November 23, 2014
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Sometimes, a bold spirit, and a courageous heart,
spring-forth, out-of necessity, when times are difficult,
and situations demanding.  Sometimes, a bold spirit, and a
courageous heart, spring forth, from a fire, burning deep, at
the core of your being, saying, "It is time, there is something
to do, that mission within you, it is ready."  And the finger,
points to you.  Somewhere from a distant, quiet hallway
within you, you know it is your time to fulfill your
destiny.  And The Holy Spirit says:  Do not let the
reluctance of the world, keep you,
from rising-up, riding
the flames of
your spirit,
into courageous
deeds; for, when it is
time, those who are ready,
step-to-the-fore; and for them,
shadow and darkness are nevermore!

November 22, 2014

not be
quick to
point ~ out
the errors, or
the short-comings,
of another, rather, choose
the silent tongue, and observe
what is happening.  And then, take
this lesson, within you.  In this way,
you learn from your brothers, and
sisters; your brothers, and sis-
ters, become your teacher,
no matter what their
place, or situation
might be.  Learn
silently; make
the correction in-
side, of your being;
this is a master lesson.
And The Holy Spirit says: as you walk
upon the Earth, you will, sometimes, find
the behavior of others, a bit off-putting.  When
this happens, make note of your observation; and, take
the time to correct-it within yourself.  Every time you suc-
cessfully do this, the ways of the world change, through you.
Be quick to have compassion, and understanding for others.
Be quick to see the lesson; and internalize the lesson;
so that, that, which is displeasing in others,
does not find a home, within you!

November 27, 2014

Let not your heart be worried.
Refuse the demons, of loneliness,
and despair; for, I AM with you; I
AM there; and today we celebrate!
We celebrate; and, are thankful,
for all that you have, for you
have Me; I AM with you;
I AM, within, thee!
throw open
the windows,
and the doors,
and sing.  Let
be on your
and let
the notes
ring-out, over
the city, through
the countryside, up,
onto the mountain, and
down, onto the shore.  Reject
worry, loneliness, and sadness.  Let
them be in your heart, nevermore!  And The
Holy Spirit says:  No matter where you find yourself to-
day, if you will be still, and be quiet, and let the power,
of God, fill your heart, and soul, and being, you will rise-
up singing... "Thank you God... for the gifts... of this day!"

November 26, 2014

The brief time you have, upon the Earth,
is sacred!  Treat it as such.  And The Holy Spirit
says: Life upon the Earth is a glorious journey:
when you are connected, with Home Base;
when your focus is to do, that, which
you are meant to do; and to do
it, in the light of God.
These things,
these simple things,
bring you great joy,
and in-so-doing,
bring joy to
all those, those
you; cherish the time,
you have, upon the Earth;
for, it is brief, and it is sacred!

December 2, 2014

walk into My arms,
and let us dance together, into
this day, eager, and excited, to see
what our dance will reveal, about you,
and about Me.  And The Holy Spirit says:  When
two people come together to dance, they become
partners in the dance, each one a part, a piece, of
that dance; and when two people come together to
dance, who have been dancing together a very long
time, they each anticipate the moves of the other;
and at the same time, they each trust, and know
each other well enough to follow, when the an-
ticipated movement is different, has a flare,
was created just for that moment, and
when they know each other
this well, and can
each movement,
or have the faith to follow,
wherever the other will lead,
this dance reveals secrets, there is
revelation, and the dance is beauti-
ful, and good.  Be at peace, this day,
walk into the arms of God, and dance.

December 3, 2014

For those
who are willing
to use the gifts, the tools, the
spiritual tools, you have been given, the
unseen is revealed, and made known!  And The Holy
Spirit says:  In the world ~ there are things that are seen; and,
things that are unseen. You live with the unseen, every day; and
the unseen is made visible by using instruments, and tools. The
scientist looks through a great magnifying glass, and finds
a colony, a microscopic colony, which has been living
with you, all along; yet, remaining unseen, until
there was one ,who used a tool, an
instrument, a gift,
if you will, to
bring the un-
seen, into focus.
And this is how it is,
with the spiritual unseen!  You
must use the gift ~ to bring it into focus,
and the realm of the unseen reveals itself, with you.

December 13, 2014

you are
living in
the light,
your energy
is healed, and re-
newed, and restored,
and you are strong, and happy.
When you are living in darkness,
your energy is drained, you feel
weak, and alone, and you feel
frightened, and afraid.
Recognizing the
difference be-
tween the two,
light, and sha-
dow and dark-
ness, how could you
choose to live any other way?
And The Holy Spirit says:  Breathe-in
deeply, and take this message into
your being... If you want to feel light,
and strong, and vibrant, choose the light;
for as you walk in the light, you are constantly
renewed; the light does not draw from you, it adds
to you, enhances you, completes you; when you know
this, the choice is easy, you will always choose the light

December 12, 2014

Being at peace ~ is a sign ~ of Faith!
And The Holy Spirit says:   No  matter  what
you are doing ~ where ~ you are going,
or what is occurring all around you,
it is possible to be at peace;  but,  to
be at peace,  you must find it first,
within; for the outer-shell can be
still, yet hold turmoil within,
and that turmoil will grow,
become more agitated,
and burst open
the shell
that was still;
therefore, go within,
and remember,  always,  no
matter ~ what the situation, or how
high the mountain appears to be, ~ or how
wide the river appears to be, God, and The Power
of God, is always within thee; and, God is greater, than
all these things.  Therefore, given the opportunity, why not
surrender it all, to the hands of God; and, go forth, in peace!

December 11, 2014

you make,
every direction,
and step you take,
be guided by the love
of God; for I will lead you
in light; and in this Way
you can be assured
that all of
your decisions
will be right, and
good, and according
to the divine plan; and
you will live in peace,
in this Way.  And The
Holy Spirit says:
decisions can be
difficult to make, because
there will be so many options; some-
times directions will be difficult to take,
because there will be so many roads, and
paths, and alleyways; but if you will bless
every choice, every direction, with the love
of God, your choice will be good, your direct-
ion sound, and your day will be spent in peace.

December 10, 2014

Since it is the time of the new day,
and you are preparing to create,
whatever you are to experience
this day, I suggest you ponder
going within, to work on
creating within your-
self, magnificent
light, magnifying
all that you find there
that is "of joyous delight;"
The  Gifts  of  The  Holy  Spirit,
work on them, and magnify them,
until you glow, inside, and out; for,
in this Way, you will be creating the
perfect gift; for all those around you
and for Earth!  And The Holy Spirit says:
Creation ~ is in your hands!  What-
ever comes your way, you can
take it, and, much like
a lump of clay,
mold it to be
you wish it to be.
If frustration comes your way, you can
take frustration, and mold it into clarity, and
knowledge.  If anger, or hatred, come your way,
you could grab that lump of clay, and create: love, and
understanding, and compassion.  No matter what comes to you,
you have the opportunity to create, anew!  Remember this, in all you do.

December 9, 2014

Be willing to dance with Me.
Be willing to sing, with Me.
Be willing to live with Me;
and, in this Way, you will
live, free, of the encumb-
rances, of Earth; you will
live, by Divine Light, and
we will dance . . . and sing,
and live, together ... as One!
And The Holy Spirit says:  No matter
what your thoughts, where you go, or
what you do, no matter, what you say,
this day, let it be
a walk
one of your days
upon Earth, which is done
with joy and gladness and happiness,
let all beings see God, living, through you!

December 8, 2014

are numerous,
choose wisely, so that
your choice is sacred,
so that you know
The Way.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Almost hourly, you make choices,
you choose to be upset about something, or
you choose to add your blessing on that something,
so that grace is settled upon it, rather than frustration.
You can choose to be disappointed; or, you can choose to
let your blessing fall upon that situation; you can choose
a number of things, but there is always a choice that
rings-out, filled with grace, and love, and under-
standing, and wisdom.  So, as you make
your choices this morning, know
that with every choice you
make, there is the
to make
a choice
that is sacred,
and when you do so,
wisdom grows within you,
and grace flows, upon the Earth;
it is always better to bless, than to curse!

December 7, 2014
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

When you
find a treasure
you are willing to give
everything you have to give,
so that this treasure ~ might be yours:
to hold, and cherish, ~ so that you might have
this thing, this treasure, of great value as your own.  And
The Holy Spirit says:  You know you have found something of great value,
when you desire to hold it close to you, to care for it, and to take care of it!

November 30, 2014
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

you are willing
to bring forth the light
you carry, within, your being,
darkness will be no more.  And The Holy
Spirit says: Confusion and doubt, are as shadows,
clinging to you, and blocking The Way, leading you
into total darkness, be it night, or be it day; but if
you are willing to travel, within your being, and
find that light, that seed, that gift, that hope,
that you carry within, and take the time
to ignite the ember, the flame, will
leap, and you will see, and
know, you carry
the light wher-
ever you go.
be willing
this day,
to bring forth
the light, and darkness
will haunt you, nevermore!

December 6, 2014

You will recognize the ones who know,
and embrace their creative power upon Earth
because they are surrounded by light, and peace!
They are calm and serene; they are not disgruntled,
or frustrated or confused.  They walk in light; and,
create peace!  And The Holy Spirit says:  Those who do not
realize their creative powers, are often caught-up in
the muck, and the mire of living upon the Earth.
They stumble over debris ~ in darkness, and
wander in shadow ~ because they do not
know, their creative powers, upon
the Earth.  But the ones
who know, they
their day;
their year; their
time, upon the Earth, and
how it unfolds, they are surrounded
by the light, wherever they go; and,
this is how, you will know them,
this is how you will know
the ones
who embrace
their creative powers,
and are The Instruments of
God' s Peace, and Light, and Love.

December 5, 2014

For those who are willing to follow, as they are guided
by the light, the rewards are bountiful, and life is sweet!
And The Holy Spirit says:  If your choice is to be guided by the light
in all ways, you are blessed, and your days upon the Earth are
glorious, because you walk with certainty, and intention, and
purpose to complete the mission ~ as you are led to do ~ and
this, in itself, takes all worry and concern away from you
because it is set in your mind, that you will listen,
and be guided, by the light.  There-
fore, rise-up this day, and
be guided, by the

December 4, 2014

will be amazed
at the joy you feel
when you take, that,
which you believe you
need, and change it into
that, which, you provide,
for another.  And The Holy
Spirit says:  It is a most
joyful thing,
to become,
of your own free will,
the source of another's light,
and love,
and comfort,
and understanding;
for you will find, at the end
of the day, when you have provided
another with these things, these gifts,
you will close your eyes and realize
they have been yours, all along!

December 1, 2014

let this day
be filled with the joy
you create, within My Light.
And       The       Holy       Spirit       says:
If you have come to the realization
that you truly are a child of God,
who will live forever, it is time
to rejoice, and celebrate.

November 29, 2014

It does not matter:
whether you are hungry, or full;
whether you have a new coat, or an old coat;
whether your body is achy, or you are struggling with a cold;
no matter what the situation of this day, do not let the day grow
any older, until you do something most important, until you put a
smile on your face.  And as soon as you do this, as soon as you feel
the corners of your mouth lifting upward, you will feel better.
And The Holy Spirit says:  A smile is a greeting without words.
A smile says, I am fine.  A smile says, I know.
A smile says, I care for you.
A smile says a million
different things, and
they are all correct, and
appropriate, and just right
for every occasion; so, what are
you waiting for?  Put on a smile!!!!!!

November 28, 2014

the gardener who tends their own garden,
lovingly pulling the weeds, turning the soil,
feeding the plants that are yours, the gifts
that are yours.
And then,
watch your
garden grow,
and blossom,
and become ripe,
and bountiful.  And The Holy
Spirit says:  Do not waste your time,
wandering, and meddling, in the garden
of another, suggesting they move the radish
to where the potatoes are, and the asparagus
to where the broccoli is.  Rather, use your time
in such a way that is of the greatest value, tend-
ing your own garden, making sure that the gifts,
the seeds, you have been given, are planted care-
fully, tended lovingly, so that they might enrich
and enhance, the garden that is you.  Resist
the temptation to arrange another's gar-
den, work your own garden!

November 25, 2014

If today you find yourself in a place, in a situation, where someone
has left you, choosing another, or others, over your company, resist
the temptation to slip-in-to a shroud of solitude, or sadness.  Rather,
fill that empty void you feel, within you, with My presence; for I AM with you, and I will guide you to the truth. And The Holy Spirit says: When
you are faced with rejection, or sadness, or loneliness, be sure to take the time to fill that emptiness, within you, with the presence of God, with
the Holy Spirit of God; and then, listen; for you will be guided,
at that moment ~ to let the love of God flow into you ~ and
through you, freely; for, this is your call to action:
do not sit alone,  ~  rise-up,  ~  and go-out,
and touch others, or another.
Gather food, and
take it to
the hungry.
Gather a basket
of flowers, and take it to
those  who  are  in  a  hospital,
or  otherwise  confined,  for  a  while.
Take books to a prison, smile at a child, who is
crying.  In this way, by the end of the day, you will find
that emptiness. within you, has been filled, with the love of  God.

November 24, 2014

you are
or smiling, or
generally feeling
happy... right now,
keep it up!  The day
is what you make of it;
so, create a happy day, filled,
with smiles.  And The Holy Spirit says:  If,
at this moment, you do not find yourself happy,
smiling, or generally joyful, be still, and know,
that those things, those thoughts, are,
actually, within you!  Do not give
safe harbor to sadness, feel-
ings of being alone, or
without love; chase
them away with
one simple
"I wish to give
the world, the gift
of joy, this day!"  Then,
rise-up, and be on your way!

November 16, 2014
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

the faith, you have
been given, cherish it,
as the special gift, it is;
be quick, and constant,
in your forgiving, of all
things, as this will free
you, and bring joy
into your life;
run from
the energies
akin to anger, or frustration,
because these things will lead you
into darkness, and hatred will become
your companion.  These things I tell you,
these three things,  for you to look,  and see,
that using them will bring you great joy!  And The
Holy Spirit says:  In faith, live your life, forgiving all things,
rejecting anger and frustration, embracing The Way of Love.

November 21, 2014

Do not rush through
this day - live - this day,
every single minute of it.
And The Holy Spirit says:  Stroll
through this day, observing
what is happening, all a-
round you.  Breathe
deeper, laugh
longer, let
compassion, and
understanding, grow
stronger, within you; and,
your day will be sweeter, and
filled with love; now, that, is living!

November 20, 2014

Do not approach the dawn,
with hesitation.  Rise-up, and greet
the new day, eager for the opportunity to
create a glorious day!  And The Holy Spirit says:
Do not shy-away from the challenge, change
your perspective slightly; and you will see
every challenge, as "the opportunity,"
it truly is!  And today, you have the
opportunity to create a day, fill-
ed with: hope, and love, and
compassion,  and  faith.
Here it is; what are
you,  going  to
do, with to-

November 19, 2014

Do not worry, or concern
yourself ~ about ~ how things
appear to be, shaping-up, when
it is time, that, which is to be, will
unfold before you, just as intended,
and revelation will be yours.  And The
Holy  Spirit  says:   Do not rush the rose,
and its unveiling, enjoy the beauty
of the bud, and the petals
ing in time
the story, and
the glory of the rose.

November 18, 2014

Every day brings with it new encounters.
Sometimes, people walk into your life,
bringing the gift of joy.  Sometimes
people walk into your life, seek-
ing the gift of joy.  Be quick
to share the gift fulfilling
their need, and the
waters will flow,
and joy
will be unconfined!
And     The    Holy    Spirit     says:
Joy is the salt of the day, enhancing
the taste of that, which is, already, good.
Today, create, a joyful day, and pass it around!

November 17, 2014

There will be
times in your life, when
you are to give, and times when
you are  to  receive.  When it is  your
time to give, give as you would like to be
given; and, when it is your time to receive,
receive, with an open heart of gratitude; for
that which you have been given.  And The Holy
Spirit says:  The more you give, the more you will
learn, how to give.  Receive with joy, and th-
anksgiving; so, others might have the op-
portunity to give, unto you.  Giving
and receiving - is a circle - of
unending fulfill-

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: