October 21, 2018
See  Jesus'  Sunday  Sermon

When conflicts arise within you, or around you,
do not be stirred to immediate action.  Step-back,
stand-back, observe what is happening, within,
or around you.  What is the purpose of
the conflict?  Do not be forced
to choose sides.  Realize
that there is rarely
one side that is all correct,
and one side that is all in error.
Pray for the wisdom to see the light,
and see the conflict in the light; and soon,
the threads  will begin to  unravel,  and that,
which was pulled tightly into a knot of conflict,
will become supple and smooth, and there, in a
crease, created by anger, or frustration, or
greed, or hurt, there will be glimmer
of a goal, once set, but quickly
lost in conflict.  And
The Holy Spirit says:
Pay attention to the goal.
Do not lose sight of the goal,
and what you are trying to accomplish;
for often, the goal is not accomplished, because
of conflict, of ego.  Keep your focus on the goal.

October 27, 2018

If today
you rise-up, and see that
the  dawn  has  come,  celebrate,
celebrate the gift of the new day.  If to-
day you hear the birds singing, sing along.
If today you feel the touch of the wind, as it
moves over the Earth, ride with the wind.
If today you see a blade of grass, or
a flower, or a tree, celebrate
the  strength,  and  the
tranquility, that is
yours.  Do not be
disturbed by the
ways of others.
Celebrate the way
you see the day.  And
The  Holy  Spirit  says:   No
matter what is going on around you,
you have been given the power to create!
Therefore, when others are creating doubt, or fear,
or worry, or concern, you do not have to create with them.
You can create faith, and joy, and peace, and love, and compassion,
and understanding.  Create a day that is worthy to share with God, that is
worthy to be blessed by The Holy Spirit of God.  Create a day, that is worthy of you!

October 26, 2018

the temptation
to let your thoughts wander-
back: to old hurts, to old fears, to old
angers and hatreds, to arguments of the past; for,
in this way, you bring them forward, into the present, with you;
and there the energy is rekindled, and given power, and given strength.  If
you find your mind wandering in the direction, be quick to forgive!  Take that
moment, which is calling you back to recollection, see it, and know it; but then,
have the strength, and the power, I have given you: to look at it: to forgive oth-
ers, to forgive yourself, and to clear that incident; so it no longer draws you in-
to negative energy; so it no longer is the burden you are carrying.  And The
Holy Spirit says: You do not have to carry the burdens of the past!
In fact, at this very second, this hour, of the day or night,
you can set-down all your burdens, relieve your-
self of the weight you are carrying.  The
answer, the key, to how to do this
is forgiveness!  If it is haras-
sing you from the past,
that is a sign
that forgiveness
is necessary; and then,
once the forgiveness is done,
you can move forward: free, light,
happy, totally healed, and recovered
from the wounds of yesterday, stand-
ing in the light, of the present, today!

October 25, 2018

Set your intentions
to make this the perfect day,
and check your intention progress
all along The Way, just to make sure
that you do not  become:  ensnared in
another's energy of gossip;  embroiled
in another's energy of drama; caught-
up  in  the net of  deceit and anger.
Maintain the energy you de-
sire to create, on your
own.  Keep it
from debris.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The gift is yours, and you hold it; it is
yours to create further.  Come the night,
you will hand it back over, filled with that
which you created, for the glory of God!

October 24, 2018

As you move through this day
there will be times when you are tempted
to go into the energies which are less than peaceful,
less than tranquil.  When you encounter such an experience, be
still, take a deep breath, and go within to recall that you are the con-
necter between the dimension of Heaven,  and  the dimension of Earth;
and, by being so, it is possible for you to experience Heaven, as you move
over the Earth.  In fact My child, it is possible for you to know the light of
Heaven, as you move over the Earth!  Go forth this day, and be the light!
And The Holy Spirit says: Once you begin practicing, and remembering
that you truly can know Heaven, as you walk upon the Earth,
the next step will be to let Heaven flow through you
onto the Earth.  Bless every piece of Earth
you traverse.  Bless every indivi-
dual you encounter.  Be
the light, to-

October 23, 2018

During times
of stress and anxiety,
of uncertainty of any kind,
do not follow the temptation
to run around, to hurry here or
there, to try to do more to compen-
sate for the feeling of lack.  Do not list-
en to the callings of the world around you.
Take yourself aside.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Bre-
athe deeply.  And there, within your being, you
will begin to find comfort; and, if you will permit
yourself to stay, to remain a while, to linger just a
bit,  that comfort will wrap around you,  that com-
fort will give you courage, and confidence to rise-
up, and begin again.  And The Holy Spirit says:
The world can be trying, and taxing, and chal-
lenging to those who are tired, and harri-
ed, and worried; but, for those who are
willing to take the time to rest them-
selves, and their spirit, they seem
better able to take each chal-
lenge, and use it as the op-
portunity it can be.  To-
day, even if it is for
but a short time,
make the time
to move away
from the
go within
to find "comfort,"
where it has always been!

October 22, 2018

Go forth into the world today,
and be the bringer of peace, and
joy; and, all those you encounter
will be blessed by your presence.
And The Holy Spirit says: Be
peace, be joy, so that
all those
you meet
will be touched
with your peace; and, in
your peace will find great joy!

October 14, 2018
See  Jesus'  Sunday  Sermon

not be
Do not be
or anxious. Do
not  be  ashamed,
do not hide your face,
in any way; for, I love you!
Whatever comes to you, you have
the gifts, within you, to master.  If you can rid your-
self of the negative feelings, that crowd into your thoughts, and sit
with Me quietly, we will master, together, that which comes to you; and
it will be a celebration of our communion, of our love, of our joy.  And
The Holy Spirit says: Isn't it amazing, isn't it joyful, isn't it
wonderful, and isn't it to be celebrated
that the door to God
is always open
to you,
that you
have access
to The Creator
of All Things, and
The Creator of All Things
reaches-out to you?  Do not deny
yourself this opportunity and this honor.
Accept, embrace, and enjoy that, which is
yours, in the light, and for the glory of God!

October 20, 2018

times the storm
you are called to calm
is raging in the world, all a-
round  you;  sometimes  the  storm
you are called to calm is raging within you;
sometimes the storm is within you, and all around
you!  Still, you are called to rise-up, and calm the storm!
And The Holy Spirit says: If you could close your eyes, and open
your eyes, and see all that is happening around you, as "energy," in-
cluding the individuals around you, you would come to understand
that this negative energy is magnified, by that which people
carry with them, or by the energy held in the place
itself.  There are locations upon the Earth
that are so saturated with negative
energy, that these places be-
come a feeding ground;
and, those who
travel there, eat
of that energy, and
carry it with them. While
this all sounds rather daunting,
I can assure you it is not.  When you
see it as it is, the answer as to "how to master
it," becomes clearer.  The only way to master this
negative energy, which is in a frenzy, is to take a deep
breath, and calm the angry sea.  Use your creative power
to master the energy of negativity, and calm the angry sea!

October 19, 2018

as the leaf,
riding upon The Wind,
no fear, of where you are going,
no regret, of where you have been.
And The Holy Spirit says: Watch the
leaves,  as they fall  from the trees.
See them riding upon The Wind:
some settle on a grassy knoll;
some settle to ride a sweet
stream; some settle a-
mongst flowers,
on rocks and
other things.
See the beauty
in the leaves that fall, they
tell a story, for all, who will be still,
and see the beauty, that falls from the tree!

October 18, 2018

Dreams can be disturbing, or delightful,
soothing, or stirring you to anxiety.  Dreams
are messages!  While you might not understand
the totality of the message; and, even as you are
wondering about the dream, you have the ability
to grasp certain meanings which leak through.
Do not be disturbed, by the dream, but set
the intention that you wish The Holy
Spirit to bring you wisdom
about the dream,
during the day,
and it will settle within you.
Come the night, it will seem right.
And The Holy Spirit says:  Seek,
and ye shall find.  Knock, and
the door will be opened
unto you.  Ask,
and you shall receive.
Sometimes the grandest gifts arrive in
the smallest packages.  Sometimes that which is
waiting  to be revealed  to you arrives in the form of
an obstacle, or something difficult to do.  Oh, there is
a grand adventure waiting for you.  It is the new day!

October 17, 2018

first it
will take a
great deal of
effort and inten-
tion to stand quietly
in the face of anger, or
chaos, to reject the tempt-
ation to judge, individuals,
or institutions; but, if you
will exert the effort
the outcome will
be as a re-
for, you
will find that
what  you  heard,
while  you  were  quiet,
gives  you  "understanding;"
and,  what  you refused  to judge
brought you the wisdom of Heaven!
And The Holy Spirit says:  It is often true
that as you are talking you cannot hear clearly;
and, if you are caught-up in a tense disagreement,
all reason falls by the wayside.  If you can find it
within you to resist the temptation to react to
negativity, in any other way, but to be still
and quiet, and let God's love move you
to a positive action, there will come
a wisdom, there will come under-
standing, and held within that wisdom, and
understanding, will be the gift of compassion.
Today, listen more than you speak, and judge not.

October 16, 2018

You have been given the ability to create.
Do not limit your creation ~ to that ~ which others
around you create.  Stand at the threshold of this new day,
take a deep breath, and let it be your intention to create this day,
your way, by creating the perfect day, the day you have imagined, the
day, you have desired.  My child, you have the ability to do it!  If you have
thought it, if you have hoped for it, if you have prayed for it, if it is in your
heart, it is yours to create!  Therefore, knock down the boundaries and the
walls, and create a day that lives not on the Earth alone, create a day fit for
Heaven and Earth together, as One.  And The Holy Spirit says: You are a
co-creator with God!  That will take a while to embrace, totally and th-
oroughly.  You are going to create today; and, your day will unfold,
as you create it to be; therefore, before you begin your cre-
ation, set your intention in the light of God,
so that your day unfolds, filled
with the light,
and the glory of God,
streaming through you.  Rise-up,
and walk  into the day,  you are creating,
and you will find great joy, and you will live, in peace!

October 15, 2018

If you have been rejected by friends or family,
by work,  or by any other person, or institution of
any kind,  do not take this rejection  into your being
to let it fester, and brew, within you.  I ask you to come
here, sit with Me.  Let us be still and quiet together; and,
let it be!   And The Holy Spirit says:  Rejection can be dif-
ficult, a hard pill to swallow, a bitter cup to drink; but, it is
important, not  to let rejection drag you  to the brink of
despair,  or  isolation.   Once  you  sit  quietly,  and
let God's love  flow over,  around,  and
through you,  you will have
the  answers  to
the questions
within you.
Be at peace
this day, and let it be;
let it be that your actions begin,
within the light... and the love... of God!

October 7, 2018
See  Jesus'  Sunday  Sermon

When you focus on: what others are doing,
what others are doing wrong, where
they are going, it is easy: to lose
focus on your own path,
to trip over obstacles
that you might otherwise
go around, or move, easily.
Focus on what you are doing!
And The Holy Spirit says:   The
temptation  to  meddle,  to gossip,
to pay attention to  what others are
doing, is a huge distraction!  This dis-
traction can lead you astray.  Pay at-
tention to your path every day; and,
let the other things, take care of
themselves.  Pay attention to
where you are going.
Pay attention to
the thoughts
you are
Pay at-
tention to the words
you are speaking.  At the end
of the day, this will produce a feel-
ing of comfort, a feeling of peace!

October 13, 2018

When you are lost, or are in unfamiliar territory,
a good thing  to do  is to follow  the flow of a river;
walk by the river; go in the same direction the river
is flowing; and it will eventually lead you home, to a
friendly city, to a place of comfort once again; and,
during your journey,  you can also  be assured of
drink, and food, from the river, which soon be-
comes your source of life.  Let My love
be the river, which leads you
out of the unfamiliar
territory, into
the sanctuary,
which leads you
from darkness, into
light; for, while you are
upon the Earth, you are taking
a huge journey, and at the end, it will lead
you Home.  If you walk by My river, if you will be
with My river, you will be assured of drink, and food.
It will be a source of life.  I send you the river of My love,
draw near to it!  And The Holy Spirit says: If you will look
around you, as you walk outside: look-up at the sky, look-
down at the Earth, look all around at trees, and birds, you
will soon see the lessons of God: in the birds, in the rivers,
in the trees; and, when you draw so close to The Creator
of All Things, it is easier to hear The Voice within,
The Voice whish prompts your soul to sing!

October 12, 2018

So that you will not flounder, or wander in doubt, The
Holy Spirit has been sent to each of you, My children!
The Holy Spirit was not designed to go to just a few.
The Holy Spirit dwells within each of you!  Go
within, sit quietly, ask your question;
and the answer will come, and
the answer will be of wisdom,
and the answer will be filled with light,
and the answer  will bring you  confidence
to rise-up, and walk, day and night, "knowing."
And The Holy Spirit says: Come and sit with Me,
and I will provide thee all you need.  The world
might question your actions, or your words,
because they do not understand: the
decisions you have made; the
places you have chosen to go;
the things you have chosen to do; but,
if you go as I guide you, you will find courage,
and confidence, to do what you are meant to do; and,
all will fall into place, because you took the time to be still
and quiet, and let Me fill you with all you need to know.
Come, sit with Me, and let us go together in wisdom.

October 9, 2018

When you are where you are meant to be,
doing that which you are meant to do, you
experience a sense of comfort, and confi-
dence, in all you do; there is an air of joy
about you, because you are where you are
meant to be, doing that which you are meant
to do.   And The Holy Spirit says:   Even when
all the world tells you to go this way, or that way,
listen to your heart!  Sit quietly, and listen for The
Whisper, from within; for, it is from within that you
will "know," that which you need to know; and,
The Whisper will lead you
to exactly where you
are meant to be,
guide you into doing
exactly what you are meant
to do; and, because you are work-
ing together, with the guidance from
within your being, you will find a comfort,
and a confidence, and a joy, which are the pro-
duct of that which you carry within you.  Comfort,
confidence ... and joy ... these things are the fruits, that
you will bear, when you follow the wisdom, from within you.

October 8, 2018

You know that you do not want to become ensnared
in the energies of judgment regarding others; how-
ever My children, apply this to yourselves, as well.
Do not be harsh, upon yourselves.  Do not judge
yourselves, unkindly.  If you are dealing with
this issue, in any way, it is a sign that you
care about your spiritual life; there-
fore, do not judge yourself; for,
you are in the midst of trying,
of applying, of practicing.
Yes, what I AM saying is this,
if you are concerned about it, you
are already doing it.   You are beginning to
understand that you should not judge yourself!
Today, spend the day being kind to yourself.  And The
Holy Spirit says: You have embraced The One!  You have em-
braced the teaching, that all creation is One!  Following the teaching
that all creation is One, you have also embraced that judgment of one,
falls on all.  The step to be taken now, is to include yourself in the all.
Do for yourself what is good for The One, just as you do for others
what is good for The One.  You are a unique piece of The One!

October 11, 2018

You can make a determination, you can make a major decision
right now; no matter what challenge you are to face this day: be it
a challenge in the work environment, in the home environment, in the
weather environment, in relationship, health or emotional matters, you can
decide right now, to master the energies that flow toward you in a way of peace:
rejecting, and casting from you, all negative energies, and wrapping yourself in My
light, and My love; taking each challenge, one at a time, as they come, resolving the
issues,  taking care of matters,  with a heart,  with a body,  with a mind,  and  with a
soul filled with love!  If you will do so, come the end of the day, you will be in cele-
bration, for that which you have mastered.  And The Holy Spirit says: When
there is victory in a sporting arena, there is celebration and cheering,
because something is accomplished.  When you master classes
in school, when you master a trade, when you master
an art, when you master anything which re-
quires effort, sometimes great ef-
fort, there is cause for cele-
bration.  Make the
decision this
will master,
what comes to you;
and,  you will do so,  with
love; and, come the end of the
day, with the thanksgiving celebration,
you will rise-up, and give the glory to God!

October 10, 2018

No matter where you are right now,
you  have  the  opportunity  to  create,
and bring forth Heaven... onto the Earth,
for Heaven is near to you, Heaven is with
you!  Let the place where you reside: be
Heaven upon Earth; be peace, and joy,
and comfort.  And The Holy Spirit
says: You do not have to
wait, for eternity,
because you
are already in
the eternal process;
right now, the present piece of
eternity is with you; you are living it;
you are creating your piece of eternity;
therefore, let it be your intention to make
the space, wherein you reside, Heaven upon
Earth.  It is possible to do; therefore, create,
so that you, and  all around you, know that
Heaven resides, where you do reside!

September 30, 2018
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

It cannot be said too many times;
therefore, I repeat, and repeat, and
repeat.  I will repeat until the children
of Earth not only hear, but know, what I AM
asking; what I would like for you to do, is to love
one another, and be kind, to all creation.   And The
Holy Spirit says: Many of you hear the words, very
few can take the words and bring them to life, by
your actions.  There will always be a few, who
insist on loving one another, and being
kind; but, until those of Earth
do so, they will
the result of being
mean-spirited, of being
self-centered.  The result(s) of not
loving one another is war.  There will be
peace, as soon as you love one another; this
should be reason enough, to love one another!

October 6, 2018

Whatever happened "yesterday," is the past.
Today, is the present!  Do not fritter it away.
Do not use this present piece of eternity, by
languishing in the past, by looking into to-
morrow; for, tomorrow will take care of
itself, if you embrace eternity, today.
It is a new day; you have the op-
portunity, to walk into this
new day, determined:
to treat the Earth
as The Garden,
it was intended to be; and,
to greet all inhabitants of Earth with respect,
kindness and love.  It is here.  It is with you.
It is the present piece, of eternity you call
today.  Use the opportunity wisely.  And
The Holy Spirit says: No matter what
you have done in the past, you have
a new beginning today, a new op-
portunity to set aside energies
that are less than light, and
love, and: embrace the
gifts, you have been
given; open the
gifts you have
been given,
use the gifts
you  have been given, and,
let it all be done, for the glory of God!

October 5, 2018

ing a grudge,
or holding onto anger, about
something that happened days, or years ago,
is tiring; it is like carrying around an anvil,
a weight you do not need; but, it is easy
to free yourself, so that you can feel
lighter, and better, so that you can fly;
and, The Way to release this heavy burden,
this unnecessary weight, is through forgiveness!
And The Holy Spirit says:  Quick,
think of a name,
someone that
you are un-
settled about,
or bear a grudge against.
Now that you have that name, for-
give, from your heart, understanding
that you are doing your part, in freeing
yourself.   Tear the anger,  and the hurt,
and the frustration, from yourself,  pull-it-
out and set it down;  and,  free yourself,  and
all others around you, one at a time, one a day.
Do this, and soon you will be able to say, "I feel
light, I feel better, here I come angels, I am rea-
dy to fly with you!"  This is how easy it is to feel
better!  Forgive someone today, in earnest and
from your hear; and, you will feel this way!

October 4, 2018

When you are driving your vehicle, and become distracted, looking
to the right, or to the left, or addressing a matter inside your vehicle,
it is easy to go in the wrong direction, to have a mishap.  It is necessary
to focus on where you are going, and what you are doing; and, distractions,
of any kind, can draw your attention.  Be mindful, because your body is your
vehicle, and you have a goal.  Do not be distracted.  Maintain your focus.  And
The Holy Spirit says: In the course of a day there are many distractions, which
come your way.  Maintain your focus on your path, on The Way, on the light.
If there are those, who come after you, it is important for you to stay the
course, so that you do not lead others off, in the wrong direction, be-
cause of a mere distraction.   To avoid all distraction, stay con-
nected with God!  Rise-up this day, make the connection,
and let it stay with you!  Walk, over the Earth, con-
nected  with  God,  connected  with Mother
Earth, and watch the miracles occur
all around you, because you are
the connector, betwe-
en Heaven, and

October 3, 2018

A new day is dawning.  Look!  See, there comes the light.
This  new  day  is  filled  with promise, and opportunity.
It is "a new start."  It is a cycle, repeated yet new,
over, and over again,  giving you  the chance to
do,  that,  which you wished you had done,
before you knew The Way.  And The
Holy Spirit says: Do not miss this
opportunity, because it is with
you; do not shake the responsib-
ility, of accepting the opportunity, for,
the responsibility is with you, too!  Welcome
this day, create the perfect day, because the oppor-
tunity comes with the light!  Look!  The new day comes!

October 2, 2018

When the city
becomes too much to bear,
take yourself out to the countryside, and
you will find Me there, more easily than it is possible to do,
with so many people surrounding you, with so many energies rampant
and free,  because out in the countryside,  it will be you, and Me.   And The
Holy Spirit says:  Oh,  it is easy to speak  with God,  to walk,  to talk,  to dance,
to sing, to have this conversation with God, and all the comfort and joy it brings,
when you are alone and peaceful, walking a path in a forest, by a stream.  Now,
it is possible to talk to God in a city, filled with people, and vehicles, and en-
ergies most chaotic; but, it is difficult.   Therefore, create a pattern which
you will follow, taking the time to remove yourself, from the noise; to
retreat, in the silence, where the song of the bird becomes a
symphony, and the breeze through the trees, be-
comes the whisper, you long to hear,
for, it is mine!

October 1, 2018

The best way to help another, who is
caught in a situation, of an unpleasant
nature, is to first drink from the chalice
of compassion; and, then proceed to the
chalice of understanding.  Then, you are
prepared to move to the state of pray-
er, and blessing.  These things ~ must
precede any action; for, the best
way you can help another, is
to bless them often,
in prayer.
And The
Holy Spirit says:
It is often the case
that the desire to help another
does not result in that being achieved;
and, help seems to resemble a misstep, rather
than assistance.  It is only because one begins
the desiring to help, without first drinking
from the chalice of compassion, from
the chalice of understanding,
and then, moving to
prayer, to bless;
for, every time
you bless another, it is
as  if  you  are  giving  them,
a  spoon-full  of  encouragement
a spoon-full of support, it is medication
for the spirit.  Do not underestimate the
power of prayer, the power of blessing.

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: