February 28, 2015

you are tempted
to believe you are all alone,
whisper My name.  And The Holy Sprit says:
When you whisper the name of God
your quiet whisper rises,
as an anthem for
faith, believ-
ing, that
God is

February 27, 2015

it takes a little support,
encouragement, and nudging, to get
the young bird to leave the nest, to take flight;
but once the bird is in the air, all cares and concerns
disappear, and there is sheer delight, in learning the flight,
the bird is meant to take.  And The Holy Sprit says: Do not hesitate
to go forward into a new phase, or to take a step in a different
direction; because, when you are called, and it is destiny
calling you, it is your time to rise-up, and go forth.
Therefore, do so eagerly, with enthusiasm,
for the adventure that lies

February 26, 2015

you have
a mission to do,
it is often necessary
to disconnect from those around you,
so that you might complete the mission,
so that you might make the journey
that is yours to make!
And The Holy Sprit says:
When you rise-up
each day ask,
and you
will be
The Way
you are to go.
Then, as the sun rises
into the day, set your course,
and off-you-go, seeking new hor-
izons, creating, in the light of God!

February 25, 2015

and sit with Me.
Converse with Me;
and the answers will
come to thee.  And The
Holy Sprit says: Sometimes
one questions, and one answer, does not suffice; for,
there is so much more; therefore, in the sweetness
of communication, in the completeness of com-
munion with God, you begin to understand
the question, and understand the answer,
as well; and within this understanding,
you find the seed of wisdom
to know what
you are doing,
and how to do it,
in the light of God.

February 24, 2015

you must be willing
to release all of the things
you have done, and the ways
you have done them in the past,
to embrace  the glorious  present,
which is different, which changes
the past; and, makes it a lesson,
and opens a roadway, a path-
way, which leads you onto
The Way.  And The Holy
Sprit says: It is often
necessary to
used to
do some-
thing, so that
you can remember
how you have always,
and eternally, done something,
through the grace, and the glory of God.

February 23, 2015

only begun
to open the doorway
to communication between you and Me;
there is so much more you can say, and hear,
and see.  When you have established that
you can speak to Me,
and I can speak
to thee,
and our
is good, then
you need to take
another step, so that
you feel My presence, you
feel My touch, you feel Me, with
you, in such a way that there is no doubt,
within you, what you are to do, for the remainder
of the day.  And  The  Holy  Sprit  says:  Even for those who believe
they are very well connected with God, The Creator of All Things,
there is the possibility of more.  Do not limit yourself, do not shut the
door to all possibilities, because I tell you the truth, there is far more!

February 22, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

I will give you the confidence and the courage to do all things.
All of the things that you are meant to do, will be done by you,
and you will have the courage, and the confidence, to make
it through.  And The Holy Sprit says:  If you base your confidence
and courage on those around you, those individuals, family,
friends, associates at work, on what they say, or think of
you, then, you have the chance to fall, to fail, to not
make it through; but if you base your courage,
and confidence on what you can do: through
God; through the hands of God; through
the will of God; then you will succe-
ed.  Do not base your courage
and confidence
on the world
created by man;
base your courage and
confidence, upon the hand of God;
take it, hold it and follow the lead; in truth, in
eternal truth, the hand of God is all you will ever need.

Sunday February 15, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

From the time you are born you are taught how to navigate
the world created by man, how to work, and how to play, what is
appropriate to say, when to go here, and when to go there.  And this
is good; for, you are upon the Earth; and there, you must do, as you
should to obey the laws, and the restrictions, and the commands, as
the world sets them, before you.  However, it is important not to be distracted from your true mission, your true goal, while you are u-
pon the Earth; for, you see, being taught how to navigate does not
mean that it is to distract you from the journey, you are to take;
it is simply preparing you to know how to move, from one point
to the other.  What will make  your journey:  blessed,  sacred,
and complete  is to begin your day,  and end your day,  with
Me!  I will remind you ~ that you are to do this ~ or that
and I will be with you, as you make your way through
each day.  And come the end,  we will talk,  and we
will see, and you will know, what you have done,
and which ways you are yet to go!  And The Holy
Sprit says:  Always remember ... knowing how to
navigate is important, knowing how to move
in the world of man ~ is important; ~ but,
it should not  disrupt  The Divine Plan,
from unfolding within you, with you!
Your mission is blessed.  Keep God
at the center ~ of all ~ that you
do!  And then, your success
will fall, upon you!  And
every day of your life,
upon the Earth will
be touched, with
The Presence,
of God!

February 21, 2015

most im-
portant thing
that you can do
to assure your well-
being, spiritually, and
physically, is to maintain
peace within you. And The Holy
Sprit says: First, let there be peace,
within, yourself, within your being,
and then all other things will fall into
place.  Nothing, that swirls, about you
will bring disease, or unhappiness, for
those, who are at peace, within.  Let
the goal of this day be, to under-
stand, what it means to be
at peace, within.

February 20, 2015

Refuse, and reject, the thought, the idea, and the actual deed
of letting petty disagreements, and arguments, and hurt feelings,
frustration, concerns, and even anger, stop the corridors of your in-
ner-being, from flowing with My love; I do not measure-out My love,
giving more to this one, and less to that one; it flows as it pours from
Me, onto all that I have created in love, and I love all that I created.
Therefore, if you are feeling a lack of My love, it is because your
corridors, your doorways, your hallways, are cluttered with
debris, created by others, and created by thee!  There-
fore, make it your intention to clear these things
from you, so that you might truly "know,"
the power of My love,
within you!
And The Holy Sprit says:
The wise know the foolishness
of blaming others: for their actions,
for their words, for their thoughts.  Let
your mantra be, "I will tolerate no excuse
within me; for, it is my intention, to be free,
free of all clutter and debris, so I can feel the
glory of God, shining, completely within me."

February 19, 2015

Treasure ~ the blessings ~ you have ~ been given;
do not set them some place on a shelf, or in a closet
to admire them occasionally.  No, bring them forth,
every gift, you have been given.  Shine them, and
clean them, and hold them, and celebrate their
presence, with you.  And The Holy Sprit says: Let
today, be a day, that you spend
counting your
blessings, all
along The Way,
forget all else.  As you
focus, on the blessings, they
begin multiply, and you see more,
and more, and more, and then you begin to
acknowledge the true wealth you have been given,
the blessings which have been showered upon you.  Look
around, and celebrate, every blessing, you have been given.

February 18, 2015

Even when the negative situations from the past
attempt to train you to react in certain ways,
you must turn your head, you must reject,
the temptation to react to negative situ-
ations from the past, and breathe-in
My light, and fill yourself with
My glory, and you will feel
My power and presence
with you; and, you
will begin to write
a new story, of how the light,
of God, did illuminate the truth,
and change the past, to a lesson, that
you could embrace for good.  And The
Holy Sprit says: Do not dwell in the past
when The Presence is with you,
when the light is with you.
Shake the dust,
of the past
from your feet,
and walk into the new day,
filled with the glory, and the light of God!

February 17, 2015

Seek first
to maintain our
relationship: for therein,
you will find joy, and happiness; for
therein, you and I are connected; and,
you feel My Presence; and, when it is
your goal to remain with Me,
in My light, all other
fall into place,
they are "right,"
as they are meant
to be, in My light.
And The Holy Sprit says:
When you can sustain
your relationship, with
God, all through the day,
you will find great delight,
as you walk along your path,
upon the Earth; for, you will see
the beauty and the wonder; but you see
it, and all of God's creation, in the light, as
it was meant to be seen.  Seek first, the com-
pany of God; thereafter, all things will be right!

February 16, 2015

fect day,
begins with
ridding yourself
of negative thoughts,
and words; so that the deeds
you perform, and the things
you create this day, will be
filled with light, will be
a celebration of
the glory
of God.
And The
Holy Sprit says:
Let your intention be,
that you will create a day,
of light; and begin by celebrating
and dedicating the day to the glory, of
God.  What a perfect Way, to begin the day.

February 8, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

If you will choose to listen,
rather than to speak, you will hear;
and you will begin to "know," what is on the
heart of another ~ how they feel ~ how they think.
And with this knowing, you will come to understand
what is within them, what is growing, within them;
and in this understanding, you will begin to have
compassion ~ you will know compassion; ~ and
that will be the gift you offer, without words,
with love!  And The Holy Sprit says: The wise will
listen, and in the listening, know; and in
the knowing, understand; and
in the understanding,
find compas-

Happy Valentine's Day
February 14, 2015

is not the
outward showing
of extravagance, but the inner-
shining, and glowing, of a love that lasts,
created, at the core of your being, by The Creator -
by Me, by God - by Me, by your Eternal Parent -
by Me, within you.  Love comes from Me,
and it flows to you; and when
My love, flowing into
and through you,
is magnified
by the love
that is creat-
ed by you, then
there is love, born anew:
love that is tender, and sweet; love
that is powerful, majestic, and complete.
This is love.  And The Holy Sprit says: When you exhibit, on
the outside, the love that is glowing and burning, from the inside,
then, you are delivering the love of God, onto the Earth; and all around
are made better for the birth; for the creation, within you, has been born
upon the Earth.  It is cause for celebration... when you give birth... to love!

February 13, 2015

you start-out,
on the great expedition,
to complete your mission,
or to journey over the Earth,
as a child of God, be sure you
surround yourself, with indiv-
iduals, who are enthusiastic,
eager, and excited, and
attitudes, and
a belief in the expedition,
and the mission, and the journey
of a child of God; for, it is then, when
you are surrounded, with such individuals,
boosting your faith and confidence and courage,
that you will experience success!  And The Holy Sprit says:
There have been wonderful opportunities, great expeditions,
glorious missions, which were all 'possible to complete,' yet never
completed, because the one assigned to the expedition, or the mission, listened to those around saying 'that it was not possible, it could not be
done,' so they turned away from the light of the sun.  Do not surround
yourself with negative individuals, who discourage you.  Surround
yourself with individuals who will encourage you, and sup-
port you, who are eager, and who 'believe,' that
if it is yours to do, it is possible to do!

February 12, 2015

Climb-up to the top of the mountain,
and look-out, and see, all that is spread
in front of thee.  Then, climb-down from
the mountain, and move into the valley,
look, and see, all that is spread around
thee.  Then ~ make your way ~ to the
ocean, and look-out, over the sea,
and see, what is spread before
thee.  Take this day, to
explore, and see;
for, there is
great beauty,
all around thee!
And  The  Holy  Sprit  says:
Stand on a mountain, or stand
on a hill.  Stand on the seashore, or
stand next to a rill.  Walk into the woods, or
take a walk down the street, it makes no difference.
If you open your eyes, you will see, all around you there
is glory.  So, if you cannot make it to the mountaintop, if
you cannot make it into the valley, if you cannot make it
to stand by the ocean, to see, take advantage of what is
close to you, and there, be.  Be reflective, and silent,
and still, and much will be revealed to you
today.  Go into nature, and play!

February 11, 2015

As soon as you open the door to My light,
you are filled, with My love; and that is all
you know; you are illuminated, in My love,
for you.  And The Holy Sprit says: That which you
need ~ is always with you; ~ it requires one
thing, that you open the door between
the love of God,
and your-
self, and
you keep it
open, and you
delight in the flow, and
the feel, of the love, of God; and,
in this Way, you will always live in light.

February 10, 2015

When you rise-up, knowing, I AM
with you, trusting I will guide you, and
being comfortable in this wisdom, then
your day flows.  You know where to go,
what to do, and you do so, peacefully,
knowing that I AM with you.
And The Holy Sprit says:
this day,
and repeat
as a prayer, re-
peat as you pray,
I know God is
with me
this day.
I know God
will show me
The Way.  And then, let
it be.  Let it be your song.  Let it
be your dance.  Let it be your life.  Let it be.

February 9, 2015

you rain,
so that you might
see the beauty in the rain;
I give you the light of the sun,
so that you might see the beauty
in the light of sun; and between
the rain and the sun there is
created, the colors
of the rainbow,
each and every one
reminding you of: joy,
and peace, and happiness.
I have given you this day and
before it is done, you will create
something, which will rival the rain
and the sun, and even the rainbows, you
will create 'a day,' that has never been exper-
ienced before.  You have the gift of the day, what
you choose to do... is the way... you will go.  And The Holy
Sprit says: The opportunity has come.  You have often thought,
"If I could create... the perfect day... it would be... ... ."  Now, it
is time to make it so.  Rise-up... into the new day... each will go.

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: