Mother's Day
May 8, 2016, See
Also Jesus' Sunday Sermon

you knock,
seeking entrance,
and the door is opened unto you,
be respectful, as you move through the doorway.
Honor this portal; see the threshold, as you step over,
into a new place.  Be mindful of the doorway, of
the portal, through which you have passed,
seeking new life!    And  The  Holy  Sprit  says:
When you walk with purpose and intention,
you are aware of what is going on around you.
You see it,  and you delight:  in the colors,  and the
fragrance of the flowers, in the warmth of the sun, and
the cleanliness, of the rain.   When you walk, in awareness,
you know what you are doing, and you respect all around you.
Today, move over the Earth in a sacred way.
Look, and see, and know, and
be thankful for the gift
of life upon

May 14, 2016

The burden is heavy, for those who choose
to hold a grudge, or to seek retaliation in any way;
for, holding a grudge is tiresome, and seeking retaliation
brings bitterness; today, I encourage you to free yourself from
these burdens.  Release the grudge; and, you will feel lighter; for,
you will no longer carry this burden.  Replace the grudge, with for-
giveness!  Cast-out the "intention to retaliate," for, this too is heavy,
and weighs you down.  Be rid of these things, forgive!  Forgive your-
self, for holding-on-to the past!  Sing, of the freedom, of the present;
and, you will bless the future!  And The Holy Sprit says:   The burden is in-
deed heavy for those who insist on holding-on-to things of the past, wait-
ing for the time to come, when they might experience retaliation, for
a perceived trespass.  This is wasting your time upon Earth!
Let it go, so you can: run with The Wind; dance in
the rain; and, play in the sunshine, once
again.  Set down your bur-
dens, and walk,
May 13, 2016

The past is done; the future is yet to come; and the present
is the eternal place, where you are, right now!  Those who hold
wisdom, carry, with them, the lessons of the past.  Those who hold wisdom, know, not to worry about the future; for, if you take care of
today, as you are led to do, then the future takes care of itself!  Let
today, be the start of living in the present, enjoying the present,
experiencing the present, and the present will flow, and
continue to grow, and you will see, and you will
"know," that it all springs forth,
from the present!
And The Holy Sprit says:
Right now, your thoughts,
and your words, and your deeds,
are creating your present piece of eternity;
therefore, let it be good; let it be all it should be; live
today, as if you "know, you are living eternally."  Live, today!
May 12, 2016

I send you, where
ever I ask you to go, go
boldly; and, without fear;
for I will lay down a bridge
to cross every river, every
canyon; and, I will lay
down a path, for
you to see;
for, wherever
I send you, know
you are going . . . for Me!
And The Holy Sprit says: There is no river
too wide, or ocean too deep, for you to cross.
When God says, "Rise-up, and go," it is your time;
and, you will cross, with ease; for, He shall make it so.
Be at peace this day and know: there is a map, there is
a chart, marking your journey, marking each spot.
It does not matter whether you vary slightly,
or totally lose your way.  There will
be those, sent to help you,
there will be those, sent
to guide you back to The Way;
therefore, go with confidence, go singing,
and dancing, knowing God is ever with you.
May 11, 2016

that the things
that you 'possess,'
often come to possess you,
many times  are used to  define
who you are, what you have accom-
plished; but, these things are status
only in the world created by man.
It is far better to let your
thoughts, and words,
and deeds:
of good;
of compassion;
of love and forgiveness and kindness; be
the things,  the energies,  which define you;
for, these things you will bring Home with you;
the possessions of the world, you will leave behind
to be scattered to the wind; the treasures of Heaven
will announce where you have been and the journey
you did take.  And The Holy Sprit says: It is far better: to
wear compassion, rather than diamonds; to wear
forgiveness, and understanding, rather than
rubies, or emeralds; to wear love, and
gentleness, rather than gold, and
silver; for, these are the true
gems of eternity,
these things
cannot fade away,
these things are of the light of God.
May 10, 2016

Do not be so quick to speak your mind;
rather, choose to listen; then, seek the divine wisdom
to know what to say;  if,  you are meant to say, anything,
at all;  for,  sometimes,  just "in the listening,"  all things fall
into place.   And The Holy Sprit says:  When you seek divine wisdom
to know how to speak and what to say, you find that you say less
and less; but, you feel more, and more filled, with the light,
of God.  This is wisdom, growing, within you.  You lis-
ten, and know, what others feel, within their be-
ing;  and,  in this way,  you know  exactly
what to say ~ or ~ not to say.  Seek
divine wisdom, and it will
guide you, along
The Way!

May 9, 2016

Remember the joy and delight you felt as a child,
waking to a new day, seeing the sun, peek, through
the curtains, or shade, beginning to run out to play,
even before your feet hit the floor.  Well, My child,
this is a new day, and there is so much to explore
So, throw back the covers, and let your feet
hit the floor, running, running out to
play, in The Garden, today!
And The Holy Sprit says:
exhilaration, delight,
excitement, the thrill of play!
Sometimes, simple pleasures slip
from your memory, as you grow older;
yet they return ever so slowly, when you re-
call, when you remember, "the joy of childhood,"
when play was an important part of the day. The new
day, is here, ~ and this day will be a good day, ~ to play!

May 1, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

is a holy practice,
which is one of the cornerstones
of peace; and, it has been abandoned by many.
This practice, this holy practice, this cornerstone of peace,
is "listening."  Let today be the day that you begin to practice
"the art of listening."  The world is thirsty for a drink from the cup
offered by the one, who will listen!  And The Holy Sprit says:  When you
walk into a room, wherein you find two or more people, you most as-
suredly will hear conversation.  Pay attention to how these
conversations unfold.  Before long, you will see
that each participant is interested-
in speaking; but no one
is interested-
in listen-
You cannot "know,"
what is on the heart of another
until you are willing to set your thoughts
and words aside; so that you might listen, and
hear, and come to "know, the heart of another!"

April 30, 2016

I have created you, and I have created you to live forever!
Right now you are experiencing life upon Earth; but soon
that will be done.  You will see the last rising, and setting,
of the sun, and you will come Home.  I have created you
and you shall live, forever.  And The Holy Sprit says:  In the
beginning, there was The Word of God, the mere pro-
nouncement of The Word, gave birth.  There was
creation; and, in the midst of creation, you
were born!  It does not matter,
that you might deny God,
for a while; it does not
matter that you might be angry
with God, for a while; it does not matter,
whether you are opposed to the ways of God,
for a while; for, God will not deny you.  The arms
of God are open, and await the return of the children
upon Earth.  Therefore, no matter where you are, what
you are doing, or how you feel this day, understand that
you are experiencing Earth, in a way in which you will
never experience Earth again; do a good job of it, sink
your toes into the soil of Earth, and let your thoughts
be heavenly thoughts.  Be the connector child, be-
tween The Creator, Parent, and those of Earth.

May 7, 2016

Remembering who you are, remembering
that you are a Child of God, a Child of Mine,
will help you, no matter what each day brings
to you.  Together, we will make it, over every
bump in the road, over every chasm, hill,
and mountain, over the seas, and over
the sands.  No matter what
there is to cross,
we will do it,
And  The  Holy  Sprit  says:
Do not look at the day coming,
with dread,  or worry,  or concern;
look at the day, which is now with you,
as an adventure, a journey you are taking
with God, for God; let the adventure unfold,
as it is meant to unfold; so that once it is done,
your story can be told; and, the story will begin,
"Holding the hand of God, the seeker took the first
step, and then the second, and then was off, and
on The Way!"  Let everything you do today
be done, holding the hand of God!

May 6, 2016

I wish for you to know ~ The Way ~ to health, and happiness!
The Way to health and happiness is rejecting outright, the tempt-
ations which come to you in "thought forms," thoughts of shadow,
and darkness; for, as you take part, or let them sit, within you, you
are creating; and that which you are creating is shadow, and dark-
ness.  The words you speak, while you are "under the influence,"
of thoughts of shadow, and darkness, are "powerful creations,"
which come from  "the seeds of these thoughts;"  therefore,
while you are holding such poison, it is impossible to be
healthy, it is impossible to be whole, and it is im-
possible to be happy.  Cast from you, all
thoughts of shadow and darkness,
by being thankful
for the lessons,
but rejecting
the energy!
In other words,
refuse to respond,
in any way, but with love,
and blessing!  Thoughts of shadow,
and darkness, add to the pollution of the creation.
Words, which stem from thoughts of shadow, and darkness,
magnify the pollution of the creation.  I give you the grace, and the
power to cast from you shadow, and darkness; so that you are filled with light; so that your creation is filled with light!  This, My child-
ren is The Way to health and happiness!  And The Holy Sprit says: Amen.

May 5, 2016

When the birds doth sing, and the sun doth shine,
calling you out into The Garden of Mine, go out!
When the winds doth howl, and the rain batters,
and scatters, things around, driving you in, to
shelter, go in!  These are the signs of Earth.
And I promise you, I send you signs
that are of Spirit!
I call you
to come out,
and walk with Me.
I call you, and say, "Go within;
for that is where we will meet today,
within your sacred chamber."  There are
signs all around.  As you are willing to accept
the signs of nature, and of Earth, also be willing
to accept My signs; for My signs will lead you along
the spiritual path.  My signs will show you The Way!
And The Holy Sprit says: Wake-up!  You have been sleeping!
In slumber, you have been learning.  Now, rise-up; and
practice, that which you have been taught in dreams,
and whispers, while you rested in the arms of God.
Rise-up!   You are a child of God.   The signs
are all around you!   Rejoice!

May 4, 2016

Every day has a rhythm.  Pay attention,
and move with the rhythm of the day!  Soon,
you will find, as you are living this way, that joy,
happiness and contentment have become your part-
ners in the dance.   And The Holy Sprit says:  When you become
aware of the rhythm of each day, it is easy to move and to dance
and sway to this rhythm.  Notice it, and pay attention.  The days
that have rain, have a different rhythm, from the days that are
filled with sunlight.  The days that bring the wind howling
around through the trees are different from the days
that hold the gentle breeze.  There is a rhythm
to every day.  Pay attention, and you
will sway with the rhy-
thm, of the

May 3, 2016

I can
part the seas,
bring the mountains to dance,
and multiply the loaves, so all might eat; but
My glory doth shine the brightest, when the children
of Earth, believe!  Within the power of their faith, the seas are
parted, the mountains dance, and the hungry are fed!  All who will
listen, hear their prayer as they sing-out, "These things are done
for the glory of God!"  And The Holy Sprit says: When faith brings
the children forward, in confidence, to perform miracles
in the name of God, the glory of God is pro-
claimed, "God can do all things!"
The greatest glory, is that
the children of God
can also do all things;
for God will not hold back
the gifts, from those who seek
to use the gifts for good!  God calls,
and those who hear become the hands, and
the feet, and the tender ears, of God.  Those who
hear  ~  exalt The Name ~ and The Glory ~ of God!

May 2, 2016

came to Earth, and
He did not arrive in a winged chariot,
making demands, uttering commands, directing
what to do.  No, He walked in your midst, showing what
is possible, showing what to do.  You have been given The
Template.  You have been shown The Way!  Walk in it! And
The Holy Sprit says:  Your Example did not appear, isolated, in the
clouds, demanding and commanding and directing what to do.
Your Holy Example  was born, in physical form, endured all
that you endure, showing The Way; you can do all things!
Let today be the beginning, of a different walk, upon
the Earth.  Today, rise-up, and walk, using The
Holy Example, living-out The Sacred
Template, showing The Way!
The Way is forgiveness.
The Way is

April 24, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Let not your heart be hardened, by the ways
of the world.  Lift-up your face, unto the heavens!
Listen to the birds, and realize, the song of The Wind, re-
membering: where you have been; who you are; and what it is
you are to do.  The ways of the world will distract you, and make
you hard.  But the song of the birds, and the voice of The Wind,
will bring you peace!  And The Holy Sprit says: When you walk-out, in-
to the world created by man, your protection is the guiding hand
of God!  Your protection is peace, woven in your soul,
celebrated in your spirit, remembered
in your heart, and spoken
from your

April 29, 2016

not re-
strict, or
confine, your-
self to that which you "know."
Be open, and receive The Word(s)
of The Holy Spirit, so that
you might grow;
for, your
is so limited,
when you walk
upon  the  Earth;
those who are willing
to embrace teachings from
The Holy Spirit... begin to see... The
Ways of Wisdom, and "know," the truth!  Much
will change from the time of your birth, until the time
that you are to come Home.  Open, and hear; so that you
might know and grow!  And The Holy Sprit says: It is easy to know
the rules, and the ways, of the world ~ all you have to do ~ is to
be interested-in what is being said, or done, or written, and
the teachings will be known by you; and, you will know
"how to function in the world, created by man."
Do not let these things distract you
from the eternal truths,
the light of God!
They are different; yet,
you can know both, if you are
willing to be open, and receive, and grow!

April 28, 2016

Avoid anger, at all cost, for anger gives birth to disease and illness; therefore, it is to be avoided!  Avoid worry and concern and anxiety; these energies open the door to disease and create an atmosphere in which illnesses thrive!  Reject, outright, the energies of confusion,
chaos, and frustration; as, they are the doorways through which
illness  often  enters.   Seek,  in all Ways,  to be at peace; for,
peace is "a healing energy."  It is an agent of health, bal-
ance, and happiness!  Creating, and living-in, the en-
vironment of peace  will  bring  you  good health!
And The Holy Sprit says: Most often, when you are
feeling heavy, or ill, or a disease
has invaded your body,
what you need,
more than
anything else,
is to be at peace!
And as you are at peace,
your body slows down, your breathing
is deeper; and all around you, there is comfort;
it is ~ in this environment ~ that recovery ~ is possible!
With healing, comes balance, and you are whole, once again.
Living in The Light of God, assures you, an environment of peace!

April 27, 2016

at peace: so that
you might "live," in peace;
so that all those around you see peace;
and "know," peace!  The world is filled with noise!
The world needs quiet, and peace.  When you are quiet and at peace,
within your being, health and balance, is restored; and you feel the energy of The One, flowing through you; and, from you; therefore,
no matter what tasks are set before you, complete them in a state
of peace.   And The Holy Sprit says:  When you are at peace, within your
being, no matter what turmoil is bubbling, and boiling around you,
it cannot control you!  When you are at peace, your vessel
floats, above all disruption!  It is a sign, of faith
to all who will see!  "Look, there is
one, who walks, in

April 26, 2016

When you do not remember "who you are;"
and, the glorious adventure that is yours,
as you walk upon the Earth, it is easy to
fall into a rut, to think you must work,
and work, and work in order to hold-
on-to your possessions,  without fail.
Somehow, in this frame of thought,
and mind, and presence, all around
you, begins to grow darker, and sha-
dows form, and you are lost.  Today, I
tap you gently to remind you!  I whisp-
er, You are My child!  Do not be distracted,
by the ways of the world!  Awaken in My light;
and see the glory, all around thee!  Awaken; and,
remember, you are My child!   And The Holy Sprit says:
It is easy to be distracted by the ways of the world; for,
they call to you at every turn, "Do this, do that, do the
other."  Yet, it is possible to do all of the things, you
need to do, while you are still connected
with God,
while you recall
who you are, and why
you are upon Earth!  Within
this recollection, it is possible to be
in the world, but not of the world; for,
you are not of the world, you are of God!

April 25, 2016

Embracing each day,
and all it brings to you,
with the enthusiasm of an
explorer, or an adventurer,
will bring you joy, and confidence,
as you make your way through the day,
knowing I AM with you, all along The Way.  And
The Holy Sprit says: With the completion of a difficult task, comes
confidence, when you have done it, at last, and no one can take
this confidence from you, because you know, as it was
yours to do, it was done by you; therefore, let
this day be a day of confidence,
knowing that, as
it did come to you
it was most assuredly,
and confidently, done by you!

April 17, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Being able to forgive, completely,
is an outward sign that you "know,"
who you are, and what you are to do,
upon the Earth.  And The Holy Sprit says:
When you realize who you are, you
are able to forgive, complete-
ly, and replace judg-
ment, with
April 23, 2016

Do not let
today, slip away, while
you worry about tomorrow,
or are concerned about the past.
No!  Come, and sit with Me at last;
and, I will bless, all of yesterday; and
bring glory to tomorrow; and we will
talk, and sing of today; for, today is
the present piece of eternity, in
which you are living, so,
do not throw it
And The
Holy Sprit says:
When you sit with God
in the present piece of eternity,
the past is all forgiven, and blessed,
and you find confidence in tomorrow; held-
in the hand of God.  Be at peace this day!  Sing,
and dance, and rejoice, in every way; for you live!
April 22, 2016

days are like
a walk in The Garden:
seeing the beauty of the flowers,
fresh and new,  touched  with the dew,
of morning;  seeing the shoots  of the vege-
tables, the promise of full tables in the summer.
Some days are like going-out to create the garden,
marking-off the land you know will be good, moving
rocks and pebbles, pulling the weeds, tilling the soil,
preparing to plant the seeds, which you "know,"
will produce the fruit, and the vegetables,
and the flowers of summer.
And The Holy Sprit says:
No one day,
and the tasks
and chores, or
the joy, and the dance
that goes with it, is better
than another.  It is just different
from another.  Go-out this morning, and em-
brace the day; be it in a garden, in which to play,
or in a garden, you will create, today.  Lift-your-head
unto the heavens, and sing-out in thanks-giving, for that
which is yours to do.  Work, play, dance, and sing.  You live!
April 21, 2016

sent you
The Template,
The Living Word,
The Walking Example
of how life on Earth should be!
Therefore, be still, and quiet, so that
you might "remember:" in the face of anger,
it is possible for you to be Love; in the face of hatred,
it is possible for you to be Forgiving; in the face of need,
it is possible for you to Provide for Those who Lack;
in the face of sorrow, it is possible for you
to be The Comfort.  It is possible
for you to be The Light
unto every form
of darkness!
And The Holy
Sprit says: Do not
throw  away  your
opportunity to continue
The Way which was shown.
The Plan  has been revealed  to
you; The Way to live ~ is ~ to Love!
April 20, 2016

The gift
for walking with Me
will be illumination, and revelation;
for My words and My power and My love for thee,
will illuminate and eliminate the shadows and darkness, so
you can see!  And I will reveal unto thee, that which you need to
"know," that which you need, in order to grow.  And The Holy Sprit
says: When you turn your back on the ways of the world, and
embrace the hand of God, you see in the light, and
you know; and, in "the knowing,"
and in the light, you find
April 19, 2016

will not be
at peace, until
there is forgiveness
upon your heart.  And The
Holy Sprit says: When for-
giveness is the gift
you give, you
is the key to peace.
April 18, 2016

if you feel
as if you are alone,
if the world seems to have turned
against you, or your community has turned against you,
or your friends, or your family, or you, have turned against you,
have faith!  Do not give-in to bitterness, or anger, or frustration.
Do not fall down in shame, or toss around in aggravation.
If you are in such a state today, come,
and sit with Me, and I will
show you The Way,
for you are not alone.
And The Holy Sprit says: Out of
the ashes, will rise-up the glory,
out of the mud, there will form a story,
which is unique, which is yours.  Take every-
thing that comes to you, hold it, until you can see it as
a blessing and a lesson.  In this Way no matter what happens,
you are able to say, "Thy will be done!  I am your daughter.  I am
your son.   I have learned this lesson!   Therefore, let it be done."
to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: