May 17, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

If you will listen, and hear Me,
I will send you forth to gather,
and as you bring these things
back, we will, together, con-
struct something that is
a fitting monument
to your lifetime,
upon Earth.
And The Holy
Sprit says:
You are
the hands,
and the eyes,
and the feet of God
upon Earth!   Look,
and see.  Pay atten-
tion to the signs
that come
to thee,
and follow.
In this Way,
all your work will
be used for the glory.
And that which rises-up
from the rubble of Earth,
will be: a testament, a testi-
mony, to your life upon Earth.

May 23, 2015

Be thankful
for all that comes
to you, and be quick to
forgive, all trespasses, created
by others or created by you, and you
will be happy, your whole life through, in
the present, now, and the future, that awaits
you, the eternal future, for all time, forever.
And The Holy Sprit says:  Embrace every situation
you encounter, and resolve any issue which
comes to you, prayerfully.  This will give
you, a feeling of confidence, knowing
what God can do through you.  Be
quick to forgive, to forgive all
others, and yourself, in this
way, you will live in joy,
in comfort, and
in peace!
May 22, 2015

That which you give, unto others,
will be given unto you.  That which
you feed others will be fed unto you.
That which you say, unto others, will
be said unto you.  And The Holy Sprit says:
Be mindful to let your thoughts be of
love; so that the words you speak,
spring forth, from a loving
heart, to nourish,
and nur-
May 21, 2015

not wait
'til times of crises
to call My name, walk
and talk, with Me, when
there is an abundance of
sunshine, and flowers,
when the days are
long, and
and the nights,
tender.  And The Holy Sprit
says: There is comfort, and com-
plete trust, in the arms of a loved one!
May 20, 2015

The ways of the world
can weigh heavy on your heart,
and spirit, stripping your soul of its song;
but My ways will lift your heart, and spirit,
and raise-up the song of your soul.  And
The Holy Sprit says: Do not deny your-
self the joy of living a life
guided, by the
hand of
May 19, 2015

The day,
or the night, is
altered according
to your perspective.
And   The   Holy   Sprit   says:
When  you  look  at  things
through the eyes of sorrow,
sorrow cloaks your vision.
When you look at things
through the eyes of
love, love en-
your vision.
Your perspective
creates the tone, and
the motto, of the day.
May 18, 2015

the temptation
to be out-of-sorts, or ill-
tempered.  And The Holy Sprit says:
Be mindful of the energies you choose
to use, during the course of a day, ac-
cepting responsibility, for your
decisions, rather than
casting blame on

May 9, 2015

When you are at peace, within:
your laughter is fuller, and deeper;
your song is brighter, and lighter; and
your love is purer, from having the room
to grow in the light of peace.  And The Holy
Sprit says: Cultivating peace, cultivates all
other things, at the same time; for,
in peace: you sing,
you grow,
you love,
and you laugh;
and your Eternal Parent
sees this state that you have
created, and smiles upon you.

May 10, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

When you remember
Who your Eternal Parent
is...  when you acknowledge
that  your Eternal Father... is
ever  present,  and  powerful;
and your Eternal Mother... is
ever caring,  and  nurturing,
then you find that you have
the ability to change days
of desolation... and iso-
lation, into days of
Remember from whence
you came, first; and celebrate
this day, honoring your Eternal
Parent.  And The Holy Sprit says:
You are spirit first.
You are born of flesh,
so that you might accomplish
a mission upon Earth, and return Home,
into the arms of your Eternal  Parent, your
ever present Father, your ever loving Mother.

May 16, 2015

The only way you can be happy, and joyful,
and filled with My glory, all of the time,
is when you are connected with Me.
Therefore, when you are happy,
and joyful, and filled with
My glory, all of the time,
others know, you are
connected with Me.
Celebrate the connect-
ion between you and Me;
for I AM your Eternal Parent;
and it is possible to be connected with Me,
forever.  And The Holy Sprit says: When you are happy
and joyful, you are exhibiting that which is within you.
When you are dower and sad and mournful, you are ex-
hibiting that which is within you; and if you know that
it is God with you, and within you, how can you be
anything, but happy, and joyful, and filled
with the glory, that is within you?

May 15, 2015

Concern and worry,
anxiety, fear and doubt
these things distract you
from the glory that is our
relationship, maintained,
even when you are walk-
ing upon Earth.  I AM
close to you.  I AM
with you.
let us sing,
and celebrate
every minute that
you are upon Earth, because
it is your opportunity to complete
a mission, to bring The Kingdom of Heaven
onto the Earth, more fully.  If every one of My children
will turn their heads from distraction, and focus on the mission,
sooner, rather than later, it will be The Kingdom of Heaven, oper-
ating fully upon the Earth.   And The Holy Sprit says:   Do not be distracted from your mission.  And do not be distracted from what your mission ~ is!
Your mission, no matter the design, of it, is to bring The Kingdom of God onto the Earth as it was intended to be.  Therefore, tend your garden of Heaven; make sure that it is filled with the glory of God, and all other
things will fall from you; and you will be happy; and you will sing!

May 12, 2015

Those who are willing to offer their hand in peace,
even when there is the greatest possibility that this offering
will be rejected, are the peacemakers; for peace has already been
created, and lives, because they gave birth to it, within their heart;
and no amount of rejection can tear down the peace created in one's heart; therefore, rise-up all ye peacemakers, and know this, peace is
created within you, and when you make it your intention to do so,
peace exists!   And one day,  those who have created this peace,
will see it come together,  as it snaps into place:  click,  click,
click!   And there will be more peace, than there is the de-
sire to reject it.  And it will be powerful!  And The Holy Sprit
says: Do not lose sight of what you are doing.  If you create
peace in your heart, it exists.  If you create love in your
heart, it exists.   So, offer this peace,  offer this love,
and let those "know," that there are others wil-
ling to be peacemakers, even in the face
of rejection.  So, let it be!  And
let it be, peace, creat-
ed within

May 11, 2015

There are
always those
around you, who
could  use  a  smile,
who need a kind word,
encouragement, support.
Pay attention, and be the
provider of these things.
And The Holy Sprit says:  You
will be surprised, how
much better, you
feel, when
you take
the time
to make
feel better.
This energy,
that passes from you
to another, blesses you first!
It is conceived within you, born with-
in you, and it flows from you.  Therefore,
be quick to smile, with great speed, offer
words of kindness, and support, encour-
agement, and your day will be blessed.

May 14, 2015

Now is
the time for rest,
for setting yourself aside,
so that you might hear My whisper,
so that you might feel My arms around you, so
that you might "know, I AM, with you!"  And The Holy Sprit
says:  There are times for almost everything, in one's life: singing
and dancing, praying, working, playing, day-dreaming, wishing,
hoping, studying, practicing.  The list goes on, and on, and on.
But  there  is  also,  in  every  day,  a  time  for  rest,
so,  once it is done,  you might rise-up,  and
be on your way, refreshed, and
filled with The Spirit
of God!

May 13, 2015

When you count on another human being
to be the source of your joy, and happiness,
you set-yourself-up for disappointment; but,
when you count on My love, being the source
of your joy, and happiness, you set-yourself-
up for glory, and delight, you set-yourself-
up, for living a life blessed, joyful, filled
with happiness, touched by My hand.
And The Holy Sprit says: Be mindful
of where you place
your trust.
It is best
to place
your trust
where there is
no chance to fall, or to trip.
The hand of God is ever-steady.  It
will lead you where you need to go.  Place
your trust in God!  Count on the source of your joy,
and happiness: to be with God, to be in God, to be of God.

May 8, 2015

I whisper,
and call you, and
you rise-up, and follow,
no matter what happens today or tomorrow,
there is never dread attached to your experience,
there is never worry, or concern, or anxiety,
about this, or that, or the other;
for, you know, in our
we are One,
and that which
I ask you to rise-up,
and do, is "yours," to be done!
And The Holy Sprit says: Oh what confidence
you will know, when you hear The Voice, and
rise-up to go, without hesitation into the day, or
night, free of sorrow, or sadness, even fright, be-
cause it is God, Who has called you to rise-up to
go; therefore, the One, you follow, is The One,
Who Created All Things, and you "know,"
it is your destiny to rise-up, and go!

May 7, 2015

to My children
upon Earth, thousands
of years ago; and for those who
would hear Me and follow Me, their lives
upon Earth were made better!  I talk to My children upon Earth
today; and for those who will hear Me and follow Me, their lives
upon Earth are made better!  And I will continue to talk, into
tomorrow, and for those who will hear Me and follow Me,
their lives will be made better!  And The Holy Sprit says: Be
still, and listen, and The Whisper will fill thee, and God
will walk with thee.  He will ask you to set your sail,
and The Wind will fill your sail,
and your spirit,
and your soul will sing,
and your life upon Earth will bring
peace... and joy... and happiness... to
you, and to many others, through you!
May 6, 2015

When you are  content  to go  where  I lead you,
your hand in Mine ... without fear ... or hesitation,
your life upon Earth is more divine, than mundane,
because you will be living that which was ordained,
for you.   You will be living your destiny.   You will,
truly,  be living  the great adventure,  upon Earth.
And The Holy Sprit says:  When you are content  to walk
The Way,  without fear,  or hesitation,  or concern,
every day, you live to the fullest measure: you
laugh, and sing, and dance, and under-
stand, that your life upon Earth,
the brief time you have, is
to be cherished, as
the treasure
it is!

May 5, 2015

It is
when you find,
you are finally able to see the signs,
to read the signs, to know the signs;
but when you are willing to follow
the signs fully and completely,
your life upon Earth
will be divine.
And The Holy Sprit says:
Yes, practice every day,
begin to look, and see, so that you
might recognize the signs that are being
sent to thee.  And then, with this recognition,
begin to know what the signs are saying to you.
Which way should you go?  Should you go fast?
Should you go slow?  Should you sit?  Should
you stand?  The signs are around you, and
they are grand, leading you into a land
that is driven by the unseen.  You
will master these signs; you
will know what they mean; but it is
your decision to follow the signs.  If you
choose wisely, you will follow the signs, and they
will lead you, and your life upon Earth will be divine.

May 4, 2015

The words of the world to you, are often,
"Do not put all of your eggs in one basket."
That is the way of the world, prompting you
to cover all bases, in the event you fail.  I ask
you to put all of your eggs in the One basket,
contribute everything you have to our rela-
tionship.  Be willing to do, and to give,
all I give, unto you; for the purpose
of the success for your mission;
for My hand will move you,
and that which you are
to do, will be done,
as it is intended,
as it is outlined
in the Divine
Plan.  And The
Holy Sprit says:
Often, the ways
of the world teach you
the opposite, from The Way,
of The Kingdom of God.  Your life u-
pon the Earth will be secure, and complete
the day, the minute, the very second you pronounce,
"All that I have God, I given unto You.  All of my energy, all
of my love, I give unto You.  And in this sweet exchange, I stand in
Your light, and we are One.  God, what can I do, in honor of You, today?"

May 3, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

with thee;
and when you respond
to My call, and reach-out, and
take My hand, I AM closer to thee,
than ever before; and, together, we
walk the land.  And The Holy Sprit says:
If you are holding the hand of God,
and you know it, there will be no
fear within you; and if you are
holding the hand of God
and know it, with
no fear
within you,
it is impossible
to be angry, or hate
another, or be jealous;
realize the potential, of the
perfect life upon Earth, when
you hold the hand of God, and
go forth; believe, and you shall
live life to the fullest measure!

April 26, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Only when you are willing
to tend, and grow, and harvest
a garden, of peace, within, will it
be bountiful, and reach its true po-
tential, within you.   Left untended,
the garden of peace will not be, you
will have but a seed, within you.
And The Holy Sprit says: You carry
a seed of peace, within
you.  Water it,
with your
it is there,
ready to grow.
Cultivate the soil
of your spirit, and soul,
in such a way, that the seed
of peace has room, for its roots
to reach-out, and grow.  And soon
you will harvest.  And the harvest
will be bountiful, and all around
you will know, you have rais-
ed-up a garden, of peace!

May 2, 2015

you will be
still and quiet
and sit with Me,
you will be healed
from the chaos, and
the confusion, and the
loudness, and the noise
of the world; and, in the
healing, and in the quiet,
you will know peace, and
peace will be with you!
And  The  Holy  Sprit  says:
Sometimes, all you
need to renew
your body,
soul, and
is to be
still, and
quiet, and you will
feel the peace of God,
flow into you, and there
it will remain.  Peace will
abide in you; and, you will
be healed, and made whole.

May 1, 2015

It can be
difficult to hear Me
when you are living in a world
of noise and chaos.  And The Holy Sprit says:
It is easy to become accustomed to the sounds
of the world, the noise of the world: the television
blaring, music blasting, telephones ringing, people
talking louder, and louder, because they think, the
louder they speak, the more people will hear, and
understand.  The noise level, most often, is more
than you can command to be quiet.  You can-
not hear a whisper, when there is noise, all
around you.  Pick a day to be still, to be
quiet, go wherever you need to go to
find that peace, and tranquility,
and then, in this serene set-
ting, set yourself down,
so that you might
talk with
The quiet
will enfold you,
and hold you, and
you will feel the cares
of the world fall from you
as the whisper comes, and fills
your  heart,  and  your  soul,  and
your spirit, with the presence of God.

April 30, 2015

If you will but listen, I will whisper;
and, you will hear Me, and I will guide
you along The Way, leading you, in: what
to do, where to go, what to say; and, in this
glorious Way, we will move into the day.  And
The Holy Sprit says: When you are making plans on
how your day should unfold, first, be quiet, be
still, and let the plan unfold, from the hand
of God.  And then, you will rise-up, and
all things will move swiftly, and will
move without hesitation.  It will
move, and flow, and come
together, and before
you know it,
the day
will be ending, the
chores will be done, and
it will seem a miracle, that
it all was more fun, than work.

April 29, 2015

There is
nothing boring,
about experiencing
a lifetime upon Earth.
Every single lifetime is a
story unfolding, and you
are creating your story.
And  The  Holy  Sprit  says:
How do you want
your story
to read?
It is in
Live; create
the story, of your life,
upon Earth, as you would like
to experience it: filled with excitement;
filled with glory and laughter and happiness;
filled with miracles; and, amazing things; filled
with good.  Write your story.  Create your story.

April 28, 2015

The faith,
which sustains you, when you
must walk through the valley of shadow, will
be the wing, that will lift-you-up, when your journey
is complete, carrying you to the highest peak, of the tallest
mountain, so you might stand in the light!   And The Holy Sprit says:
As you journey over the Earth: sometimes you will walk through pleas-
ant meadows; sometimes your travels will take you into desolate places;
and, other times, you will feel as if you were soaring on wing, radiant, in
the light of the sun, speaking naught, but to sing!  Your journey is filled
with many things; but one thing is constant, and ever-present, and that
is the love of God, with you!  And when you are within the love of God,
your heart and soul and spirit feel the guidance, and you know more.
That would be: the angelic presence, of your guardian!  That would
be the piece of God, which is at the core of your being.  So, when
you are tempted to see only shadow, and darkness, close your
eyes, and ride upon the wing, to the highest peak.  Open
your eyes, and then you will see the light, and you
will feel the joy, and the peace it brings.
All you need to be at peace
is to go with-

April 27, 2015

When your heart is open to My love, and My light,
you find it easy to reject the temptation to quarrel, bicker,
or fight, because you have no time to enter into this activity
when you are in communion with Me.  Stay in My light, and
every day, every night, will be total delight.  And The Holy Sprit
says:  A blade of grass,  or a solitary flower,  will push through
a sidewalk of gravel,  or concrete,  so that it might reach-
up, and stand in the light of the sun.  You were meant
to do the same, no matter what is piled upon you,
or around you.  When it is your intention
to stay in the light, it shall be done.
All things will fall, when your
intention is to stand tall,
in the light of

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: