith
to be still, ~ and sit with Me, ~ while
storms rage, and twist, and turn, and
howl all around thee, until they pass,
and all is quiet, and the day is born
anew.  And The Holy Sprit says: It is not
necessary to get caught in the
storm, to be battered
by the wind, and
bruised by
the rain;
for, there
is sanctuary in
the lap of God.  It is
safe there, until the storms
pass, and the day is renewed.

April 12, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

you begin to see signs,
as guidance coming to you every day,
rather than something happening by chance,
or coincidence, you will begin to live in confidence,
you will find you are able to do, that which you con-
sidered impossible to do.  And The Holy Sprit says: Begin
to see, that which is occurring around thee, as
a miracle of guidance, ins what you
should do!  Read
the signs!
Cast away
the doubt, and
follow the course
that is your destiny!

April 18, 2015

as the rain,
gentle enough
to rest upon the
petal of a flower,
strong  enough  to
change the course
of a river.   And The
Holy Sprit says: Be as
the rain,  nourish-
ing, and sustain-
ing, and bring-
ing life to all

April 17, 2015

Let today
be a celebration
of life, upon Earth; and
let it also be a celebration
of eternal life beyond Earth.
And The Holy Sprit says: God has
given you eternal life, cele-
brate; and live forever
in the light of

April 16, 2015

task, or project,
you really do not want to do,
will, always, be looming over you,
until you face it, and are done with it,
until you are through!  And The Holy Sprit says:
A sense of freedom comes with completing a task,
or a project, you have been avoiding!  So, commence
with enthusiasm; ~ for, once you start, ~ it will be done!

April 15, 2015

you are able
to walk in peace, amidst
chaos and confusion, it is a blessing.
And The Holy Sprit says: Knowing, without doubt,
that you are doing the will of God is a treasure,
far more valuable than silver or gold.  Walk
in peace, amidst chaos, and con-
fusion, doing the will
of God!

April 14, 2015

your day
seems to be
off-track, stop what
you are doing, and put it back
on-track, by doing a good deed,
an act of kindness, or
generosity, for
And The
Holy Sprit
says: Every
act of kindness
is a ray of sunshine
which will brighten your day.

April 4, 2015

When you are given the opportunity to retreat
into My arms, look around, and you will find Me,
arms open, waiting to receive you; and in our sweet
embrace, I will reveal to you, all you need to know,
words... just for you, words... especially for you;
for the world knows not what is written, hid-
den, and concealed, on your heart; but
I know, and I will speak to thee,
and you will hear Me;
for, we are one,
And The
Holy Sprit says:
Resist the temptation
to look out into the world,
for that which you need; for,
most often, that which you really
need is found in the quiet time: when
you reach-out, and you are able to see,
the unseen; when you are able to hear, that
which others do not hear; when you are able
to feel the presence of God, near to you.  This
day, turn around and behold that, which you
were meant to behold, uniquely for you.

Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015

Do not be limited by what you did,
or who you were, yesterday.  Free yourself,
from the binding cords of yesterday, and live today,
fully, completely.  Live today, and as you live this day, it
becomes the stepping stone to tomorrow; and, as you step
upon the stone to tomorrow, you are no longer limited by
what you have done, and who you are, today.  Creation
continues!  And it continues with you!  Arise, awaken
you are born again.  Every day, you are born anew.
And The Holy Sprit says: It is time, you are ready to walk
into the new day, which has been given, unto you!
Come, let us go-out and see all that you will do.
For you will be "the sign," unto many, un-
to others that the new day is here, and
all things are possible, for those
who will be quiet, to stop,
to listen, and to

April 6, 2015

you are willing
to follow the path of
"forgiveness," it leads you
alongside gently flowing waters,
and all that you are willing to release,
and forgive, is washed clean therein.  And The
Holy Sprit says:  When you are willing to follow the path
of forgiveness, it leads you through valleys up onto the mount-
aintops, and all you are willing to forgive, and release, is carried
away, in the arms of The Wind, forgiven, and made clean, therein!

Good Friday
April 3, 2015

Divine Plan
encompasses all
you are to do.  That which
you are to do upon Earth is great; it is a vital
and important piece of the eternal story; but,
this should not put you in concern or worry;
for, as it is part of The Divine Plan, it is
moved by My hand.
You are My helper.
You are the one
who brings it
to Earth!
do not be
concerned about
your mission, about its worth.
Know that I AM with you; and together,
we will accomplish all that you need to do, and
it will be done in glory, and in light, together, as One.
And The Holy Sprit says:  God's plan for you is great, and divine!  All
you have to do is stand-up, and say, "Let it be done.  Thy will be done,"
and then, wait to be moved by the hand of God.  The hand of God will lead
you up the mountain to the highest peak!  The hand of God will lead you in-
to the valley to look into cracks and crevices to seek the beauty of Earth, all
around you; the hand of God will lead you down rivers, and over oceans;
it will lead you every place you are to go; therefore, take it easy,
be slow, be purposeful, be happy, be joyful; for, the hand
of God doth move, and it moves, within you!

April 8, 2015

prayer is first,
and work is second, then
there comes play, in third place,
it is a good day; but then, there are some days
wherein prayer is first, and play is second, and work
takes over third place; and this day is good, as well!  Enjoy
the day; however it comes to you; ask for guidance, and
you will know, exactly what to do.  The perfect day
is always composed of prayer, work, and play.
And The Holy Sprit says: Be quick to understand
that work must be balanced,
with play.
all that you need
to do; but, keep the spirit
of play alive, within you. Laughter
is the best medicine for you; so let each
day, have a bit of prayer, work, and play.

April 7, 2015

Watch the birds, and listen
to their song, and then, let them
be your example, all the day long.
And  The Holy Sprit says:  Hear the birds
and their morning song, watch them
fly, from branch to branch, moving
into the new day, filling the air
with song.  This day
is yours!
the birds, and
sing along.  Let this day
be a celebration of life.
You are living it now.
Live today
in such a way
that you will not
look back and say, "I
wish I could relive that
day."  Live the day now!

April 13, 2015

you are willing
to give Me your problems,
I will lead you to resolution,
and peace will reside within
you, once again.  And The
Holy Sprit says:
Do not
in darkness,
when the light of God
waits to enfold you.  Open
your eyes, and see the light!

March 29, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

You have been given a gift;
yet with this gift comes a sacred
responsibility.  You have been given
the gift of today!  How you create, today,
will be your gift back to Me, and all eternity
waits to see, what you will create, today.  And The
Holy Sprit says:  When you first realize, when you really
know, that what you are about to create with this day
has never been seen, has never been known, be-
fore, you rise to the occasion, and walk
into the day!
It is a miracle!
It is a piece of eternity,
which you are creating, today!

April 11, 2015

When you commit something to memory, you remember it
as long as your brain retains, and can recite, the information;
however, when you practice that which you have been told every
day, many times a day, rather than being committed to memory, it
becomes a part of you; as you practice it, it becomes how you think, and how you speak, and the deeds you do, it becomes more "of you,"
because you are "living the words," rather than trying to remember
the words.  Therefore ~ take that which you are told ~ and live it!
And The Holy Sprit says:  Revelation is a gift!  And to use the gift, fully,
you must put the revelation to work: doing it, practicing it,
becoming, and letting the revelation become,
an active piece of you!
Remember, listen:
hear the words,
listen to the words,
and practice the words,
in the messages given to you.
That is all you need do!  Be The
Living Word, which comes to you!

April 10, 2015

One day, spent in joyous delight,
is more productive than one hundred
days, caught-up, in anxiety, and fright.
And The Holy Sprit says:  Breathe-in the freedom
the new day brings to you; ride upon The Wind
I send unto you!  One joyous day, will take you
to so many places you have never been, filled
with joy, and delight.  One such day,
is far more productive,
riding upon The
Wind, than
one hundred days
locked in the doldrums.  So,
let us begin.  Come, ride The Wind!

April 9, 2015

not let
another's actions
rob you of your joy of life; for,
your joy of life is the food you live upon,
is the drink, when you are thirsty.  Your joy of life
is something you can count upon, when things don't seem
to be going right around you.  And The Holy Sprit says: Every situation,
and every occurrence, is a lesson, it is a step forward.  In fact, put it where
it belongs in importance; and that would be, that every step forward, into a
situation is actually a fact finding mission, gathering information; and when
you have the information that you need, and it looks right to you, then you
act, and you know what to do.  Sometimes there is the temptation to get
frustrated when you don't have all the information you need.  And
when you find yourself in that situation, set it aside, and say,
"I will look at you, when I have all the information
I need."  That is how you do it,
one step at a time.
If you don't have
all the information
you need, you are just
missing that step.  Don't be
frustrated, don't be worried, or
concerned.  The next step is, get the infor-
mation you need.  And having that information
will bring you peace, and you will operate in confidence.

April 2, 2015

See yourself, as I see you,
My child ~ filled ~ with delight,
you are amazing, you are a miracle,
and you have come from Heaven; therefore
see yourself as such!  Do not spend time, or con-
centrate, or focus, on all that you think, you should do
to improve you.  Rather, focus on the perfection unfolding,
from within you.  Focus on the good you do, and then, the good,
and the light, and the love will take care of any darkness or shadow.
Bring forth the light...from within you; and know that light...is you.
And The Holy Sprit says: Today, focus on the good you do; focus on the light within you; focus on the thoughts you have,
and bring them to
a place of pace;
focus on the words
you say, and bring them to
a place of love, encouragement, support;
focus on the good, and the good will take care
of the rest; you are the perfection of God, unfolding, in
your own time; see that and know, you are the light of God.

April 1, 2015

Resist the temptation to listen to gossip, or to others
speaking-ill of another; for this information is general-
ly used to fall into the trap of judgment.  When tempted
by these things, turn your head, and you will hear My
voice, and I will speak to thee, and say, "Come, and
sit with Me!" And The Holy Sprit says: When you reject
the temptation of gossip, when you resist
the temptation to speak ill
of others, you actually
save yourself!
Walk away from
these trials, and into
the arms of God.  Turn your head,
and move quickly; look around you at the trees,
and the clouds, the flowers, the smiling faces of other
people; look quickly, and focus sharply on the glory, of
creation, all around you!  In this Way, you will stay free!

March 31, 2015

As you begin to work your list of things to do,
think on this: stop... in-between each small step,
and pray... blessing all that you are doing, during
the day; and, in this Way, as the sun begins to set,
you will have accomplished more, than you could
ever have imagined, before the day began. And The
Holy Sprit says: Mix it up, stir the pot, do some work
and then pray, do some work and then play.
Continue through the day: work,
prayer, play.
You will find,
when  the  moon
is beginning to rise,
that you have created
a great surprise, the per-
fect day,  with  a little work,
a little prayer, and a little play.

March 30, 2015

is definitely
a slippery slope,
wherein you believe
you are judging another; but,
actually, it is thee who gets roped, and
pulled, into the energies you least like, you dislike,
you abhor; and they hold you down, and they keep you
from running, and singing, and dancing.  Therefore,
let it be your intention to withhold judgment.
And when you are tempted,
speak with Me, and
I will guide thee!
And The Holy Sprit says:
Resist the temptation
to judge another, and you
will free yourself.  Resist the
"temptation," to judge another.

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: