August  9,  2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

and you will hear
Me!  I will speak to thee,
and tell you, all you need
to know, and together, we
will go, into this new
day, as one!
And The
Holy Sprit says:
Walking with God
is as beautiful, as: a rising sun,
a setting sun, a moon climbing the sky
overhead.  It is natural.  It is, as it is meant
to be; and it is possible for each of thee to do; all
you have to do is listen; and, you will know The Way!
August 15, 2015

Soon the sun will rise,
shining its light on a new day, shin-
ing its light,  on a new stage,  in your lifetime
upon Earth;  and,  as  the sun shines,  upon the stage,
the actors move back and forth and you are there, because
today,  you are on the stage, of your lifetime.  The sun is sig-
naling to you, it is time to begin, anew; and there you will be,
moving back and forth; and, speaking, acting, thinking, until
the sun says it is time for this day to end, and the moon doth
rise, and the curtain falls once again.  And The Holy Sprit says: As
you begin this day, assign it the importance that it holds.  What
are you thinking?   What will you say?   What will you do?
The world is waiting to see.  Rise-up, the stage is wait-
ing for thee.  It is there tha,t you will show, and
create the day.  It is time t; igin.  Look,
here comes the sun!

August 14, 2015

Reject "the temptation," to speak ill, of another.
Hold your tongue, when tempted to gossip,
or berate one another.  Let the words
you speak, be as drops of light,
cast over seas of shadow,
and darkness.  And
The Holy Sprit says:
Be kind, and gentle, in
the words, and the ways, you
speak; so that you might be - a point
of light, so that you might show The Way, out-of
seas of darkness, onto waters of peace, and tranquility!
August 13, 2015

the opportunity
to support another, do so
with kindness, compassion, and en-
couragement, with words of confidence,
which lift-them-up in My light; for, My Light
will show The Way!  And The Holy Sprit says: A few
positive words, of encouragement, can lift
the misery,  carried by another,  and
replace doubt, with hope, and
darkness with the light
of promise!
August 12, 2015

are spirit,
first; therefore, you
must feed your spirit first.
A nurtured spirit is the well-
spring of a healthy mind, and
body, as they are intertwined
as one.  And The Holy Sprit says:
Today, take time to be quiet
and feed your
with God; and,
you will begin to see
the light, and know peace!
August 11, 2015

Every day upon Earth
is an important element
in the celebration of your
lifetime, each component
fitting together to tell the
story of your journey
depicting your
s a y s:
Even the
most ordinary
of days, brings the op-
portunity to bring light, and
glory, into the mundane, ordinary
transcending ~ into ~ extraordinary!
August 10, 2015

will accomplish more,
than a litany of chastise-
ment, and criticism.  And
The Holy Sprit says: Today,
choose kind-
ness, over
August 2, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Heaven is
with you!  All
of the dimensions
are with you, stacked
one on top of the other,
much like nesting blocks;
but to know this reality, you
must first be willing to acknow-
ledge the possibility of it, you must
be willing to open, to the possibility of it!
And as the possibility of it, slips into the prob-
ability of it, you begin to see through eyes of faith,
through eyes of belief.  And, it is then, that the un-
seen, becomes the seen.   And The Holy Sprit says: Amen!
August 8, 2015

When you
see  the  sun  rising,
in  the  sky  overhead,  raise
your  arms,  and  dance,  with  joy,
and sing!  When you see the sun set-
ting, in the sky overhead,  lay yourself
down,  time to sleep,  go to bed.  And The
Holy Sprit says: There is a beautiful rhythm,
a cycle,  a flow to Earth,  rising,  waking,
shining,  celebrating  life,  all  through
the day.  Then,  as the sun sets,  the
moon doth rise,  and it is time
to  sleep,  and  close
your  eyes.
August 7, 2015

life is a gift,
created by those who
come to the realization, that "every day
upon Earth is to be a celebration!"
And The Holy Sprit says: Rejoice!  This
day, is yours!  You have often said, "If I
could do anything, I wanted to do, this is
what I would create.
This is the day!
You can create the day
as you would like it to be,
a monument -to- this day,
and your faith and trust,
in your Eternal Parent,
who permitted you, to
come-out to play u-
pon Earth, for
a while!
August 6, 2015

With practice, and guidance,
you will soon "know:" what
to say, or when to say it, or
if, to say it at all!   And The
Holy Sprit says: Discernment
is a gift.  However, you
can practice
and soon come
to know, the attributes
of this gift, yourself; for often,
you will receive messages, or
you will know, something,
that is for you alone, for
you to know, and see.
August 5, 2015

A new day is with you; and this new day will be
what you create it to be.  Do not be bound, confined,
or restricted, by the things that happen during the day.
Do not catch yourself in a position wherein you will say, "If
I had not been caught in traffic,  If he had not interrupted me,
If my workmate would do this, If, and if, and if."  Stand-up, before
you go into the day, and cast all of the "ifs," from you.  Make your
decision right now to make this day, a perfect day in every way:  by being joyful,  by creating joy within your being;  by being happy,  by
creating happiness, within your being:  by being loving,  by creating love,  and kindness,  within your being.  Create this day,  as a joyful
day.  And The Holy Sprit  says: You will know that all is right, and you are in balance, when storms can rage all around you, and you feel there is a safe, peaceful port, a quiet, tranquil harbor, within you, because, in the end, the true source of peace, tranquility, and serenity is within.  Today, create from
within your being, with no regard of what is happening around you. And
in that Way, you will deliver to the Earth, that which is created,
from within you!  You will be the peacemaker.  You will be
the bringer of love.  You will be the bringer of quiet.
You will be the bringer of serenity.
You will be the bringer of courage.
You will be the bringer of faith,
and hope, and divine light.
Therefore, rise-up, and let it be.
August 4, 2015

When you are willing to look beyond the skin
and its color, clothing, words, assigned positions,
gender, age, and any other limitation we set upon
each other, you are given a gift; for seeing beyond
these things, you are able to see another child of
God, standing before thee!  My children come
in many different shapes, sizes, colors, and
gender.  They are either: young, or mid-
dle aged, or elderly; but, within each
child of Mine, there is "a piece,
of their eternal heritage,
that is divine!"
Look to see, and come to know,
your brothers, and your sisters.
And The Holy Sprit says:
It is time
to see God,
in all people;
for once you see
the image of God,
the face of Jesus,
the face of the
the face of the
enlightened ones,
within  each  person,
you draw them closer to the
realization of who they are, and
your seeing it, makes it so, for them.
Go forth, and bless each child of God, with
the recognition of God, within each one of them.
August 3, 2015

When the rain falls from the skies,
continuing the cycle, blessing the Earth,
it is sweet.   Sometimes it is powerful.   Still,
it brings the blessing, of cleansing water, touching
the soil, filling the rivers, and this act of rain, this bles-
sing rain, stirs the Earth; and the flowers, and the grasses,
and the trees respond,  and rise-up,  celebrating  the blessing,
in the light of the sun, remembering the rain, rejoicing the sun.
This day, be as the flowers, and the grasses, and the trees, respond
to the blessing, rejoice in the sun.  And The Holy Sprit says: As you move
and sway in the breeze, being the flower, or the grasses, or the trees,
do not stop with the celebration, or the rejoicing, of these things,
go further into understanding.   Give, as the trees.  Bring life
to those who need to breathe,  who need to fill their lungs,
their soul,  their spirit,  so their heart  can sing!  This
day,  act,  out of kindness.  The green kingdom is
one of the noblest kingdoms,  upon the Earth
existing!  Therefore, you can breathe, and
live.  Do the same today: celebrate the
blessings of the rain; rejoice in the
light of the sun; and bring the
breath  of  life  to  each
and  every  one,
you meet!
August 1, 2015

after taking part
in a flurry of activity,
it is time to sit down,
put your feet-up, and
watch things unfold,
around you.
how they unfold,
and watch, so that you might see,
and know.  And The Holy Sprit says: The hand
of God moves in interesting ways, and sometimes,
when you are very busy, and caught-up in activities,
which seem very important at the time, you do not see,
you cannot observe,
the unfolding of a day,
as it is meant to unfold.  You
are distracted, your attention is in
other areas; but, given the opportunity,
given a day which you can observe, sit, and see,
watch what happens, as the day unfolds, around thee.
July 31, 2015

The games of Earth are fun, and exciting to play; so,
let the games begin, today.  See how fast you can run;
see how high you can jump; but, do not forget, in the
play, to sing, as sweetly as you can sing, and dance,
as long as you can dance; for, your life, upon the
Earth, is limited.  Therefore, sing, and dance,
run, and jump, laugh, and let your heart
be light.  Let the games begin!  And
The Holy Sprit says:  Do not forget
the important component
of life upon Earth;
join in the fun,
play, run,
jump, sing, dance.
Do all of the things,
that are meant to be done,
upon the Earth.  Look and see,
run and jump, sing and dance; and,
fill the day, with a love of life; and you
will be at peace, when the day is done; for,
God  is  watching  over you!  You are, a child
of God, sent-out to play, upon the Earth.  Play!
July 30, 2015

To know freedom, you must
release the bonds of Earth,
to ride upon The Wind, and
you will come to know Me,
and you will be free, once
again. And The Holy Sprit
says: You will be
you will be
led to know:
what to say, where
to go, what to do; and,
this guidance will bring you
freedom; for, it will be especially
for you; and, as you loose the bonds
of Earth and follow the path, walk
in The Way, you will find that
worries, and problems,
and troubles,
fall from you, and
you are free, every day!
July 29, 2015

Take care
of the Earth.  See her
beauty, and know My glory, shin-
ing in her.  And The Holy Sprit says: Look, and see,
the beauty,  and the glory,  of Earth.  Do not take for
granted,  that which is given, freely,  by Mother Earth.
Breathe-in the air and thank the trees.  Drink the water,
and, thank the streams, and the rivers.  Eat the fruits, of
Earth, and thank the plants, and the soil.  Let your ears
drink-in the sounds of the birds and the bees, and The
Wind through the trees, and thank them all for the
symphony of life; for, as you do these things, you
draw closer to the circle, and begin to see
where  you  fit,  and  how  you
are, all connected,
July 28, 2015

you give Me
the opportunity
to move you through
the issues, of every day,
then, every day becomes
a day, when all things go
My way.  And The Holy Sprit
says:   Today,  give-up
thinking that
you must
every situation,
which comes your way.
At the beginning of the day,
ask God to show you The Way,
and all will be made clear, as you
pass through each minute, each hour
of the day; for, riding on the Breath of
The Wind, you will see, and know, and
God will point The Way, for you to go.
July 27, 2015

You will not know peace,
seeking  externally;  for,  peace
is created internally, sitting quietly
with Me, knowing My peace eternally.
And The Holy Sprit says: Peace is not held in:
believing you have enough money saved;
believing you have enough food to eat;
or believing ~ you have a roof~  over
your  head.  Peace  is  established
from within,  knowing that the
storms,  that  are  rumbling,
and rambling all around
you, cannot invade the
peace,  you  have
with God,
July 24, 2015

When you believe enough
to rest your faith in Me, I
wrap My arms around you
and all is changed!  You see
with Me, and you begin to know
that all things are as one.  And The Holy
Sprit says:  There is a gentle, tranquil peace,
waiting for you.  It is denied none.  You find
this pool of peace in the lap of God; before
the day begins, before the day is done,
it is with you, ever, with you.
All you need to do is
be still, and
you will know
the pool of peace.
July 26, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

When your survival is threatened,
I send you direction, I send you words
"so that you might survive, knowing
My word." When it is time for you
to live, once you have survived,
I send you direction, and
words, teaching you
"how to live,
My word."
And The Holy Sprit says:
There is great difference
in surviving and living.
There  is  a  different
perspective used
when you are
that perspective
of when you are living;
everything changes; once you
have survived, it is time for living.
July 25, 2015

When there is a decision to be made, be-
fore you rush-out, and select, one way,
or the other, come, and sit with Me.
Sit quietly with Me, and I will give
you direction, and in that direction
you will find confidence, so that you
can rise-up, and do that which you are
to do.  And The Holy Sprit says: Once you have
heard the direction, the whisper of God, you
gain confidence; and, there is no fear!  You
are no longer reluctant to move into the
territory, uncharted.  Before
the decision is made,
be still, and
make sure
you have prayed.
And all things will be revealed,
and you will rise-up, and the decis-
ion will be, the one, you are to make!
July 19, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

I send messengers with important lessons,
with guidance.  And as I send the messengers
forth, the years pass, sometimes one thousand,
two thousand years; the thought being that
in a thousand, or two thousand years,
the children of Earth would
heed the call, listen
to the message,
and follow
the direction.
And The Holy Sprit says:
Direction comes from God
all of the time, gently leading
the children who are walking
on the Earth, giving them
new direction, so
they might
rise-up, with
new understanding
of life, as it is meant to be lived!

July 23, 2015

not be
when you are
stirred from within,
to prepare for a journey,
to rise-up, to begin, to travel
into uncharted territory,
making your course,
into the future,
toward an
This is the call,
the notice, the sign,
that you are ready to move
from the place you have occupied
for a while, and it is good; for, making
the journey is worth the effort, reaching the
destination is sublime.   And The Holy Sprit says:   It is time
to reach-out into the world, and explore the places you have not been
before.  And for those who are willing to go, it includes seeing the unseen,
that which has not been revealed until it is time, until you are ready, until you feel the stirring within you,  until you rise-up,  and begin the journey.
July 22, 2015

Do not let other peoples problems
bring you down, into an energy
they have created out of fear
or depression, anxiety or
loneliness.  Let your
direction remain
in My light;
always offer
this advice:
"Ask in prayer,
and you will receive
that, which you need, at
the time you need it!" And
The Holy Sprit says:  Sometimes,
the light of God will lead you
to know, that you are the an-
swer to another's prayer!
July 21, 2015

Welcome to the day,
it has been created, and
now, it is your opportunity
to continue the creation, in
your own,  special,  way.
And  The Holy Sprit  says:
Welcome to the

July 20, 2015

Today, is a blessing, a gift!
No matter if it is cloudy or stormy,
it is filled with glory.  Today is a gift.
And The Holy Sprit says: What this day will
be is in your hands.  God has given you
another day to be on Earth.  What
will you do, with this bles-
sing, with this

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: