December 24, 2016

What would you give the world, as a gift?
If you pondered this question for a while,
you would find, you would be rejecting
material gifts;  settling,  rather,  on:
kindness,  understanding,  com-
passion, because delivering
the gifts, of kindness,
and compassion,
creates an environment
which  will  nurture  the  gifts
of joy, and happiness.  And The Holy Spirit
says:  Before you can be joyful, and happy, it
is necessary for you to live in a place of kind-
ness, and understanding, and compassion.
When you live in such an atmosphere,
you lose all doubt, and fear of
the present, or the
future, and
you dwell in joy,
and you live in happiness.
Today, give the world a gift, and
let it be kindness, include understand-
ing, and copious amounts of compassion;
for, that is a gift, the world can use, greatly!

December 23, 2016

still, My
child!  Clear
your mind.  Let
it flow, with sacred,
eternal  energy.   Ride
upon this path.  Do not
study the words, and the
ways of  the world.  Let
them go and fly from
you.  In this state,
you will be
to hear
My words,
and reside with Me,
completely, and fully, for
a while, so that you might see,
as I see.  And The Holy Spirit says:
Remove the things, and the
thoughts of the world,
so that you might
rise-up; for
they are as ballast,
which will weigh you down; to
fly, and to soar, to ascend to the door,
of the unseen, you must be free of the seen!

December 22, 2016

Resist "the temptation," to try to change another person!  When
this temptation arises, turn your focus, within.  Make the changes
within your being; for, that is the only place where you can make a change.  Change yourself!  The change might be big, the change
might be minute; still, that is the only place, where you can
make a change.  Once you have made the change
within your being, you will be at peace,
and when you are at peace,
you are less likely to
want to focus
on others.  And
The Holy Spirit says: Let
your peace, speak for you.
When you walk in peace, others
see what you are doing.  When others
see what you are doing, and it is good, the seed
is planted within them: within their own thoughts, with-
in their own desire, within their own heart.  Change comes from
within!  Peace ~ is created ~ within!  Create peace ~ within ~ your being.

December 21, 2016

The art
of perfection,
requires practice.
Today, focus on repackag-
ing a personal trait, or a habit,
which you would like to undo, which
seems to be an obstacle, for your forward
progress,  spiritually speaking;  for, every-
thing you do, can be undone, and  repack-
aged, so it shines, in the light  of the sun.
And The Holy Spirit says: If there is something,
a habit,  a trait,  which seems  to be
an  obstacle,  to  your
forward progress
to a more spiritual
life, let today be the day
you  announce,  to  yourself,
"This, I will repackage, and give
all the effort to God."  It is a good day,
to do something so productive.  The art of per-
fection requires practice.  Practice ~ makes ~ perfect!

December 20, 2016

Procrastination is like a sticky web,
it is easy to be trapped, and ensnared,
it is difficult to be released, and gain
your freedom once again. Do what
needs to be done, at the time
it needs to be done, and
you will avoid
the web, of
and limit frustration.
And The Holy Spirit says: Sometimes,
it is easier  than  other times, to put-
things-off,  to delay,  to find a reason, not
to do this,  or that,  or the other.  If it is, at
your doorstep,  it is yours, to do.  Pick-it-up,
and take charge, before it begins to master you.

December 19, 2016

set your ego aside,
set aside all the world
has taught you, and listen
to what I will teach you; for
I will show you The Way: to
compassion and understand-
ing; I will show you The Way
to love, in the face of hatred;
I will show you The Way to
kindness, in the face
of mean spirits
surrounding you;
I will show you The Way
to the waters of life, so you might drink,
and not thirst; I will show you The Way to My vine-
yards and orchards, so you might eat, and not hunger.
I will show you The Way; if, you will set all other things
aside and sit with Me!  And The Holy Spirit says: Open your heart:
do not build fences of denial; do not activate your defense mechan-
isms; rather, open your arms, your body, your soul and your spirit,
like a child, and embrace the teachings of God; for, they are good.
They are love!  They are creation, itself, flowing through you!
Today, prepare to experience ~ the best you ~ in creation!

Dec.  18,  2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

of year,
you are pre-
paring a great celebration,
honoring My Living Word, sent to walk amongst you,
The Messiah!  At other times, your prepare to celebrate the birth
of family members, or friends, or figures who are famous:
kings and queens, statesmen, people of the churches,
those who seem to have risen above the norm, and
lived a life that was beyond what others experi-
ence.  Celebration is good; but, in the celebrating
remember, if you are living upon the Earth right now,
your birth should be a cause of great celebration, because
each one of you, was sent with a mission of great importance.
Birth should be the cause of great celebration.  And The Holy Spirit says:
Let the songs ring-out, let the music be clear, and beautiful,
let the well-wishers step-forward, speaking
the words they have written, so that
the one, who is being cele-
brated, will know, what
is on their hearts.
Celebrate life,
as it is sa-

December 17, 2016

The ways of the world can be binding, and limiting,
putting you in a box, defining you are this, or that,
or the other, insinuating, you can be no other way,
you can do no other thing.  My ways instill in you
the strength, and the courage, to be all, you are
meant  to  be,  without limitation.   My child,
if it is your destiny; you will do it, because
I will it so, for you.  You have been giv-
en  the  opportunity,  to  continue
the creation, which began
with Me!  There-
fore, that
which is
in your heart,
right now, whispering to
you,  calling to you,  that  is  what
you are to do!  There is no box,  limiting
your boundaries, there is only eternity, singing
your name!  And The Holy Spirit says: Do not be tricked in-
to thinking, that you are upon Earth, for any other reason,
than: to complete a mission: of unity, and beauty; to continue
creation, while you are there, and return Home triumphantly.

December 16, 2016

The one who is healed one day,
can become sick, again, another day.
The one who is made whole one day, can
become disjointed, out of balance, another day.
Be vigilant, be as vigilant with your spiritual body,
as you are with your physical body.  Be constant
in your monitoring; so that you might enjoy
good spiritual health, and good physical
health.  Good spiritual health, and
good physical health, create
an atmosphere, wherein
your mental health
is also good, and
in balance.
This day
be in
in every way,
body, spirit, mind;
and then, your soul can
soar, opening the door, bring-
ing you more, than you were able
to accept, before!  And The Holy Spirit says:
You are standing at the doorway of a new time,
a new day; leave the baggage of yesterday behind,
and step-over the threshold, closing the door; and,
you will find ~ tomorrow is waiting, ~ just for you!

December 15, 2016

Every minute, of every hour, of every day,
I send you My love!  I send you My power, so
that you might let it flow, through you, to others!
I send you light; I send you lessons; but, just because
I give you these things, freely, does not mean I demand
that you use them.  I just want you to know, that they are
always there for you!  You can open the door wide, and
these gifts flow to you, and through you, as you de-
sire.  You can crack the door, just a bit, and
you feel as if you are nearing a fire,
warming you, caring for you;
or, you can turn your
face, from Me,
and walk
it is all
there for you,
always!  And The Holy Spirit
says: Nothing can diminish the love,
flowing to you, from your Eternal Parent.
It is beyond human scope, and understanding;
yet, it is there, not demanding, it is just there for
you to use: at any minute, of any hour, of any day.

December 14, 2016

The only way you can experience good physical and mental health
is to be vigilant, and cleanse yourself, every hour, if necessary.  This
information has been passed to you before; but, it seems too simple;
therefore, it is often disregarded.  If you are not happy, and, in the light; then, there is something within you, which needs to be up-
rooted, pulled from you, so you are returned to balance.
It is that simple.  So, do not let the simplicity
of it, diminish the power of it.  And
The Holy Spirit says: If you do not
wake-up happy, and filled with joy,
knowing you are a child of God, and you have
the opportunity, to do something, upon Earth; then,
you need to be still, and address the matter, immediately!
Take from within you, that, which is weighing you down.
Cast it from you, and then, as you walk around,
you will notice your gait is lighter,
your smile comes easier,
your laughter is
as a song.
This is how
it is supposed to be
all night, and all day long.
Be vigilant, and then you will be happy.

December 13, 2016

the day
was filled
with light; and
the clarity sang-out,
from the dewdrops in the grass,
and from the sparkle of the branches of the trees.
The clarity brought all, to their knees, humbled, in the power
of the light; for, all things were illuminated, all things were seen!
And The Holy Spirit says: When you have seen the light of day, which
is the threshold, into your tomorrow: your gait is sure;
your mind is clear; you no longer suffer the
limitation, of what you have learned,
in the world, created by man.
You are filled, with il-
lumination, bear-
ing the wis-
dom, of

December 12, 2016

If, today,
you find yourself
in fear, frozen in place,
not knowing which way to go,
give Me your hand, and I will gently
bring you back to the light, and show you
The Way.  If, today, you find yourself afraid,
wandering here, and there, not knowing,
which way to go, churning-up chaos
and confusion: be still, take My
hand, and I will lead you
back to the light, and
I will show you
The Way!
Be not afraid!
And  The  Holy  Spirit  says:
As a result of fear, you can find
that you are either frozen in place,
unable to move, or running here and
there at a hurried pace, seeming to get
nowhere, creating chaos and confusion,
everywhere. When you find yourself liv-
ing in fear: be still, and quiet, so you can
hear, The Whisper of God; and, God will
lead you, to the light, and you will know
which way to go.  Be not afraid, for God
The Creator, of All Things, is with
you, right now, and forever!

Dec.  11,  2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

were given
the gift of life
upon Earth; and
at your birth, your
birth  upon  Earth,
it was set in place
that you would
the creation story!
Each and every one of you
are destined to continue creation.
And The Holy Spirit says: Every day, there is a new birth,
light comes out of the darkness of the night, and there is dawn,
and you awaken, and walk into the new day!  Today, walk with pur-
pose, knowing you are upon Earth for a reason; and the reason is, to
continue the work of God, upon Earth.  Creation did not occur, and
stop.  Creation  continues in your every thought, word, and deed.

December 10, 2016

to seek your
happiness, and peace,
on a journey within your being, rather
than seeking to find it in the material world;
for within your being is The Source of peace!
And once you make the journey, unlock the
door, and step-over the threshold, into
the chamber to sit with Me,
you will find
not only
the peace,
you were seek-
ing, but the wisdom
to know peace, to know
joy, to know true happiness.
And The Holy Spirit says: The desire for:
happiness,  joy,  and  peace,  will not be
quenched,  by material objects,  this desire
will be fulfilled as you make the journey with-
in; and, as you begin to see as God sees: you find
comfort, in the lap of God; you find courage, in the
strength of God; and you find joy, in the song of God!

December 9, 2016

My Son,
who was sent to Earth,
over two thousand years ago
to show you  The Way,  told you
that you could do all He was doing;
He added, even greater things.   My
sons, and daughters, today, would be
a good day to rise-up and experience
Earth, as your Brother asked you to
do; today, walk in such a way, that
all who see you "know," you are
My child, and you are using
the gifts, you have
been given,
And The
Holy Spirit says:
Very few individuals
take  the  opportunity  to
live  upon  the  Earth,  even for
one day, connected to God, The Creator,
in such a way, that you are filled with courage, and
strength, that you know, and you say, without hesitation,
"I am a child of God, and I will use the gifts I have been given
for  the  glory  of  God,  without  pride,  with  thanksgivings!"

December 8, 2016

The material wealth,
and  all  of  the  possessions
you acquire,  during your lifetime
upon Earth,  must stay on Earth!  They
will not pass, with you, as you make your way
back through the veil, on your way Home.  They
stay behind.  The true wealth  you have gathered,
and stored-up, will be the many times you are the
creator of love, of charity, of compassion and for-
giveness, of kindness.  These positive creations,
are your true wealth, and you will bring them
Home,  with you,  stored within your spirit.
Do not ~ waste your time ~ in the things
that will not last forever.  Use your
time,  and  your  creative  a-
bility,  and gifts,  to
create love.
And The
Holy Spirit says:
Today, set your intention
to create great wealth!  When
there is an opportunity:  be kind;
be courteous;  be understanding;  be
compassionate;  show love;  show forgive-
ness; be selfless in your desire to serve others
in the name of God; come the end of the day, you
will have "a great treasure; it will mark what you
did, on this particular day, during your time, dur-
ing your journey upon Earth; and these creations,
formed from the gifts from God, will live, forever!

December 7, 2016

It is
better to
live The Way
and show The Way
rather than to talk a-
bout walking The Way.
And   The  Holy  Spirit   says:
When you move to a-
nother place,
a place
you are
feeding the poor;
touching those who need love;
speaking of God's love in an active way,
in your deeds; then, you begin to live,
and to know, and to grow, because
this is an outward sign, that God
is living within you, that Heaven
is within you, and all around you,
that you bring the promise of God wher-
ever you go, and that the promise of God is,
often, fulfilled in your deeds.  Today, let your
deeds show the promise, the living word of God.

December 6, 2016

soon as
you accept
your heritage, and
awaken to who you are,
there comes a responsibility
to live in  My light,  as My child;
therefore: be mindful of your thoughts,
and be quick to sweep away from you, every
thought of judgment of another; be mindful of
how you live, and sweep away every temptation to
be anything but loving, kind, and compassionate
with others.  Be mindful of how you speak, swe-
ep away the temptation to be anything but
forgiving, compassionate, loving and
kind.  This is The Way to live
in My light.  Be
what you are seeking,
and you will find it has always
been, within you.  And The Holy Spirit says:
The fall into darkness, and shadow, begins with a
first step; therefore, if it begins with a first step, guard
your first step before you slip, before you fall.  Cast from you
any temptation,  even  the slightest.   Do not  be  grumpy,  or short.
Your days are numbered.   Be the child of God,  living in the light,  for
all to see the glory.  Living this way, will bring you peace, will tell the story.

December 5, 2016

of a day
is made-up of
one step after another,
moving through one corridor,
and then a passageway, moving
from meadows to the mountains,
from the shore to the desert.  The
journey of a day, is important in
every way.  Take the journey
of this day, knowing
what you are
every step
of The Way.
And The Holy Spirit says:
You are about to embark on a day,
that will never happen again.  You have been given
the day; now, what will you do with the day?  Remember,
it is yours to create.  The decisions you make, all through
the day, will lead you here, or there.  So, will you wander,
or stray, or will you remain in the light, walking The Way?

Dec.  4,  2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

I will send you times of learning, so that you can sit quietly
and hear, all I wish for you to know, so that you might grow,
in wisdom, and know The Way!  I will send you times of rest,
so in your sleeping your body will grow stronger, your spirit
will feel My presence!  I will send you times of nurturing,
and the manna, of Heaven, will fill you, with strength,
and you will find courage, as you wait for the call.
I will send you times of action, when you are to
rise-up, and complete the mission, for that
time, for that place, for that day.  If
you are vigilant, you will re-
cognize the times,
and the signs,
and in-so-doing,
will be ready, when
the call comes.  And The
Holy Spirit says: Enjoy every time
that you are given, use it to the fullest
measure.  If it is the time for your learning,
open, and receive all that God will give to you,
so you might "know."  If it is the time for rest, rest
completely, so your body is ready to rise-up.  If it is time
for nurturing,  eat, of the manna of Heaven,  so your spirit
is strong.   And, when it is time for action, enjoy, that, which
is yours to do, and complete it, so that the glory of God, shines
through you. Every time is important. Look, and see, and know.

December 3, 2016

not be
distracted by
the nay-sayer, whose
well of faith has run dry;
for,  you know  My whisper;
and,  you know  My presence!
If I have called you to rise-up,
if I have called you to action,
rise-up in action.  Do so
knowing, that
the deeds
you perform,
under My direction,
will  be  seen,  and  known.
The  deeds  that  you  perform,  as
you are called,  will be the waters of faith
to fill-up the well which has run dry; for the nay-sayer
can say, "No," no longer, when they see, what you have done,
in the light of the sun.  And The Holy Spirit says: Do not waste your energy
chiding or correcting those who cannot see, those who cannot believe. Your energy is better spent in performing the mission, completing your journey,
because the deeds speak far louder than words of correction, or chid-
ing.  Let your words be the deeds, you do, in the name of God!

December 2, 2016

to the signs
which come to you:
for they will come to you in dreams;
they will come to you in visions; they will come to you
in words, spoken by another; they will come to you in a myriad
of ways!  Pay attention to the signs; and once you see the signs,
and know them, listen for My whisper, for I will call to you,
and say, "Rise-up, it is time for action."
And My strength will be
your courage,
and your courage
will be the sign of faith
for all to see.  Rise-up, My child,
and come to Me!  And The Holy Spirit says:
When looking for the signs, and learning how
to read them, it is important for you to remember
not to dismiss the signs, which lead you to small things;
for each small step eventually becomes a mile.  Do not look
only for the great, and the grand.  Look around.  The small
is where you start.  The first step is the beginning of the
journey.  Look around, and read the signs.

December 1, 2016

See life,
and all things, which
flow from Me to thee, as a circle,
a  never-ending  circle,  each  ending  flowing
into new beginnings, each beginning circling around
until its purpose is complete, and then ascending once
again to a new beginning.  And The Holy Spirit says: The nev-
er-ending circle of eternity, is perfect, and precious, and
sacred, and it holds you within it and all of God's
creation,  flowing,  endlessly,  in  the
never-ending circle of

November 30, 2016

Every time you reach-out in kindness,
you feel My compassion, flowing, through
you, to another, and you are blessed.  And The
Holy Spirit says: No matter how much money, or how
many things, you donate to this organization, or
that organization,  in order to feed,  or clothe
others, the feeling is never quite the same
as when you reach-out, in the name of
God, and touch another, with your
kindness,  with words,  with
deeds; and, in touching
another with kind-
ness, you grow
in compassion;
for, the presence
of God doth flow, within
you.  Be compassionate, and
understanding.  Be kind to others.

November 29, 2016

Do not seek retaliation.  Do not hold a grudge.
There is much work to be done, if you recall
a past transgression, or grievance, and it
is not forgiven, completely forgiven,
forgiven in such a way that you
see it as a lesson, you were
blessed to receive.  For-
giveness is the key
to joy and happiness.
And The Holy Spirit says: God
does not  seek  retaliation.  God
does not hold a grudge for anything
that you have done, or said, or thought.
Therefore, today, be Godlike, in your ways,
be forgiving of all things; see all things as val-
uable lessons, because they are.  Rise-above the
temptation to retaliate, or hold a grudge, and
be Godlike, in your ways, of forgiveness!

November 28, 2016

Be a joyful presence; wherever you go, let there be joy:
as you walk;   and as you talk;   let there be joy as you pray;
let there be joy in every word you say; for the joyful heart knows
My love, and knows it well!  And The Holy Spirit says:  Today, let joy be un-
confined!  If you need to work, ~ let there be joy ~ in your work.  If today
is designated as a day of play, let it be joyful play.  If today is a day set a-
side to take care of book work,  or paper work,  or studious work,  let
there be a blend of joy in all you do; because  that energy  will car-
ry through, all the years to come; and even after you have gone
Home,  there will be those who read,  or see,  or know,
something you left behind, and they will smile,
because they will know, that
joy, was uncon-

Nov.  27,  2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Do not be satisfied to read about, or to watch, miracles
taking place in the lives of others.  Seek, and be vigilant,
watch for the signs, and when the time has come to you,
rise-up; for, the miracle is waiting for you!  I can assure
you: the choice you make, in this regard, will be worth
making; the chance you take, in this regard, will be
worth taking.  Do not become complacent, satis-
fied to watch the parade go by.  I AM calling
you, to: rise-up, and join the parade; walk
triumphantly; be the miracle!  And The
Holy Spirit says: When you read a story,
or watch a movie, or listen to
an accounting of a
occurrence, it
fills you with delight;
but, there is a piece of you
which does not believe that this
miracle could come to you, or come
from you.  But I can assure you, if you
make the decision and take the chance to
follow The Whisper, to join the dance, the
miracles will surround you, and come from
you, and you will soon see, and know, your
heritage as a child of God; for miracles
abound!  Watch for the signs, so
you might know them!

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: