July 12, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

did not
step forward
into life upon Earth,
without being fully prepared
to do so.  And The Holy Sprit says:
God breathed life into you,
and sent you forth
on a mission, much
the same as the diver,
going deep beneath the sea,
in search of something, is con-
nected to an air supply, one
that will guarantee
the safe journey
to the bottom
of the sea,
and back

July 18, 2015

you kindle
the flame of peace
within your being, it
must be tended;  for,
left untended, it will
cease to shine.  And
The Holy Sprit says:
When you
make it your intention to walk in peace,
to nurture peace within your being,
you must also make it
your intention
to tend
the flame,
to keep it glowing,
and burning, so that
it might sing-out in joy,
"I am a peaceful spirit."

July 17, 2015

Earth is a most beautiful place to be, especially when
you reach-out, and take My hand, and walk with Me;
for, I will point-out to you the beauty here, and there,
the glory all around you, everywhere; and, your eyes
will be shielded, from the muck, and the mire, and
all that you will see is My heart's desire for you!
And The Holy Sprit says: Refuse, and reject the idea
to go into darkness and shadow, when
you have the opportunity
to live, every day,
in the light
of God's

July 16, 2015

When the world seems,
as an angry sea, threatening to
sink your vessel, be still, and calm, and
look for the light; for, it is shining; and bring
your vessel into My port, where I will give you
sanctuary, and comfort, and rest, before send-
ing you back-out,  on your way,  to continue
your journey over the Earth.  And The Holy
Sprit says:   Do not give up!  When the sea
is angry, the lighthouse can always
be found, in the distance, shin-
ing, calling you to come in-
to a safe harbor, to rest
in the port, which
is the lap of

July 15, 2015

It is important to remember this, My child. No one's words,
no one's actions, can force you to react to a situation, or to
a statement.  You always have a choice.  You can choose
to react, and get pulled into the created energies; or,
you can use My love to act in the light, to be still
in the light, to be quiet, and live in My light.
And The Holy Sprit says: No excuse is acceptable,
you may use an excuse, for a while, if you
wish; but, in reality, what you choose
to do is your choosing alone.
Others might scream, and
argue, and stomp their feet,
and engage in physical combat
around you.  They might batter, and
assail each other, assaulting each other;
but you must choose to react, and enter in-
to the fray, or to stand in the light of God, and
be the symbol of peace, any given day.  Let there be
no excuses.  Let there be action in the light of God's love.

July 14, 2015

It is easy to get caught-up
in the every day tasks, and chores,
what you must do in the course of a day.
These things,  these items  upon your list,
will vanish,  as if in the mist,  if you take
My hand,  before the day begins.  Come
to Me first; and then, we will begin to-
gether.  And The Holy Sprit says:  Each and
every day upon the Earth ... is not only
a gift... it is a blessing.  If you begin
the day in prayer... you will be
led to understand  the gift,
and ready to embrace
the blessing, it

July 13, 2015

Have faith,
have courage, and
know, My hand is with you.  No
matter where you go, or what you do,
My hand is there, to help you through.
And The Holy Sprit says: No matter where
you find yourself, do not dwell in
the energy of despair,
or sorrow, or
frustration, or
confusion; for,
there is a way-out,
and it comes to you in
a prayer!   Reach-out;  and,
take the hand that is waiting there.

July 5, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Once you embrace living in the present
moment, you find, you are also: living in
wisdom; understanding the present; and,
seeing clearly each step along The Way,
into a new place, a new time, a new
present!  And The Holy Sprit says:
Resist the temptation
to run, and hurry.
Look.  Be still.
If you will reside
in the present, your
next step will be clearer,
it will hold the tone of clarity,
and it will ring-out, "I AM here!"
When you follow each step, you find it
easier not to trip, and fall, or wander off
the path.  Take each step, and stop, and see,
and live the piece of eternity that is that moment!

July 11, 2015

I AM speaking to you, can you hear Me?
I AM sending you messages... and signs.
Do you see them?  Can you read them?
And The Holy Sprit says: You can be assured
that God is speaking, and guiding you.
Pay attention: so that you might be-
come familiar with the signs; so
you might be able to read the
signs, and know the signs;
so that you might re-
cognize the voice
of God, with

July 10, 2015

When you reach-out to take My hand, to follow where I
will lead thee, you free yourself from crashing into boulders,
bumping into walls, tripping over rocks and stones and debris;
for, when I lead you to the right, it is because I see that, which is
in the road on the left, that which is out of your view at the time.
And The Holy Sprit says: When you can move, without questioning, then
you free yourself of all concern, and worry.  Each day you practice
this exercise, you are astonished, at the end of the day, at how
pleasant and easy, the walk was, understanding that
guidance of divine light is the guidance
that is divinely right, for you!
For the world will
often say, "Go this way,
because if you go this way,
you will surely have success,
you will,  surely,  meet the one
you are to meet."  Often, when
you are guided divinely, you do
not know "why," you are going
right, or left, at the time.  But,
after you make the decision
to follow the guidance
there is celebration,
and all is revealed.  Making
choices is part of your day, cho-
osing, divinely, is part of The Way.

July 9, 2015

as  you  walk
in the world today.
Do not kick over rocks,
disturbing the communities
which  live  under  the  rocks.
Do not  crush  the fallen trees.
Do not disturb that which you
find; walk, with gentleness
in your mind, leaving
footprints as you go,
marking The Way
that one of peace
has chosen to go.
And The Holy Sprit says:
Choose to stay connected
with God, this day; and, so much
will be revealed to you in every way, in
every corner, in every ray of sunshine, and
drop of rain.  That which God wishes to reveal
to you,  you will see,  as long as you are "connected."
Be mindful of that which you choose to do, and to say, today!

July 8, 2015

Focus on the positive,
on the things that create light, and love,
and in this way, you live in peace. And The Holy Sprit says:
If you focus on an argument, be it from the past, or in the present,
that is what holds your attention, and the energy from that argument is
what you are living-in at the time.  Choose to turn from negative energies,
the energies that seem heavy, and focus on the energies that are filled with
light.  These energies will lift-you-up, and soon your present day, will
be bright, filled with the energies of light.  Choose carefully,
where you wish to place your focus.

July 7, 2015

the temptation
to permit your mind
to be pulled here and there,
to wander this way, and that way,
moving in circles, faster, and faster.
Be still;  for,  it is in the stillness,
that you will hear Me, and I
will speak to you, and
I will say, Love
is The Way!
And The Holy Sprit says:
Some days there is a temptation
to be quick, to be fast, to move from here
to there; this type of day can also be a day
of confusion, and frustration; therefore,
be mindful; and, be still!  Start
the day in a quiet way,
then you will be able to
rise-up and see and know,
what to say, and where to go!

July 6, 2015

Sometimes, it is impossible to see clearly, because
you are walking in a cloud of doubt and confusion, or
fear, or worry, or anxiety.  It is in times like these that
I ask you to be still, and sit with Me, and together, we
will wipe away the cloud, and the sun will shine, and
you will rise-up, and walk in divine light.  You will
see, clearly.  And The Holy Sprit says: When the day
seems to be clouded with elements of ener-
gies, that bring you down, confine
you to a space, be still.
Do not jump a-
round, or
run from here
to there, distributing
this energy, as you go.  Be
still, and the presence of God will
move, in a strong way, and clarity will
be returned to you, that day.  The day will
come, and you will remember, "be still," and
clarity will be returned... remember... be still.

June 28, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

I have written ~that~ which
you are to do ~ upon your heart;
so that, when you are ready to open
your heart, and see, that, which will
be revealed, to you, a new life will
be given, unto you; for you will
be fulfilling My dream, for
you;  and,  it  will  be
good!  And The Holy
Sprit says: A-

July 4, 2015

Let your weary feet be tired no longer,
for I will wash them, and they will dance,
once again.  Let your tender heart be open,
and I will touch it and it will sing once again.
Let your thoughts wander not into darkness,
or shadow, for I will sit with you, and you
will begin to know My ways, for
My intention, for
My children, is
to be happy,
all of the days,
that you are upon Earth.
And The Holy Sprit says: Bring forth
the tired and the weary, those longing
for love... and kindness... and compassion,
and sit at this table... this banquet... this feast,
and you will know love, and you will know peace!

July 3, 2015

I will give you the courage to resist the temptation
to slip on the cloak, the clothing, the persona that
others wish for you to wear... for... it is My desire,
that you stand-up, and shine, as the star you are,
showing All That Is within you! And The Holy Sprit
says: Feel My breath upon you; for, when you
spread your wings to fly, as you are,
you will feel The Wind,
and it will be Me,
and I will move you,
where... you are... to go,
and you will know The Truth,
and you will see!  Do not be afraid
to stand-up, and be, the star. you are;
for in the heavens there are many stars,
they shine, as the children of God shine,
beyond counting.  Feel My breath, upon
you!  Spread your wings; and let us fly!

July 2, 2015

Embrace that which comes to you!
As it unfolds, take My hand; and we shall
walk through any turbulence, doubt, fear, or
confusion, together,  until you are clear, on the
other side!  And then, you will look around, and
know, The Power that is within you; for, there is
nothing, you cannot do; for, I AM with you!  And
The Holy Sprit says:  When you see the storm, or turbu-
lence approaching ... do not run ...  set your goal to
move  through  it,  and  come-out  the  other  side
better,  for the experience: knowing, the hand
of God rests with you;  knowing, you are
a child of God, moving at the speed
of God,  riding  upon  My
breath; for, I too,
Am with

July 1, 2015

Most of you spend your lifetime upon Earth, confined
to a box: windows shut, curtains closed, doors locked.
And this self-imposed isolation need not be; for, I call
on each of thee to rise-up, today, pull-aside the cur-
tains, lift-up the windows, and open the doors,
so that you might go out, and see Earth,
in all her glory, so that you might
sing, and dance in the sun,
and relax, and sleep
in the moonlight.
You are not meant
to be isolated in a box;
for, each of you is a piece of
the One, united eternally!  And The
Holy Sprit says: It is time to celebrate life
upon Earth in a major way.  Do not hide
behind closed doors, any longer.  It is time
for you to run out, into the meadow, to play.

June 30, 2015

When you make the decision to speak,
speak, with your "inner-voice," modulate
the tone of your voice, so that the vibration
moves-out and is pleasing to all who hear
the words you have chosen to say.  And
The Holy Sprit says: Begin to see, and
understand the power in
words, the tone
in which
the words
are delivered.
Begin to see, and
understand this, so that
you might speak: with a voice
that is pleasing; with a voice, whose
vibration, moves comfortably into the ear;
and, into the very soul, of those around you.
Speak and let your words be as a song of love!

June 29, 2015

Once you have made the commitment to walk through the day,
with an open heart, delivering love to all of the Earth, and all of
those of the Earth, then it is done!  The intention to do, creates
the act of doing, it gives birth to doing!  Therefore, once you
have made this decision you have already begun to do it.
If you slip, and fall, during the day, rise-up!  In fact,
you will feel my arms  lifting-you-up,  because of
the  "intention,"  you  made,  at  the  start  of
the day!   Go forth;  and,  deliver love, to
the Earth!   And  The Holy Sprit  says:  What
a difference a day makes.  A day filled
with love, moves from you, out, into
the world, and makes the world
a better place!  Touching each
one you pass with a blessing,
that sometimes they do not
even hear, changes others'
lives,  as  well.   And  once
you begin this sacred walk,
you deliver to Earth, in action,
not just in talk.  Go forth, and bless
the Earth this day, with the love of God, pouring
through you, and the world will be a better place!  Come
the night when you are still, you will remember, who you are;
and, what you are doing!  You are on a mission; sent from The
Kingdom of Perfection, by The One, The Creator, of all things!

June 27, 2015

if you hear
My voice directing you,
to do this, or that, or the other,
the direction is of importance, and
it is important to take the direction, and
act upon the direction, in a timely fashion.
If you act, as you are directed, all things
will fall into place, and your life, upon
the Earth, will be easier.
And The Holy Sprit says:
God speaks; and,
while God speaks
in a whisper, this
does not detract
from the importance
of the message, or the words
God speaks.  When you hear, or
when you feel, or when you know,
you are being guided to do something,
do so!   And do it,  in  a timely fashion!

June 21, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

the day
that is given
to you as a gift,
completely and fully,
to  experience  happiness,
during the day, that is your day
to create, you must first be at peace
within; for, if you are at peace, within,
there is nothing around you that can rock
you, shake you, or disturb you.  Therefore,
seek to establish peace, within your being.
And The Holy Sprit says: In order to be at peace
within your being, go to the core
of your being,
and connect fully,
and completely, with
the piece of God that is
with you, and within you.
For it is  when  you connect
with the piece of God, that is
within you that you come to
"know," true peace, resid-
es within you, as well.

June 26, 2015

Remember, when you have a lot to do,
to slow your pace.  A consistent rhythm,
moving you through the day, is far better,
and better for you, than to begin in a rush,
and find, come midday, that you have used
all the energy that you have stored-up; slow
down and move at a consistent pace.  And The
Holy Sprit says: As a child, you probably saw, or
heard, a grandfather clock, its beat consist-
ent, like a pendulum, swinging back, and
forth, chiming the half-hours, and the
hours, never changing its rhythm,
never hurrying the time, never
slowing its pace, because
the rhythm was con-
sistent, with the
time of day.
Think of
today, this
way!  Walk in-
rhythm, with the Earth!
Walk in-rhythm, with the day!

June 25, 2015

Pay attention
to what is going on,
around you; slow down;
you will actually get more
accomplished, if you will
slow down, because you
will expend less
moving at
a moderate rate,
and you will be less tired
when the task is complete.  And
The Holy Sprit says: Sometimes, when
there is much to do, the temptation
is to move quickly, from here to
there, and before you notice,
you are operating at
a frantic pace,
the task
is complete.
Pay attention
to what is happening
around you, and slow down.
Move at a moderate pace today.

June 24, 2015

you have lived,
filled with the energies, of:
anger, or bitterness, or sadness,
for a long time, it takes great faith
to set these burdens down, to take
the hand of God;  but,  once you
have made the commitment,
and these things are tak-
en from you, the
of God
and you are
filled with light,
and your future, as well as your present,
looks brighter, than it ever has, before!
And The Holy Sprit says:  It can be challenging
to change your patterns, to give-up your
ways, but once you do, you step into
days of glory, and delight,
when you give-up
anger, and
and sorrow
to be filled with the light of God.
The day moves, as a song, and a dance,
filled with the vibrations of Earth,
and the night is sweet, at last.

June 23, 2015

others seek,
or need, under-
standing, kindness,
compassion, and patience,
allow Me to fulfil their needs,
through you.  And The Holy Sprit says:
Sometimes, people, upon the Earth,
do not see the hand of God moving,
taking  care  of  them, providing
what they need; but, they do
see deeds of kindness,
and they do hear
words of
and compas-
sion, coming from
each other.  And in this way,
they see, and know God, as they walk
upon the Earth.  Let others know God
through you, through your words, and
deeds, and all you do; so that at the end
of the day, you may say, "There were some
who came to know God, through me, today!"

June 22, 2015

You feel good, when doing that which you are meant to do,
because it feels right, it fits you, in every way, and it is a joy
to get-up each day, and begin anew, when you are working on
that, which you are meant to do.  And The Holy Sprit says:  Someone
who wants to be a doctor, is not really comfortable when they are
assigned another task, such as creating a meal, or landscaping
a yard; they do it, but something is missing.  Oh, but when
you fit the person and the task, as it is meant to be,
there is joy, and delight, in doing that, which
is assigned to thee, because it fits, it is
comfortable, and you know
what you are doing.
Today, take some time
to ask for divine guidance
into this day by saying, "God,
what do you want me to do today?"
And then, you will be surprised, come
the night, that you have enjoyed each piece
of the day, because it fit you, and it felt just right.

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: