Feb. 27, 2016

you have faith,
in My love for you,
you have eternal wealth,
with you!  There is nothing
the world can do to you, when
you know, I AM with you!  And The
Holy Sprit says: Be not afraid, of the ways of
the world; for, they change from day to day,
and they are altered by what people think,
and do, and say.  Walk upon the Earth
knowing that God will show you
The Way; for, Earth
is a journey,
it is not
a destination.
Your time upon the Earth
is not eternal, nor is it meant to be.
You are walking upon the Earth, and
then, you return Home!  Do not be a-
fraid of temporary things, of illusion!
Open your heart!  You carry the wealth,
of eternity, with you!  And it is found in the
love of God!  Your wealth has a name, it is faith!

Feb. 26, 2016

The celebration of life
is a prayer of thanksgiving; there-
fore, let your song of celebration rise-up,
holding within it a prayer of thanksgiving, for
your life, and for all of the gifts you carry; for,
they are sacred, and so, My child, are you.  And
The Holy Sprit says: Be quick to song, and joy, and
dance; for celebration is an outward sign:
that you are content within; that
you know who you are; and,
why you desire to sing;
so, sing-out,
child of
And let your song
bring favor upon you: for,
the hand of God is, surely, over
you, and around you, and within you.

Feb. 25, 2016

Whenever there is a birth upon Earth, gather around your family
and friends to celebrate this birth!  Let the celebration be: in mem-
ory of where they have come from... that they have arrived... safely, upon the Earth... that they will join the great mission... adding to it
their individual mission... and, it will be good!   Pledge your sup-
port for them; support them in their journey, upon the Earth.
The time is coming when those who recognize their mission
will rise-up, illuminated, in The Light; and The Light
set to burst forth, at that particular time,
will illuminate The Way;
and their missions
will spring forth, in
a most extraordinary way;
and there will be a push of Light;
and there will be Peace, before there is night.
And The Holy Sprit says: Celebrating a birth is good; but,
it is also good to set the intention, within you, to celebrate
the birth of those new members of your family and friends and
those around you, in a different way, with intention, and purpose,
celebrate it, as they have come to join The Power of The Light!  And
they will add to the grand, and great mission, that is already under way,
the power of their own personal mission!  Pledge your support, and encour-
agement to the One, Who has just arrived; promise to show them The Way!

Feb. 24, 2016

not be
dismayed with
the ways of the world,
for even experiencing the feelings,
associated with being dismayed, can lead you
into judgment.  Be content with that which is a-
round you, and see it illuminated, in My light,
and you will no longer be dismayed, you will
be amazed, at the beauty you see,
where you once saw none.
And The Holy Sprit says:
it is best
to close
your eyes
to the ways
of the world,
and walk in the world
with the eyes of your spirit,
and your soul, and your heart.

Feb. 23, 2016

Inspiration will fill you with promise,
and courage, and confidence!  When you
live "an inspired life," you move from day
to day "knowing," you are led, by the hand
of God!  And The Holy Sprit says: Rise-up child-
ren; and walk into the day.  See the hand
of God, reaching to you, willing
to lead you, in every
Way.  Rise-

Feb. 22, 2016

Be at peace,
as you go into this day;
open your heart, as you go in-
to this day; and, breathe.  And The
Holy Sprit says: The things, needing to be
done, will be done.   It is important  that
the atmosphere, and the energy in which
they are done, be of peace.  This will not
happen, and cannot happen, if you are
tense, and rigid.   Set the goal to
enter into this day relaxed,
and calm, and at

Feb. 21, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

have come
from Heaven.
You were born,
upon the Earth,
to  "complete  a
mission;" and,
return Home.
You are a
the Earth.
When you claim
your heritage, and
when you "know,"
from whence you
came, your
will change.
And The Holy Sprit says:
Do not deny your heritage.
Do not deny that you are "of Heaven,"
first.  Make your journey upon Earth magnificent.
Bring light forward, and illuminate your way; because, as
you have been born upon the Earth, you will also die, of body, upon
the Earth, and return Home, mission complete!  Remember who you are!

Feb. 20, 2016

Do not
place your trust,
comfort, and confidence
in the things of the world, such as
a house, and clothing, and cars, and coins; for,
these things will lose their value, or you will lose them,
or they will be taken from you, or they will fall into a state of
disrepair.  They are not eternal; however, your inheritance, your heritage as a child of Mine, will live forever!  All that I have is with you, forever; and, therein, you will find strength, and courage, confi-
dence, and comfort.  Place your trust in My love for you!  And The Holy Sprit says:  Do not be fooled, by the things of the world, even when they hold
great beauty and sparkle and shine in the sunlight, or seem to be grow-
ing in wealth, and power, as you age; for, this is an illusion!  You are
on the stage, of your lifetime; and you are moving through it,
coming back to The Place That Is Perfect, coming back
to your Heritage, coming back Home!  And the
things "of illusion," will fade away; and
you will be living in true value,
and worth, and love!

Feb. 19, 2016

When you are living a spiritually enriched life, you look around,
and see, that which you are meant to see; you watch for the signs,
and embrace them, as you go along The Way.  Within you, there is peace, and tranquility, a calmness is settled about you; and in this
serene state: you hear My voice; you know My whisper;  and, it
brings you confidence; and you are content!  When you see,
and you hear, you know!  You know: you are My child;
and I will not leave you ~ to wander ~ in shadow,
or darkness; for, I AM with you!  And The
Holy Sprit says: When you prepare to go-
out, into the world, you know
it is important to look
around, so that
you might see
what is going on,
what is happening,
you listen to what is going on
around you, so that you might hear, that
which is being said.  In this way, you make your way
through the every day experience, of living, in the world
of man; and ~ it is the same ~ with your spiritual life.  Pay at-
tention; look, and see; listen, and hear; so that you might know,
what is happening all around you.  When you are alive, spiritually,
your every day life in the world of man, turns from the mundane, into
the marvelous, into the grand experience it was meant to be!  Be not afraid!
Be watchful; listen... hear; ...and know... God is with you... wherever you go!

Feb. 18, 2016

Let there be purpose
for that which you do; for,
you are intended to do things of light,
and love, and peace; therefore, focus, and let
your intention rest therein!  And The Holy Sprit says:
Breathe-in the love and the light and the peace, hold it
within you; and, with intention and purpose, let your
breath flow from you, distributing light, and love,
and peace, which has been magnified, with-
in your heart!  Go forth, into the day,
dedicating everything you think,
and  do,  and  say,  for  the
glory of God; for, the
glory of God
doth shine

Feb. 17, 2016

Understand the importance of sleep; and,
the healing it is meant to bring to the body,
the rejuvenation and restoration it brings
to the soul, and the spirit!  Be willing
to walk into the chamber of sleep,
and therein be healed,
and made whole.
And The Holy Sprit says:
It is good to "know, "
not to begin an important
journey, when you are tired,
and in need of rest; rather, use
the wisdom of the ages, and sleep,
rest, before you pick-up the pace, and
begin again,  walking another leg  of the
great journey of your lifetime, upon Earth.

Feb. 16, 2016

how to accept
that which comes to you
takes faith, intention, and practice to do so.
And The Holy Sprit says: Knowing how to accept
that which is happening all around you
takes patience, compassion,
and practice
to do so;
but, once
you know
how to accept,
then you see clearly,
and balance can be restored,
even in the most turbulent of times.
Knowing how to accept is a gift of wisdom.

Feb. 15, 2016

When you
have matured, spiritually,
you understand the power of shadow,
and darkness, and seek to be in the light, all
of the time; for, you know!  And The Holy Sprit says: Resist,
with all of your power, the temptations of shadow, and dark-
ness;  for,  within the shadow and darkness, there is a power,
which will enfold you and snare you; therefore, seek to live-
in the light of God, where you are safe, and content, hap-
py, and secure.  Avoid the power, of darkness;
for, it is real; it is a force, which
must be avoided.

Feb. 14, 2016
Valentines Day, Also
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Let every day be a day of love!
And The Holy Sprit says: When you look into
the face of love, what do you see?  You see
love!  It does not matter what color the face
is, what gender the face is, or what language
the lips are speaking.  It is the face of love,
and it feels good!  When you give the gift
of love, you are blessing; therefore,
you are creating love.
In the name of
God, let it

February 12, 2016

Do not let another human being
be the master, of your destiny; for
it is your destiny; and it is you, who
are the master of your destiny!  It is
your creation, it is your celebration;
you have been given the gift of free-
will, and it is yours, forever; choose
wisely!  And The Holy Sprit says:
When you allow
the power, and the
light of God to move into,
and through you, all things
are illuminated for you, and
it is easier to be the master
of your destiny, in full,
knowing what you
are are to do,
where you
are to go,
and what you are to say.
It is meant to be so.  This is The Way.

February 11, 2016

Use everything around you, as the sign, it is meant to be for you;
for, verily I do promise you, that I will send you the signs!  And
The Holy Sprit says:  Be still, and observe what is happening, around
you.  Do not wander, without purpose.  If it is your intention
to be playful, and joyful, this day, then do so, with great
intention and purpose.  If it is your intention to be-
gin a task, or complete a task, do so with pur-
pose.  Watch for the signs, and know, that
it is time, and then: play, and sing with
joy; or work, and begin, or com-
plete, a task with great in-
tention, to do so.
Knowing the signs,
reading the signs, will lead you
to a life of contentment.  You will be content
with every sign that comes to you, and celebrate its
presence, and commemorate the day, to knowing The Way!

February 13, 2016

and see
your inner-
being, filled
with peace.
recognize peace.
Do not move around,
clanging, and making noise.  Be
at peace from within and all things will
be in balance, and harmony  around you.
And The Holy Sprit says:  It is possible to be at peace
even when the winds are turbulent around you.
It is important  to establish peace,  within  your
being,  especially when  the winds  rise-up,  and
the tides are high.   If you will  take the time  to
develop a peaceful inner-being, then your days,
and your nights, will be calm, and sweet, and
your life will be filled with contentment,
acceptance, glory, and light.

February 10, 2016

You cannot hear a whisper, or the delicate flutter
of a bird's wings, as it moves near you, when your ears
are accustomed to hearing the noise of a city, with horns
blaring, traffic sounds, sirens, with people laughing, or
singing, or crying, or arguing; and, it is the same with
your spiritual hearing!  You cannot hear a whisper,
or the delicate flutter of the wings of an angel
near you, when there is so much going on
within you, regarding worry, and
concern, and anxiety, and
anger; for these are
the noises within
that prohibit
the sound
of a whisper,
or the delicate tones
of eternity.  And The Holy Sprit says:
Take yourself to a quiet place, and when
you are no longer assailed by the sounds of a city,
quiet your inner-being, until you are no longer assailed
by the temptations: to be worried, concerned, to be in fear, or
in doubt;  to be in anger,  or hatred,  or hold a grudge; for,  these
temptations clang, louder than any horn, or siren; and, they great-
ly limit your ability to hear the voice of God, and the song of angels.

February 9, 2016

as you make your way
through you lifetime upon the Earth, the
world of man offers you options.  You have the option
to turn right, or to turn left, or to continue along your path.
The decision can bring a feeling of loneliness, of doubt, of hesit-
ation; still, it is yours to make.  Sometimes, as you make your way
through your lifetime upon the Earth, I speak to you, My whisper
prompting you, guiding you to turn right, when most others con-
tinue on their way, not heeding the signs, not hearing the whis-
per.  In these times, there is the temptation to feel you are a-
lone, and isolated, and doubt begins to creep-in; but, I say
unto you, do not fear!  If I whisper, "Go to your right,"
then, that is the correct path for you; and you are
not alone; for, I will lead you, and you will
make your way through all obstacles,
and find that it is exactly
the right way, for
you to go!
And The Holy Sprit says: In every
lifetime, there come opportunities, challenges, delights.  It is as if
you are watching a play; and the characters are playing their roles,
presenting a drama, or a comedy.  Your lifetime is not made-up in the
mind of an author, or playwright.   However, your lifetime does have
a script, penned by the hand of God!  Listen to the prompting, ac-
cept the direction, and you will be guided through a glorious
production.  It is the story of your lifetime; it is, of the
world of man; it is of The Kingdom of God;
and, you are the star!

February 8, 2016

When you choose to act, within My light,
allowing My love to flow through thee,
and be thee; then, all inclination
to react,  falls from you;  for,
you are living within: My
light, My love, My
peace, and using
My power!  And The Holy Sprit says:
The answer to every situation
will be resolved, within
the light of God's
love, for

February 7, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

I wish for you to know The Way
and how to live in peace!  And The Holy Sprit
says: Unless you are connected with God, how you
live each day, depends on what is going-on around
you, on what other people think,  and do,  and say;
and how you "react," to that state, that condition.
But when you rise-up connected, with God, and
that is your decision; then your day is filled
with light an,d love an,d peace abides,
wherever you do go, because
you know The Way,
and how to live
in peace.

January 31, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

In order to effect change,
positive change, you must first, be
the change!   Understand... that which you
are trying to do, and live it, be it, so that others
will desire to follow you into that change, into the
new day!  And The Holy Sprit says: You can argue and fight,
you can manipulate and try to convince; but nothing can
effect change, as much as living the change you wish
to make!  Know what you want to do, and let it
be a part of you; then, it is visible, for
all to see, a change has come
forth, and it comes
forth, from

February 6, 2016

When you
focus on Me, releasing
all other distractions, around you, that
which is to be done, shall be done, together, by you,
and Me!  And The Holy Sprit says: There is a great temptation, afoot, in
the world, and that is to place your attention on the things that you think
need to be accomplished in a day or a week or a month, the things you have
placed on a list, whether it is a mental list, or a written list.  Everything
will flow, as it is meant to flow, if you will focus on God: listening
for the whisper, waiting for the guidance, and acting
when you hear, and know.  This, children
of God, is The Way
to go!

February 5, 2016

to hear
My whisper,
and to be guided
by Me, clearly, and
totally, you must maintain
your connection, with Me!
And The Holy Sprit says: Let it be
your intention to begin
each day, by
clearing away,
all of the shadows,
and cobwebs, that might have
gathered, together, in your hallway;
so that you might free yourself of the dust,
and debris, and keep your connection, clear, and
clean, and free; for, being connected to God guarantees
that you will hear... with clarity... and know: where you
are to be, what you are to do, and what you are to say!

February 4, 2016

you are, truly,
connected to Me,
I AM flowing into,
and through thee;
therefore, in this
state, your
are golden,
they are enlighten-
ed!  And The Holy Sprit says:
Only when there is an absence of
the presence of God with you, do you know
fear, and doubt, and worry, and concern; for,
when you are filled with The Creator of All
Things, then, all things are enlightened!

February 3, 2016

creates stress, wherein
all the things that you must do
are as a heavy shadow, enveloping you.
And The Holy Sprit says:  One way to avoid stress
is to tackle the tasks that you need to do, and
it is a good idea to do those, that you do not
like to do, first; be done with them; and
then, they will not hang over you,
they will not create
a shadow, en-

February 2, 2016

When there is cause for celebration,
do not hesitate, do not procrastinate, sing,
dance, and do so, with great joy; so others
will see, and join-in the miracle, and the
celebration!  And The Holy Sprit says: God's
children are meant to be joyful!  They
are meant to be joyful, because
they know the truth,
and the truth,
about your
divine lineage,
will set you free.
You are a citizen of
The Kingdom of God; and
because you are a child of God,
there is need for celebration, every day!

February 1, 2016

with you
in all things,
in all times, and when
you begin to realize this, you will know
that you do not have to travel great distances,
or short distances, to be with Me; for, I AM
with thee!  Your whisper, I hear.
My whisper, I desire you
to hear.  When you
go within, and
sit with Me,
our union
is complete.
And The Holy Sprit says:
Chase the shadows of doubt away,
and realize it is true, The Eternal God,
The Creator of All things, is with you, speaking
with you, if you will open, and receive This Gift!

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: