Sept.  25,  2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

If it has arrived at your doorstep,
it has come to you.  And if it has come to you,
it is yours to do!  Do not waste your time, wondering,
why it has come to you.  Do not cry-out, "Why has this come
to me?"  It has come to you, because it is yours to do!  Once you
accept this truth, then it is time to remember, I have given you
all you need!   I have sent you strength, and courage!  It is all
wrapped-up within faith, the faith that is within you!  You
can do all things; for, I will be the strength, within your
hands; I will be the determination within your feet;
I will be the acceptance, on your tongue; and,
I will be the truth, within your eyes!  You
have everything, you need, to accom-
plish  your  mission,  and  return
Home, in glory!  Do so, My
child,  and  write  the
story,  of  your
time upon
And The Holy Sprit says:
Each one has a story to tell, of
your time, upon Earth; and, it is up to
you ~ to write your story ~ after your birth!
Create a story, ~ that is worthy, ~ of a child of God!

October 1, 2016

Love your enemy; turn the other cheek; and give, when
you are asked to give; for, when you love your enemy; turn
the other cheek; and give, when you are asked to give; it is a
sign, that you understand, the flow of energy, and how it, tru-
ly, works; it is a sign, that you have mastered these things.  And
The Holy Sprit says: You cannot serve two masters.   The world tells you
to hate your enemy,  to be afraid of your enemy;  the world tells you
to stand your ground, and fight back, an eye for an eye and a tooth
for a tooth, to fight back.  The world tells you to hold-on to that
which you believe is yours;  and,  if you follow  the ways of
the world, this, you surely will do.  God teaches you:
to love your enemy, to turn the other cheek, and
to give, when you are asked to give; these
things, God teaches you, and when
you have "mastered," these
things, you will truly,
"know," The

September 30, 2016

each of you
in a unique way, in
a way you can understand,
so that you might fulfill your role,
so that you might take your place, as
a unique piece of the divine whole.  And
The Holy Sprit says: Every grand tapestry, has
thousands and thousands of stitches, and
thousands and thousands of colored
threads.  The tapestry is not
complete, when one
stitch, or one
is missing;
you have a place,
you have a purpose;
and, now, is your time;
be at peace, be the piece
you are intended to be;
play the role, you are
intended to play; so
that The One, is
complete and
whole, in

September 29, 2016

"silence," is the only way
to speak ~ allowing My love ~ to flow
through you to another; and, this speak volumes
of good,  and light,  and peace!  And  The Holy Sprit  says:
It might surprise you to "know," the number of times that
"it is better  to hold  your tongue,  rather than  to speak."
When you have mastered this practice, you will find
you have very little reason to seek forgiveness
and every reason to give
the glory to God.

September 28, 2016

you are tempted
to chide, correct, or demand,
stop, before you speak, and then, let your words be,
"Come, sit with me, and let us speak with God."
At that point, I will fill you with the wisdom
you need, I will fill you with the words
you need, and all will return to balance.  And The Holy
Sprit, says: When you go to God, no matter
whether it is alone, or with another, you receive
a blessing; and, that blessing, and the grace of God, fill you,
and you know exactly what to do, and what to say.
This day, practice, using this approach
in  all  situations,  and  you
will be practicing
The Way!

September 27, 2016

When you stand
face-to-face with crisis,
chaos, and confusion, first,
be still; and I will slip My arm
around you, and gently point you
in the right direction.  In this way
you do not react,  you act;  and,
when My arm guides you,
when My finger
points The
your actions are
of strength, and courage,
and faith.  There will come times for
action; but, this action must spring forth
from strength and courage rather than fear,
and confusion.  Hear Me now, for I do speak
to you and guide you, and show you The Way!
And The Holy Sprit says: When fear doth set your teeth
to rattling,  breathe deeply,  and knock on the door,
and the door will open,  and the light,  coming from
within you will illuminate the path, and your action
will be of strength,  and courage,  riding upon The
Breath of God's love.  Rise-up, and take action!

September 26, 2016

for you to
the importance of
opening,  to  My  love,
and  letting  it  flow  through
you, to others; for, as this is a gift,
from you, to others, it is a saving grace
for you!  Each time  you are willing  to open,
receive, and give, as My love flows through you, it
washes  from  you: anger, fear, chaos, and confusion; it
cleanses you, of that which is holding you down; so, in the
giving, you are twice blessed;  so  as you do  unto others,
it shall be done unto you!   Save yourself, and let the
grace flow from you.  And The Holy Sprit says: Shadow,
and darkness, run, from the power of God,
as they are inundated in the light,
and the truth is illuminated!
Those who bless others,
receive the blessing
twice: the blessing
of giving, and the blessing
of receiving; and, in-so-doing, are free!

Sept.  18,  2016
See Jesus Sunday Sermon

What does it mean to you, when you hear the words, "forgive all
things?"  Most of My children, can say they forgive all things; but
find it very difficult to accomplish the act of forgiving, all things. What does it mean  to you,  when you hear the words,  "love your
enemies?"  Most of My children can say it; but few will open to
My love and allow it to flow through them directly upon those
who are hurting them, who are spitting upon them or mock-
ing them,  those  who are condemning,  or judging  them.
These are two examples, there are many more!  Let to-
day, be the day, that you begin to live the words,
rather than,  merely,  speaking the words.  In
fact, it would be better, if you never spoke
the words, but rather, "chose," to live
them!   Forgive  all  things!
Love your enemies!
And The Holy Sprit says:
You have been given three keys
to understanding, and revelation.  The keys are
these: knock, and the door shall be opened unto you;
seek, and ye shall find; ask, and it shall be given unto you!
When you take these keys, hold them within you, knowing that
they are a promise to you, and sit quietly with God, you will come to
understand: the power of forgiving all things, and the power of loving,
of allowing God's love to flow through you, onto another; because, as
love flows through you onto others, you are the recipient of God's
love, as well.  God's love can not pass through you to another,
without you, too, "knowing, the power of God's love."

September 24, 2016

You wear a robe, which most cannot see;
you wear a crown, which most cannot see; but,
you carry the light, which comes from Me; and, all
can see it, shining through thee!  And The Holy Sprit says:
Let it be your intention this day to walk over the Earth,
"knowing," you wear a robe, given unto you by God,
knowing you wear a crown, given unto you by
God, knowing your light, and setting it
free so, within the light, emanat-
ing from thee, others will
see the light, feel the
presence, and
know The

September 23, 2016

Occasionally, you wake-up, and notice: you are traveling
the same paths, every day; doing the same work, every day;
saying the same things, every day; and ultimately, feeling the
same way, every day!  When this occurs, it is time to take your-
self from that place, because:  you life  has become boring;  your
paths have turned into ruts; the things you do no longer hold the
spirit of joy and happiness; the words you say, seem lifeless; and
the way you feel, reflects all of this "need to change, to grow."
These are signs!  It is time to be still; and, in prayer, ask
for guidance, ask for direction, and then, be wil-
ling: to move to a new place; to find
a new way; to do the things
that need to be done, with
a loving spirit; to speak words
of kindness, and understanding!  This
process ~ is called growth ~ it is maturing; and,
as you make these changes, you become comfortable,
in the new way, and you are never the same!  You do not
do this once or twice; for, if you are growing, you are chang-
ing daily. Wake-up My children, it is time to move on!  And The
Holy Sprit says: To the complacent I say, "Rise-up!"   To the one sitting
in boredom, I say, "Rise-up!"   To those whose ways have fit them
like a glove, for far too long, I say, "Rise-up!"   The day is here,
and the time is here: be still, so that you might hear, the still
small voice, within, whispering to you, calling you forth.
You are upon Earth to do something.  Do not leave
your mission, in a shadowy corner, growing
dusty.  Pick-it-up, and carry on.

September 22, 2016

When you come, seeking answers, seeking
healing, you must first embrace the answers,
and embrace the healing; and in the acceptance
of the gifts, you will be blessed, you will feel grace,
you will know peace!  And The Holy Sprit says: Sometimes
embracing answers, and truth, can be difficult; but, it is
worth the effort, to have your answers in the truth and
the illumination of God's light.  Sometimes it is dif-
ficult to accept, the healing; but, it is worth the
effort, when you find you are, at last, at
peace.  Let this day be a day filled
with answers, and truth,
and healing, and

September 21, 2016

A kind
and gentle word
accomplishes much more
than stern direction.  A loving touch
accomplishes more than a stern countenance;
today be the kind and gentle word, be the loving
touch.  And The Holy Sprit says: Many are able to read,
and understand sacred scriptures, holy books, and
other such teachings; few, find it possible to live
the words, held in the holy books, and
scriptures, and teachings; yet,
living The Word, is
The Way!

September 20, 2016

When you have the opportunity to retreat
from the world, created by man, to sit quietly,
and take My hand, do so; for I AM waiting for you!
In the quiet, we will find resolution to your questions,
together.  And The Holy Sprit says: If you do not have the time
to sit with God, in quiet, make the time to sit with God
in quiet; for when you do, you will find your days
are filled with peace, and when you asked,
you received the answers
you did

September 19, 2016

power of
will lift-you-up,
onto the wings of love,
and you will soar, where
you once crawled, before.
And The Holy Sprit says:
Not until
you have
for  all  things,
are able to under-
stand, and fly, as if you
have wings.  Forgiveness, sets you
free.  The power of forgiveness is yours
once you reach the place, where you know
the importance, and embrace, the practice!

September 17, 2016

your arms,
and your heart, and
your spirit, and accept that
which I send unto you; for, even when you cannot
understand the gift, or why it is yours, it will prove to be a
vital piece of your mission!  Collect that which I send unto you,
as if each is a valuable pearl, that you will string and cherish; for
these gifts ~ are meant to assist you, in your mission, ~ as you walk
upon Earth!  Open your arms My child; and embrace that, which I send unto you.  And The Holy Sprit says: There will be times, when you do not understand, why someone walks into your life; yet they are there, for a pur-
pose!  Sometimes it is difficult to understand, that, which comes to you, and its purpose; but, if you will take the time to be still, and quiet, the purpose
will be revealed to you!  God has a purpose, and a meaning, for all that
comes to you.  Embrace it, and you will soon see it is far more
valuable, than a strand of pearls.  That, which
comes to you from God, is precious,
and priceless, and beyond
earthly mea-

September 16, 2016

Take yourself,
often, to a quiet place
to sit with Me, and I will touch thee
with  a  gentle  hand,  and  we  will  speak,
and you will understand, the depth of My love
for you.  Come aside with Me, and sit.  Be still,
and when you rise-up: you will be in balance;
you will be in harmony with all around you;
your heart will be at peace, and your spirit
will soar!  Come sit with Me, My child,
it is you, I adore.  And The Holy Sprit says:
When  you are quiet,  and  when you
are still, you feel the presence
of  God,  all  around  you.
This day, find peace
in the lap, of

September 15, 2016

not let
doubt, fear,
worry, concern, or anxiety
about anything  going-on around you
stop you, from having a wonderful day;
stop you, from seeing the beauty in all of
creation; stop you from looking in wonder,
and knowing the glory; stop you from seeing
the signs, I send unto thee.  And The Holy Sprit says:
Sometimes it is very easy to be distracted from the
celebration of life, by doubt, worry, concern,
fear, or anxiety, about
small matters,
or major issues.
However, if you will
quietly, say a prayer, and
acknowledge that you know
God is with you, as you move a-
long with your days, all things will
unfold, as they are meant to unfold.
Have faith  that God sees  what you
need, and will answer your prayer.

September 14, 2016

Treat all
of your brothers,
and sisters, as you would
treat yourself; speak to all of your brothers
and sisters, as you would speak to yourself;
do unto all of your brothers and sisters, as
you would do, unto yourself; and, you
will, truly, "know," peace!
And The Holy Sprit says:
To know peace,
it is import-
ant to be,
with God, and
follow The Way.  Come
the end of the day, when you can say
that you did treat all others, as you would treat
yourself, brings peace; and, you are at peace, because
you "know, you are truly living The Way," and in this way,
you become the living Word of God, as you follow, and accept
the responsibility, of a child of God.  This will bring you peace.

September 13, 2016

Sometimes, it is not easy to set your lists,
your agendas, and the things you wish to do,
aside, so that you might ride upon The Wind,
to do My will, each day; but, if you will come
with Me, if you will ride The Wind; then, all
things will be done, as they are meant to be
done; and, when it is complete, you will
be surprised, at what you were able
to do, while riding The Wind,
while walking with Me!
And The Holy Sprit says:
God's Ways
are not easy
to understand,
when you are locked-in
a body, when you are woman,
or man; yet, from within, you hear
the whisper, and the guidance will take
you, where you would not go, on your own.
The guidance will not lead you into the mundane,
but will lead you into the sublime, the miraculous, the e-
ternal.  Be at peace, this day.  Ask, and you will know, The Way!

September 12, 2016

This message
is so important
that it is repeated,
over, and over, again.
Many hear the words, some
understand the words, and very few
live the words.  Be mindful of your thoughts;
and, what you are creating, within your thoughts;
be mindful of your words, and what you are creating
within your words; be mindful of your deeds, and
what you are creating within your deeds!
And The Holy Sprit says: It is important
to remember that, once
the creative power
is set free, in: thoughts,
words, and deeds, they live!
Be  mindful,  keep  your  thoughts,
and words, and deeds, as pure as they can be.
Let your thoughts, and words, and deeds bless all
around you.  Be mindful of what you are thinking, and
saying, and doing, for you are the children of God, and you
have not awakened to the power you hold, the creative power
of the children of God, is meant to change the world, to re-create
The Garden, as it is meant to be!  Therefore,  let your thoughts,  and
words, and deeds be the source, and the power, of continuing this work.

Sept.  11,  2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Do not
turn your back on
your true wealth, your "eternal
treasure," in search of that, which is
fleeting, and will surely fail you.  And The
Holy Sprit says: There is no need to search for:
gold or silver, or for things or money, fame
or fortune; for your true wealth is within
you!   Do not turn your back on that,
which is "eternally yours," to go
in  search  of  something
material, tempor-
ary, and fle-

Sept.  4,  2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

not curse
the darkness,
light a candle
that will show
The Way. And
The Holy Sprit
says: Be the
your light
fall upon the
darkness.  Even
the darkest of places
can be illuminated by a
solitary candle,  from  far
away you can see the light.
Do not curse, the darkness.
Be the candle.  Be the light.

Sept. 10, 2016

Here it is, A New Day!  You stand at the edge of a new day;
it is yours to create!  Use this day wisely!  Pay attention to the
smallest detail; in fact, pay the same attention to the smallest de-
tail, that you do to the most significant!  Create this day, using the
ingredients of love, understanding, compassion, and faith; for, faith
will lead you where others dare not go; faith will show you The Way!
In faith, you will acknowledge the unseen!  There is so much around
you which is unseen.  Faith will lead you into such places, and there
you will hear, and know, and see, with the eyes of your soul, that, which is unseen!  And The Holy Sprit says:  Pay attention to what you
create today!  Make it perfect in every way.  Do so with great
joy;  for joy,  is  the spice of life!   It ignites passion!
It leads you  into  progress!    It gives you
the ability to dance, and to sing,
and to smile!  Let this day
be filled with

Sept. 9, 2016

Most look for answers to their questions
all around them.  They search through pages
of books.  They take courses, and classes.  They
seek-out those considered wise, and talk to them,
and ask for direction.  All these things they do; yet,
they miss the sacred room within.  Deep within each
of you there is "The Secret Place of The Most High,"
the chamber wherein we meet, and sit, and talk; and
when the talking and the loving, are complete, your
answers are with you!  And The Holy Sprit says:  Rather
than driving across town, or walking city blocks,
to reach the destination you believe will hold
the answer to your question, sit quietly,
move down the corridor, within
your being, and cross-over
the threshold, into the
sacred space, where
you will find God,
waiting.  And there,
you will know your answer;
and, it will be good, because it
will be designed uniquely for you!

Sept. 8, 2016

During the times you find yourself in a place
from which you feel there is no escape, listen,
and I will whisper, and lead you to a place fil-
led with light! And The Holy Sprit says: Do not give-
up!  You are not alone!  The whisper of God
will lead you Home!  Do not tarry
in shadow, or darkness!
Move into the

Sept. 7, 2016

your list
of: wants;
and desires;
put down the pet-
ition, and come to Me, as
you are; as we sit, I will give thee
all you need; and, that which I give you
will prepare you, for all of the days
you spend upon the Earth!
And The Holy Sprit says:
Sometimes, you
might feel
a need,
or a
there is none.
It is in these times
that you are, actually, upon
the journey toward fulfillment,
almost reaching the goal.  In these times
it is good to remember, "You will have, all
you need!"  It is that simple!  Forget the wor-
ry, release the anxiety, and sit quietly with God.

Sept. 6, 2016

onto you,
around you,
and within you.  My light
is also with you, and it will show The Way.
Remain in My light.  Let your steps be measured, so
they stay, firmly, within the illumination.  Move slowly,
with intention to experience Earth, as My child.  And The
Holy Sprit says: Let today be a celebration of who you are,
of your presence upon Earth, and the sacredness
of your life.  Let the light of God illuminate
The Way, and show you where to go;
for, it is within the light, you
will hear, and know!
Be at peace,
this day,
as you

Sept. 5, 2016

Your body,
and all things material,
will fade away.  Your spirit,
that which you are, eternally,
will live forever!  Govern your-
self accordingly, showing that
you understand this.  Place
your  trust,  confidence,
and  faith,  in  that
which will last
And The Holy Sprit
says: Sit quietly, and
let the truth of eternal life,
settle into you in such a way that
there is no denying which is more im-
portant.  That which is eternal is of the
greater value;  in fact,  it is of the great-
est value!    You will live forever!   Place
your confidence,  trust,  and faith there,
completely and solidly placed in forever!

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: