June 11, 2016

To experience
your journey upon Earth
to the fullest, it is important for you
to master everything, which comes your way;
for; if it comes to you, it is yours: to see, to know, to
learn, to do!  Today, master the day!  And The Holy Sprit
says: The time for saying you cannot do it, needs to be
set aside, in exchange for, "I shall do it, I shall
embrace my journey upon the Earth.
I shall master this day,
to the fullest!"

June 10, 2016

temptations; for,
even the most insignificant,
can lead you into shadowy places,
and greatly diminish the light of your day.
If you want to experience a most glorious day,
a glorious day in every way, then: be vigilant; be watch-
ful; and very quickly say, "This day, I intend to be of love, and
light, creating peace wherever I go!"  When thoughts occur, bless every one.  Bless everyone, every matter, every issue.  Be at peace,
this day, knowing what you are doing, and then, choose to create
a day that is filled with glory!  And The Holy Sprit says: Do not make
excuses for your choices; address the choices you are making, for
it is important to do so!  When you begin to address "the cho-
ices you have made," then, and only then, will you be-
come "aware of," the importance of the choice,
"you are about to make."
This day, we support you; and,
encourage you to create a day, filled
with choices for: love, and light, and peace!
Let this day be a day filled with the glory of God.

June 9, 2016

When you encounter a situation... an issue... any matter... wherein
you need assistance, do not wander around crying-out; or getting frustrated; or, maybe even angry.  Be still, ask for guidance, and
the guidance will come; for, I will whisper; and, in the stillness,
you will hear!  If you find, that you can follow the guidance I
send to you; then, all things will unfold as they are meant
to be, and you will have confidence, that you followed
Me, and the guidance I sent to thee.  And The Holy
Sprit says: When you come to the realization that
all things are not going to unfold the way
you think they should unfold,
you begin to relax; and,
when you come to this realization,
as you are fully in the light of God, then
relaxation turns to comfort.  You find comfort, no
matter what is happening, because, in confidence, you
know, it is unfolding, as it is meant to unfold.  Be at peace
this day.  Find a quiet place!  Be still... and listen... and follow!

June 8, 2016

Be as the drops
of water forming the streams,
and the rivers, flowing into the oceans,
and the seas.  They do not worry, or concern
themselves, about the banks they are passing; or
which river,  they are within.  It is a process,  which is.
The drops of water are soon drawn-up into the clouds; and
when it is time,  the clouds release the water, once again; over,
and over, and over, it is repeated.  It is as a circle.  You might not
see it;  yet, it is so!   The drops of water rise-up to be released, and
let go.  Sometimes they are the Tiber,  sometimes the Thames,  and sometimes the Mississippi; over and over and over again, different rivers, different streams, different places; all, a process, continuing without end.   And in the wisdom of the water  there is "knowing,"
that  there  really is  no end,  just a continuation, of their coming,
and their going! And The Holy Sprit says: Be as the waters of the rivers
and the streams, and the oceans; and, be, without care, or worry,
enjoying where you are, at the time, embracing "the present
piece of eternity," you are experiencing.  Be as a drop
of water creating streams and rivers and oceans
and seas, rising-up to the sky, and fall-
ing, gently, where you are
meant to be!

June 7, 2016

At the
present time,
the children of Earth
have the ability to use a wire
to connect one machine to another,
so that you can move what you consider to be
valuable information: from one space to another; so it
can be with you; so that you know that which is held on one
machine.  The information you consider so valuable will change,
and so will the method you use to transfer this information from
one machine to another, it will all change; but, the wisdom you
can gain from Me, and all that I will give thee, by connecting
with Me will never change!   And The Holy Sprit says:  Take some
time ~ to connect ~ with The Eternal Source: of wisdom and
truth; of power; of all things light, and good; of creation.
Allow this information from God to flow into your be-
ing, and transfer the wisdom to others.  The infor-
mation  ~  held with such esteem  ~  and value,
in the world today, will change! The power
and the love, and the light, of God, the
wisdom of God, will never change;
connect with true value, today!

June 6, 2016

Today is a good day to move slowly,
"to feel peace," welling-up, from the core
of your being, and to call that peace forward,
bringing it "to life," with every breath you take,
sending it into the world!    When you begin to un-
derstand "the importance of every breath," every in-
halation and exhalation; and,  what each breath does
for the good of your body, you will be sure that your
spiritual breaths are deep, and long, fulfilling, and
sustaining!  And The Holy Sprit says: Dip deeply into
the well of God's love, for you!
Soak-up the rays
of God's light.
Breathe deeply,
and embrace God's
peace, and you are Home,
his state.  Even as you walk upon
the Earth ~ you are at Home ~ with God!

June 5, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

ing a sense of peace, is
one of the most important things
you can do; for those who attempt to main-
tain peace... understand... the importance of peace!
And The Holy Sprit says: When you are living in "a state of peace;"
you are relaxed; there is comfort even when you are working; there
is comfort when you are playing, and resting.  Create an atmosphere
of peace, and you will be blessing the Earth, and all those around you;
for health ~ of body, mind and spirit ~ is found in The Garden of Peace!

May 29, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

no matter how tricky,
or sticky, it might be, can be resolved
in the light of My love!  Every encounter, with another
human being can be brought into the light, if, you are will-
ing to use, only, My love.  Love is the answer to all things!
You cannot change what another is thinking; however,
you can exhibit, and be, The Living Word
of My love.  This, and only this,
will bring about
change, and
the change will
illuminate all things.
And The Holy Sprit says: Sometimes,
the more you try to convince someone,
that the way you see, or perceive things, is
"the right way," the more steadfast they be-
come in believing that the way they see things
is the right way to see things.  However, if you
will place God in the middle of the matter, and
not be "distracted by the ways of the world,"
the light of God, will illuminate all things!

June 4, 2016

When you create kindness,
compassion and understanding, and
give these creations, as a gift, to another,
you also receive the gift you have created;
for, even though you have given it away
the creation remains with you; for in
the creating the gift, you have be-
come, as the gift: you are kind,
you are compassionate, you
are understanding.  The
creation sets in place
the gift you have
given.  And The
Holy Sprit says:
As you move
through this day,
be aware of what, you
are creating!  Mark this day,
especially, as a day you will create
kindness, understanding and compassion.
The world, greatly "needs," these gifts; let it be
you, who creates them, and gives them away, today!

June 3, 2016

it is easier to love, forgive,
or bless a total stranger than it is to love,
forgive, or bless a family member, or a close friend!
This happens, because with  family members or close friends,
there is a history; things have occurred, which you might find dif-
ficult to move beyond!  However, I AM asking you to move beyond:
forgive;  and bless;  all past transgressions!  No matter, whether they
were on the part of another,  or came from you. Destroy this history
of frustration, and anger, and hurt, and rejection.  Break it, with a blessing:  so that you will not be hindered;  so that all, will stand
around you blessed, forgiven, and loved!  And The Holy Sprit says:
Reach-out, with a loving hand to any in need, whether they be
stranger,  family,  or friend;  for,  in  these  particular
situations... your hand... is the hand of God;
for in these particular situations,
God is waiting to work
miracles, thru

June 2, 2016

Days of rest
are just as important as
days of work and days of play.  Days
of work... and days of play... require energy,
and you use it, and the result is good; but, then,
there comes a time... when you really should rest.
And The Holy Sprit says: It is not always possible to plan
days of rest; yet, it is always possible to respond to
the prompting of "needing rest."  This is how
a day of rest is declared:
you rise-up,
and feel weary,
and tired, needing
a bit more sleep, and
then you declare, "This
day, we shall keep rest!"

June 1, 2016

It is
to be at peace,
as you make your way
through the world of man every day.
It requires determination to stay connected with Me,
so that you can hear Me whisper to you, My child;
for, I can lead you, through every piece of chaos,
and every path of confusion, until we are back
on course.  It is possible to be at peace; but,
that peace must be born, within you!  And The
Holy Sprit says: Do not be tempted to search for peace:
at a vacation spot, or in a new house, or by buying more
clothing, or furniture, or vehicles.  These things will not bring you
peace.  They will appease your thirst, or want, for a while;
but then, you will be tempest tossed, once again.
Spend some time every day, creating
peace, within your being,
for that is where
peace is

May 31, 2016

Take the time to watch, and see,
look at the beauty all around thee; pay
attention to the changing of the seasons; for
it is as turning the pages of a beautiful book!
Breathe deeply, as you look, and see: the roses
of summer, unfolding, slowly; the leaves of fall,
riding, upon the wind; the snowflakes, of winter,
falling gently;  the trees of springtime,  with bare
branches budding; breathe deeply, when you gaze
upon the beauty of Earth, as its essence, will bring
you: health, and happiness, and peace!  And The Holy
Sprit says: When you pay attention to what is happening
in nature, around you, you become closer to Earth,
and what is coming from Mother Earth; you be-
gin to feel as one with all around you, as you
come to "know," ~ that All ~ around you
is filled with The Presence of God!
Therefore, seeing, and being,
part of nature is seeing,
and being, part
of God!

May 30, 2016

is a good day
to make the decision, to
alter, the course of your life;
so that it is, as a path of glory,
which will shine-on forever, in
eternity.   And  The Holy Sprit  says:
When you awaken; and, realize,
that every breath, you take, is
fueling and sustaining you;
so that you might: think
great thoughts,
speak of love, and
perform noble deeds,
the course of your life
will be altered!  Your
thoughts and words
and deeds will be
listed upon the
corridors of
all time,
as a
of glory,
an example of
The Living Word.

May 22, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

when you are sleeping,
you hear the familiar voice:
of a mother, or a father, a sister, or
a brother, calling you from another room,
beckoning you to rise-up, the day has begun.
I AM calling you, from another room, calling
your name so that you might rise-up and walk
into a new day, which we will create, together;
for, this day, you are about to experience, has
never been before; it is to be created, as you
breathe, and eat, and love, and dance, and
live!  And The Holy Sprit says:  There are many
things which will awaken you from sleep.
Sometimes it is a familiar voice calling
to you.  Sometimes it is an aroma of
coffee brewing, even rooms away.
The voice or the aroma touches
your senses, and signals you
to awaken!  The time is
here for you: listen,
open,  awaken;
rise-up and

May 28, 2016

When you choose to fear, fear is what lives within you, fear
is what grows, within you.  When you choose to be angry, anger
is what lives within you, anger is what grows within you.  When you
choose to hate, hatred is what lives within you, hatred is what grows
within you.  You must "choose," on your own.  No other being can
make you choose to be: fearful... or angry... to hate... or berate.
These things are of your choosing; however, you always have
the opportunity to choose Love; and, once this is done,
love is what lives within you, love is what grows,
within you!  You have the opportunity to
choose compassion, and kindness;
and, once this is done, com-
passion, and kindness
is what lives, and
grows, with-
in you!
You have
the opportunity
to choose forgiveness; and,
once this is done, the gift of forgiveness
is what lives and grows within you!  You choose the state
in which you live!  Choose the state, that is filled with light!
And The Holy Sprit says: It will take great practice, and intention; but,
you can alter the course of your life, by, simply, choosing, that which
you are going to do, and doing it, with "a positive energy," which will
carry you through every day, and every night.  No one can take from
you the love; understanding; compassion; kindness; and forgiveness,
that you create within your being!  It is your treasure; and, as you
walk upon the Earth, you share it with others!  Your presence
is cherished... for... you are... the living will... of God!

May 27, 2016

Do not judge another's actions;
do not use anger as a tool; do not
become the victim of fear; do not
react to any situation.   Set these
energies, which do great harm,
aside, and choose to act ~ in
My love ~ so that you
bring My peace,
and My
to every
And The Holy Sprit says:
Changing habits of a lifetime
requires: determination, and a
desire to do the will of God, and
to be within the light, of God,  at
all times!  The only way you can
bring peace to any situation is
to act in the light of God.

May 26, 2016

for you
to set aside
anger, and practice love.
I wish for you to set aside frustration, and
practice understanding.  I wish for you to set aside fear,
and practice faith.  I wish for you to live in light,
so that you will truly know My peace.
And The Holy Sprit says: Every day
you are given the op-
portunity to
choose; you choose,
and your choices do good,
or do harm.  Let today be the day,
that you choose love and understanding
and compassion and faith.  Let this day, be, the
living example of your belief in God, and All That Is.

May 25, 2016

Choosing to do
that which is best for all, is
"a noble act; it is an act of faith;"
for, in choosing what is best for all,
you are saying, "I believe in The Di-
vine Plan, and my part, my role, in
The Divine Plan.  Therefore, God,
let it be!"  And  The  Holy  Sprit  says:
Sometimes,  "choosing,"  that
which is for the highest
good of all, can
be diffi-
But it is always
rewarding, and fulfilling;
and wisdom comes with the choice,
of giving, all you have, for the glory of God.

May 24, 2016

Mother Earth breathes, and there is life,
each creation, seemingly, more beautiful
than the last, each creation a preparation
for that which is to come; yet, as Mother
Earth breathes, and creates, she lives
every second, every minute.  The
beauty in the spring is not
diminished by con-
cern for frost,
or snow,
coming in the winter.
The bees and the butterflies, buzzing, and flying around,
do not worry about the heat, or the drought, which might
be held in the months of summer; for, these concerns,
and anxieties, would surely diminish the glory of
the present piece of eternity.  Earth is
creating.  Look around,
and as you see
the present piece
of eternity, spread
before thee, in all of its
glory, open to the beauty, and un-
derstand that you, too, are experiencing
the present piece of eternity.  Do not let it slip a-
way; it is fleeting, and it will pass; do not let it get lost in
the concerns, or worries, of the day; walk, and look, and live,
as creation unfolds, all around you.  And The Holy Sprit says: Amen.

May 23, 2016

you begin to
look, at every day
as a possibility to create,
for the glory of God, then, every
challenge ~ is wrapped in ~ a solution,
answers unfold, before you, and you see pos-
sibility, where once, before, there was impossibility!
And The Holy Sprit says: When faith is the light that leads The Way
all things are possible, because you come to understand that God
is working through you!  Therefore, the will of God shall be done
through you!  And when it is the will of God, all things are possi-
ble; mountains dance, and the trees sing, and the oceans rise-
up to touch the sky!  All things ~ are possible ~ in God!

May 15, 2016,
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

When you take the time
to sit with Me and speak
with Me and listen to Me,
you will come to know Me;
you will recognize My whisper;
and, you will follow in confidence.
And The Holy Sprit says: To avoid confusion,
when you receive guidance, from
within, you must first,
a relationship
with God; then, you
will recognize The Voice within.

May 21, 2016

The world has seen many individuals willing to study, and
practice, long, and hard enough, to become great magicians,
and wizards; their talents allowed them: to make objects appear,
and disappear into thin air; to move an object, from here to there;
but the greatest masters practice, until they are able: to create love,
where there has been hate; to create a banquet where there has been lack; to create  a loving home,  where there has been  no shelter; to
create peace,  and balance,  and harmony,  where  there has been
chaos and the confusion, of the world!  And The Holy Sprit says: Pay
attention to what you are doing; understand what you are doing;
and do not be distracted by games, and tricks!  Turn your face
toward the heavens, and create a day, solely for The Glory
of God; and, you will truly be The Master of that day,
by: creating love, and light, and peace; by show-
ing: generosity, compassion and understand-
ing; by "shaking-off the temptations;"
so that  you exist  in - balance,
and harmony, - with
All That

May 20, 2016

Every day
presents the opportunity
to assume a number of roles.  Often
you will play the role of: a son,
or a daughter; a mother, or
a father; a sister, or a brother;
a friend; a lover.  Whatever role
you choose to play, at any particular
time of the day,
let your
and words,
and actions
direct your role,
so that might add the word
"loving," before: son, daughter,
mother, father, sister, brother, friend,
or lover.  In this way, your role will be "perfect,"
no matter which you choose to play.  And The Holy Sprit says:
Creating a day is a matter of choice, and you have been given the
opportunity to choose, to be, to direct.  Therefore, be mindful of the
role you choose to play, and be loving in that role, all through the day.

May 19, 2016

the temptation
rises-up to grab you,
and hold you tight, whispering a name,
or an incident, or something happening outright, choose to turn
your head from the shadow of temptation, and let your heart sing-
out with a blessing; bless the person, bless the incident, no matter
what is happening!  And The Holy Sprit says: There is a way to counter shadow, and darkness; and, it is to remove
yourself, from the flow,
and let it go, by
a prayer, "God
bless ~ this ~ person;
God bless this situation;"
and, you will "feel The Pre-
sence, of God," with you, there!

May 18, 2016

When seeking the best response
know this: the only response, which
will produce "great good," is a response
holding the energy of love; other responses
are lacking, lacking the perfection love holds.
Perfection is found, within the energy of love!
And The Holy Sprit says: No matter what you are cre-
ating, it is made better, when the energy of love
is incorporated within the creation.  Seek
the perfection, love brings, to
any equation, to
any crea-

May 17, 2016

It is
to maintain
a loving spirit, a loving presence!
It is possible to sustain The Presence of Love,
within you, at all times, when you allow
My love to flow, through you,
at all times!  And The Holy Sprit says: It is
impossible to stand on the sand at the shore,
and go close to the ocean, without being splashed
a bit by the waves, flowing to you.  It is impossible not
to be touched, by The Love of God, flowing through you,
when you open the door,
and allow the
to be!

May 16, 2016

has been said,
yet it is important enough
to repeat ~ to say ~ once again:
do not entertain negative thoughts;
do not give sanctuary, and safe harbor,
to negative thoughts!  Once you master
your thoughts, your life is altered, for
the better!  And The Holy Sprit says: Your
thoughts ~ are the seeds ~ of your
words, and your deeds!
be mindful
of the seeds,
you are broad-
casting over the Earth.

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: