August 28, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Most of you
take precaution:
to keep your body healthy;
to avoid accidents, and mayhem; to insure
your possessions are safe; most of you do these things
to protect that which is fleeting, and temporary; today,
place your attention on protecting, and maintaining,
that which is eternal: your soul, and your spirit,
and the gifts of The Holy Spirit,
which you carry
within!  And The
Holy Sprit says:
It is easy to
want to protect
that, which you see,
that which you feel and know; but,
once you begin to feel, and know, your soul,
and your spirit, and see the value, the eternal value,
they hold, then you will be more concerned about protecting,
maintaining, and cherishing the energy that is carried within, your
soul, and spirit, protecting it; as ~ it is, the light ~ and the love ~ of God!

September 3, 2016

you choose
the reactionary ways of the world,
then that is what you will know,
and that is where you will stay.
When you choose actions of great light,
then you will know My Way, The Divine Plan
will begin to unfold for thee, and you will stay close to Me,
until you come Home.  And The Holy Sprit says: Freewill choice
is a gift.  Choose wisely, for the ways of the world can be enticing.
The ways of the world tell you, you have every right
to be upset, angry, or displeased with another.
The Way of God says, "This is not true."
Choose wisely, for every choice you make
draws you nearer: to the ways of the world;
or, to the ways of God; and
this is a good day
to practice

September 2, 2016

you seek-out
the company of those
who walk with a gentle spirit,
whose words are kind, and comforting,
whose love is unconditional and supporting,
then, your days pass, with little or no effort,
and it is easy to fly.  And The Holy Sprit says:
Be mindful of your thoughts, and words,
and deeds.  Let them be as seeds, planted in
a garden, with great care, so that which you sew
brings love, everywhere.  Today, be mindful
of  your  thoughts,  and  your
words,  and  your

September 1, 2016

Sometimes, there will be places I send you,
and you will not understand, until you have arrived,
and you see, and you feel My presence with thee, and you know,
all that you need to accomplish your mission will follow you, wher-
ever you go!  There will be no need unfulfilled; if, you will, but rise-
up, and go, when I whisper, "Rise-up, and go!"  And The Holy Sprit says:
Sometimes you will have a question, and you will pray for guidance, you
will seek the answer and the answer comes, and you are surprised, be-
cause the answer, does not quite look like, you imagined, it would
look.  But once you embrace the answer, and it is yours, the
beauty unfolds... and the treasures abound... therein;
for, it is yours, a gift from God, a priceless
treasure, held within the whisper,
which answered your

August 31, 2016

When you ask a question
be vigilant, be still, and quiet,
so you might hear the answer, the
possibilities; and then, have faith;
so that you might embrace, even
the answer you do not wish to
hear!  And The Holy Sprit says:
A great peace will settle
over you, when you
embrace the
held in
the whisper
of God; for, it will
bring you comfort, when
you  know,  what  you  are  to  do,
or where you are to go, or what you are
to say.  Be at peace this day, and have faith,
that every question will be answered within you.

August 30, 2016

You will make many 'freewill choices,'
this day,  let them be filled  with wisdom!
Pay attention  to what you choose  to do, or
think, or say, because once a thought has en-
tered your mind, it has been created; and, it
lives!    Choose, with wisdom, any thought
you welcome, and entertain.  And The Holy
Sprit says: It would be good to remember
that, as you make freewill choices,
choosing to do this,
or that, or the other,
your brothers, and sisters,
are doing the same; so, there are
thousands upon thousands of freewill
choices, all being made, at the same time.
Let your freewill choice be the choice of wis-
dom.   In the same manner,  every  thought  you
create, lives; and it is the same with your brothers
and sisters.  Therefore, living  thought  forms,  entit-
ies,  beings,  and energy,  are created,  thousands and
thousands of them, all at the same time.  Let the tho-
ughts you create be of wisdom, and light, and love!

August 29, 2016

The Way
to keep yourself
in balance, and harmony,
knowing comfort, and peace,
and being confident, is to avoid all
conflict.  And The Holy Sprit says: You are often
tempted by another, or others:  to argue;  to fight;
to enter into discourse, which holds anything but light;
to push or to push back.  In other words, you are tempted in-
to conflict, every day!  Sometimes it happens in your thoughts,
sometimes in the words, you, or others, do say, sometimes it is
through actions, or deeds, you are distracted this way; avoid
joining conflict,  in any way.   The end result will be, at the
end of the day: that you find you have no dirt or dust or
garbage to clean away; that you did not magnify
what was happening at all; that you are in
balance, in harmony, and at peace;
that there is nothing you did
to sabotage your connection
with God; that there is nothing
you said that can be used against you,
because you said nothing.  Let the conflicts pass-
you-by; do not join-in that parade; because it is destined
for the destruction, of all around it!  Avoid conflict in any form!

August 21, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

When you insist on holding-on to the old,
tightening your grip on that which you believe
is yours to hold, you miss the opportunity to feel,
that which is coming to you in the present!  Hands
that are closed, "cannot receive the gifts," as they
come! And The Holy Sprit says: Open your hands; keep
them that way; and, as the gifts flowing to you
arrive: feel them, and know them, and
let them pass through, like
pieces of sand, in
an hour

August 27, 2016

Do not hesitate to open the door; for
The Wind will gather you, and show
you more, than you ever thought
possible!  And The Holy Sprit says:
It is easy to become comp-
lacent, to be satisfied
with things, as
they are;
if you hear
a gentle knocking
from within, a tapping
on the door, rise-up, open
the door, and welcome The Wind.

August 26, 2016

It is important for you to be reminded of who you are, that
you are on a mission, that you are My child;  for,  when you
do remember these things, your life on Earth has meaning,
you understand  the meaning,  and know it is temporary,
you work patiently, and diligently, until your mission
is complete and it is time to come Home!  Remem-
ber who you are, and what you are doing!  And
The Holy Sprit says: The world created by man
is filled with distractions; and these dis-
tractions can draw you away from
your mission, from what
you are supposed
to be doing.
Pay attention,
and understand
that  life on  Earth
is temporary, but you
are an eternal being; to-
day... remember this... and
your actions will follow suit!

August 25, 2016

When you make it your intention
to create a bowl ~ full of joy ~ then
the day is filled, with joy; and, as
you create, this joyful energy,
it splashes-out onto others,
and they feel the beauty
of joy, and they sing,
for your creation
is a beautiful thing.
And The Holy Sprit says: Whipping
together, a great big bowl of joy
is exciting, it is filled, with laugh-
ter, as you mix and toss and turn,
the joy spills out of the bowl on-
to all that is around you, and
you look, and see,
and call-out, and say,
"God, look what I have
created for thee."  And God tastes
the joy, in your creation, and smiles.

August 24, 2016

All things ~ move ~ in cycles.
You are preparing to end one cycle.
Make sure you have set aside some time
to end those things, which need ending,
in a good, and proper way, so that
the cycle is complete; and
you might roll-on
your way in-
to a new
And The Holy Sprit says:
Beginning is always exciting.
Ending, needs to be, as exciting,
and fulfilling, as the beginning,
tying-it-all-together, making
sure it fits; and, is right;
so that you might
move-on, to
the next
in sheer delight,
that one chapter, is fin-
ished, and another, beginning!

August 23, 2016

not base
what you will do
for another, on what another
does for you; for, that becomes a game
of interaction, and reaction; rather, choose
to do for others, as God would do for you,
then, it becomes "an act of love."
And The Holy Sprit says:
Be mindful,
and do not fall
to the temptation
to treat others as they
treat you.  Choose The Way,
and be the light, and the love of God,
every day, no matter what others do or
say; for, this, surely, is The Way of God.

August 22, 2016

There are always those around you
whose lives, whose daily lives would be
better and brighter, if you would deliver
a smile, a touch, a kiss, a kind word; for,
they cannot find them elsewhere.  There-
fore, let them come from you!  And The Holy
Sprit says: Sometimes, your desire to do good,
leads you to look ~ to see ~ what great thing
can be done; but, do not let one day pass,
when you also, do not seek-out
the small things,
such as sharing a smile,
a gentle touch, a kind word,
a kiss on the cheek; these things are
treasures as well; and they will change
the course of the day, for those  lacking
a kind word, for those longing to see a
smile, to feel a kiss, or a gentle touch!

August 14, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

you need, you will find
within Me!  I AM within you.
Take that which I give unto you;
and, live!  And The Holy Sprit says:
The well of God will quench
every thirst.

August 20, 2016

Open your heart, and your soul, and your spirit to all of creation!
With the desire to flow with The Divine Plan, comes the realization,
and once you realize and you are moving with The Divine Plan, you
are no longer isolated, and the celebration begins, because you feel oneness with the trees and the water, with the butterflies, squirrels
and the deer.  Once you feel the connection, your life upon Earth
changes, for the better.  Today, be at peace, in the celebration of
creation, as you walk, as you see, as you know.  And The Holy Sprit
says: Do not be tempted into isolation.  Do not limit yourself to this
place or that.  Think of yourself as a piece of everything, around
you.  Breathe it, and feel it, so you might know it, as this will
change your perspective, forever; because, once you real-
ize, and truly "know," that all things are connected,
your spirit will grow; you will feel it,
and know it.  Once you
and realize,
the connection,
you will be living life
as it should be, with your spirit
animating your body, you will experience
the thrill, and discovery, of living upon the Earth.

August 19, 2016

You cannot know peace,
until all things are forgiven.
You will know when you have for-
given all things, because that which
comes to your mind,  or presents itself
to you each day, will not be a source, of:
frustration, or anger, sadness, or guilt.  It
will not be the source of anything because
it is gone, it is forgiven.  Forgive yourself
and forgive all others and you will truly
be free to know peace.   And The Holy Sprit
says: Peace is the tender gift  received by
those willing to forgive all transgres-
sions without an exception or ex-
cuse. This day, let it be your
intention to forgive, to
free yourself
from the
and the bonds
of: judgment, anger,
sadness, guilt, or anything
tying you down, so that you might
soar,  so that you might fly,  so that
you might be free,  and know  peace!

August 18, 2016

For those who choose
to set their tent beside the rivers,
they find nourishment, they find the river
as a source of life; and, as they live beside the river
of life, they begin to know the signs, and are prepared
to back-away, when it is time for the waters to rise, and
move closer in times of drought.  In this way, flood and
drought do not negatively impact them, because they
"know," the river, and live, according to the signs.
And The Holy Sprit says: No matter where you are,
or what you are doing, there are signs,
all around you, to
guide you.
Those who live
by a river, see the signs,
and know the waters will be rising,
and the floods will be coming, and they move
to higher grounds, timely.  Those who live by a river
see the signs, and know the waters will subside, signaling
drought, and they move closer, timely.   These adjustments
maintain life, and the river sustains them, in flood, and dro-
ught.  This all happens because they can read the signs!  To-
day, make it your intention to walk through the hours, of
this day,  looking for,  and reading the signs;  for,
they are there, waiting to guide any,
who will look, and see!

August 17, 2016

Set your camp in a place of peace;
for when you reside in a place of peace,
that peace moves into you, and becomes
a part of you, and you become a part of
peace! Do not set your camp in a place
of anger, or hatred, or doubt, or con-
fusion;  for,  if you  set your camp
in such a place, these things
move into you, and
a part of you;
and then, you become
a piece of anger, and hatred,
of doubt, and confusion.  And The
Holy Sprit says: There is nothing more
important for you to do, every day,
than to maintain your position in
the light of God, setting your
camp in a place of peace.
Then, when you are
in the light, and
you know the
peace, you
will be
to move on,
fulfilled, nourished, and
ready to complete your mission.

August 16, 2016

Once the
responsibility to
complete  a  task,  or
assignment is shouldered,
and you dig-in, and begin, there
comes a growing sense of confidence, as
you move through the project.  And The Holy Sprit
says: Once the work is done, there comes a time for play.

August 15, 2016

your intention,
that, which you are
doing.  If you rise-up
and intend to create
a perfect day, then
your intention
leads The
and that
is exactly
what you are
doing.  Be mindful
of this My children; rise-
up and state your intention,
know, what you are doing. And
The Holy Sprit says: There are only
a few chosen to be on Earth, at
any given time; and those
who are chosen to be
on Earth, have
the opportunity,
and the responsibility,
to create light; therefore, at
the rising of the sun, for each and
every day, let it be your intention to
create peace, to create the perfect day!

August 7, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Know, who you are!  Know the energies you carry!
Expel the energies of negativity, from your being!  Create
an atmosphere wherein, you are the master!  Doing so, will be
the beginning of a stress-free existence upon Earth; for, when you
have the capability of creating  an  atmosphere, wherein only love,
and light and peace, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, grati-
tude, and other such energies, live;  this is what you know; and this
contributes to who you are!  You do have the capability, the ability
to do this!  It is not often taught; but it is true; you are the creat-
or of all you think, and say, and do! Knowing this will change
your experience, upon Earth!  And The Holy Sprit says: No mat-
ter where you find yourself, today, create an experience
that you will want to visit over, and over again
because you carry each

August 13, 2016

When you focus-on something, or someone,
that is where your energy goes.  When you focus-
on: remaining in My light; flowing within the river
of My love; listening, so that you hear My guidance;
then, that is where your energy goes, it stays with you,
it is not drained from you.  And The Holy Sprit says: You will
feel energized, and filled with spirit, you will not be drain-
ed at the end of the day, if you master the situation, and
focus on staying-in the light of God, remaining-in the
river of God, flowing with the Wind, listening,
so you might hear, and know The Way.
Focus on God

August 12, 2016

The butterfly,
that brings such delight to see,
floating on the breeze, moving back and forth
between the flowers and the branches and the leaves,
once crawled on the Earth, through the dirt, was cocooned,
wrapped, suspended in time, before it was released on the winds
to climb, so all might see the glory!  And The Holy Sprit says: The times
you feel as if you are crawling through the dirt will pass.  The times
you feel as if you are in isolation, away from the world and alone,
in a place not big enough to move, will pass.  The promise, of
the day, wen you soar upon The Wind, will come.  There
is a time for everything, and each time will come,
and pass, because creation continues; and
it continues: with you, in you,
through you; in all you
think, and say,
and do!

August 11, 2016

the morning,
My children rise-
up, and they go forth.
When you rise-up and go forth
remember, you have the opportunity
to go forth, and bless.  There is also the possibility
you are tempted to go forth and curse; but, oh My children,
capable of such light, today of all days, go forth,
and deliver the light, in the blessings
that flow from you; for, it is
My light, and it is
My blessing
that flows
through you.
And The Holy Sprit says:
A new day, a new opportunity,
a new way to create light!  Be at peace
this day as you go forth; for the light of God,
and the love of God, is with you.  It is what you
have chosen, it is what you elected to do with your
freewill; therefore, as you have created it, let it unfold.

August 10, 2016

Sometimes, you are guided to open a door!  Sometimes
there comes a knock, and you are led to respond, and open the
door.  Sometimes you move passed doors meant to be opened.  These
things happen every day; sometimes you are tempted to believe more
in the material world,  placing your trust: in this institution, or that institution,  in this person,  or that person;  and,  sometimes,  there comes a day, when you are led to put your faith, and trust, in the
spiritual realm, and move, as The Wind!   This is such a day!
And The Holy Sprit says: Pay attention.  Watch for the signs.  Re-
spond to the knowing, within you!  Let your feelings, let
your senses, guide you; and you will see the door;
and you will open it!  Listen!  Watch for the
signs;  and you will  hear  the  knock,
the gentle rapping on the door,
and you will open it!
Turn a deaf ear
to the world of man,
and open your spirit to the glory
land, to The Divine, to The Precious,
to The Sacred;  for,  there are times when
you choose to set yourself aside, and embrace
the unseen; and in the embracing, you find the un-
seen more real than the seen!  Open the door, and sing!

August 9, 2016

you make the effort
to set your agenda aside,
sit down,  be still,  and quiet,
you will find that the mystical,
magical realm,  of  All  That  Is,
moves  into,  and  through  you!
It will  take  some work, before
you  can  keep  the  thoughts
of  the  day,  and  all  you
think  you  must  do,
away!  For a
while, it
will last only
a minute, or two,
but during this minute,
or two, all that comes to you
will be of enlightenment!  There will
be ~ illumination, ~ and within this light
the seeds of your faith, and trust, will spring-
forth in growth, and this growth will soon be, as
the vine, moving, growing bigger and bigger,  until
you sit in amazement,  "knowing,"  The Divine!   And
The Holy Sprit says:   Set your excuses aside, set the agendas a-
side, set all things aside.   Clear your thoughts, and breathe!
The encounter with The Divine ~ will last only a few seconds,
at the start; but soon, it will be a place you desire to go, every
day, with all of your heart, because your experience will grow.
First you must begin, first, you must start. Let today be the
day, you set all things aside and walk into The Divine.

August 8, 2016

When you find you are blessed to be in a place
where you are moving with the rhythm of Earth,
where you are breathing with the breeze, and flowing
with the river, then, you realize you are living, as you are
meant to live!   There is a natural rhythm,  a pattern,  a beat.
You can feel it, in the air; and, you can feel it, beneath your feet,
when you are walking in balance and harmony with Mother Earth.
This is much easier to do, when you are out in the countryside.  It
can be a challenge when you are in a city, where Mother Earth
is covered with concrete, where the buildings take the place
of trees, where the cars, and the vehicles, take the place
of butterflies, birds, and bees.  This is why, once you
leave the city, and go out, into the rural areas, in-
to the countryside and walk through a meadow
you are free ~ to breathe deeply ~ and know
you are truly One, with All Creation.  And
The  Holy  Sprit  says:  Breathe deeply; and
be at peace,  this day.   Feel  nature,
the rhythm,  the sway of Earth,
and be there, be in balance,
be in harmony with
the creations
of God, and
you will know
the wisdom of the trees,
and the direction of the rivers, and
the streams, and you will follow, and it will be good.

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: