October 4, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

When your
physical eye is injured,
or diseased, you have difficulty seeing,
with clarity.  When your physical eye cannot see
at all, you are blind, and live in darkness.  It is the same
with your spiritual eye!  "The eye is the window to the soul!"
Today, pay attention to your eyes: your physical eyes, so they
might rest on things of beauty, so that what they see, will be
things of beauty; your spiritual eyes, so they might rest on
things of beauty, so that what they see, will be, things
of beauty.  And The Holy Sprit says.  Seek clear vision
for your physical eyes; and, your
spiritual eyes!

October 10, 2015

Reject the temptation to stay in one
place, to find a comfort, and remain there;
for My child, you are meant to be as the river,
moving, over the Earth, making your mark, and
continuing, on your journey; for yours is a journey
of a lifetime; do not stop halfway, continue, flow!  And
The Holy Sprit says: There will be those who, without intention of
hindering, might do so!  When you encounter those, who desire
to hold you in place, bless them, kiss their face, with a blessing,
and move on!  For when it is time for you to come Home, you
wish, you want, and you desire, at the core, of your being,
to be complete in your mission, to be complete in your
journey, so that you might be compleat in
the knowing of your life-
time, upon

October 9, 2015

Be quiet!  And you will hear... My voice!  Be
still, and you will feel My presence, with you.
In the quiet, you will hear and know.  In the
stillness, you will feel My presence... grow!
Let  My  words  show you The Way; and,
My hand will rest upon your shoulder
all through the day; there will be no
question; there will be no doubt;
for I AM with you!  And The Holy
Sprit says: When you surrender,
and dwell in the presence
of God, you move
the day,
and the week,
and the month, and
the year, knowing, that
your journey is filled with
the glory of God, and that you
will have what you need.  Therefore,
be still, be quiet, and you will know: and,
in this knowing, your faith will grow, and you
will rise-up, and go, into the new day, with God!

October 8, 2015

your prayers.
I send you insights.
I send you signs, so you might see,
and know The Way.  I do not push or pull you, or
force you to walk The Way.  I support you, encourage you,
in every way.  To find your answers, sit with Me, and I will
illuminate all, just for thee, My child!  And The Holy Sprit says:
God is a loving Parent.  God is a majestic Creator.
God is filled with the wisdom of all time,
knowing all things, including
your heart.  Therefore, let
your heart be filled:
with prayers, for
that which
you need;
with prayers,
for that which you love;
and, with prayers of gratitude,
for that which has been given unto you;
and God will hear, and know, and show you
The Way!  And you will find peace, in what God
doth say!  But God will not push or prod or pull you.
It must be your decision ~ to rise-up, ~ and walk The Way.

October 7, 2015

When we are separated by a river of doubt and
fear, I whisper, I whisper clearly, so you can hear:
"Come!  Lift your foot!  And begin!  And as soon as
you raise your foot, I build a bridge, and set it down,
for each step, one after another, until you have crossed
the river of doubt, and fear, and stand next to Me, stand
near!"  And The Holy Sprit says: If you are upon the Earth today,
you can be sure, in every way, that you are upon the Earth,
because God wishes you to be on the Earth!  And, if you
are upon  the Earth,  there is a mission  that God
has asked you to do; but, you are not doing
this mission alone, because it is God,
working through you!  All of
those willing to stand-
up, and raise
their foot,
off of the Earth,
to step onto the bridge
of faith!  Come with Me, into
this day; and, as we cross the river
of fear, God will place the bridge, at each
and every spot, for each and every child, and we
will cross together, because The Holy Spirit is with you,
as you make your way, over the river, to stand next to God.

October 6, 2015

your in-
tention to deliver
the gift of love to the world
today!  You will find, that as you deliver
the gift of love, and kindness, and compassion,
to the world, all of the mundane chores you accomplish,
those daily task which you complete, are done in an atmos-
phere of peace.  And The Holy Sprit says: This is 'the perfect Way,'to
start the day... Sit with God... be still and quiet... and pray.  Then,
rise-up, and be on your way, setting your intention, to deliver love
to all of Earth, creating, the perfect day!  And light will follow
you, as you go, and when comes the night, and your pace
is slow, you will go to bed, and you will know,
you delivered the gift of love!

October 5, 2015

Soon you will  be setting to memory,
or writing on paper, a list of things, you
wish to accomplish this day.  You will be
trying to set your day in order, so that it
passes without chaos.  And this is good;
but I remind you, to let the first thing
you write down be, to be the mes-
senger of: love, light, peace,
forgiveness, kindness,
and compassion!
Deliver these
gifts, to Earth
this day, and all
other things will be ac-
complished, as they are meant to
be accomplished; but, it will be done in
My light, with your hands!  And The Holy Sprit says:
When your intention is to be the messenger of good, and
light; then, all you do, that day, will be "of good, and light."

Sept.  27,  2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Love one another.  Do unto others,
as you would have them do, unto you; and
you will always be at peace.  And The Holy Sprit says:
When you are seeking understanding, or compassion,
give these things to another, and you will have them,
because you will have created them, within your
being; therefore, you will know understand-
ing, because it is yours, and you choose
to give it away to another.  You will
have compassion, because it is
yours, and you choose to
give it away to anoth-
er.  What you seek,
create, and give
away, and it
shall be

October 3, 2015

For your life to be the most productive life it can be
upon Earth, you must remember this: I do not reach-out,
and strike you down, or cause punishment, in any way, when
you misstep or fall.  No; what I do when you misstep or fall, is
to arrange the sequence of events in such a way that a lesson
can be learned to lead you along The Way.  And The Holy Sprit
says... Everything that happens, in your lifetime, upon Earth,
can be used in a constructive way.  Everything that hap-
pens can be an example, a lesson, and this is impor-
tant to remember, God does not strike you
down.  God reaches-out, wherever
you are to be found, and
lifts you gently,
into the

October 2, 2015

for another is
"an outward sign,"
of inner-light; for, the
one who is compassionate
dwells in The Light of God.
And The Holy Sprit says: You are
enlightened by The Power
of God, within you.
Do not give-up
a house of light
to dwell in the streets
of darkness, and shadow.  As
you hold the hand of God, all things
are illuminated; and visions of light are yours!

October 1, 2015

The Art
of Perfection
is practiced until
it is accomplished!
And  The Holy Sprit  says:
Do not stop "trying,"
because you "think
you have failed."
Within every
there is
a seed of
lessons, which
will show the Way.
The Art of Perfection
is often practiced using the
wisdom, and lessons learned, in
what appears to be failure.  Failure is a
temporary condition, experienced until you
break through the barriers, and pass the course!

September 30, 2015

My light
shine about you.
Sit with Me, and
I will guide thee,
through the hal-
lways, and pass-
ageways, thr-
ough val-
where it is
difficult to see
the light; for, when
My light shines through
thee, you are the light!  And The
Holy Sprit says: Rise-above the spats,
and petty disagreements, of the
world; and walk with God!

September 29, 2015

Once you accept
your mission, and you are willing
to undertake your mission, then, be on your way; for
your mission is My mission, and I will not fail in My mission;
therefore, you cannot fail, in our mission!  And The Holy Sprit says: You
are meant to be working with God on a mission, trusting, and knowing,
that whatever is needed, whatever correction is necessary, to keep you
on the path, to keep you focused on the mission, it will come.  There-
fore,  do not feed doubt,  do not harbor worry,  or concern.  Rise-
up every day saying, "God, show me The Way!"  And then,
be off, confident in knowing, that God will
accomplish The Mission!

September 28, 2015

you experience
an explosion of anger,
on the outside, it is the indicator
that there is much yet to be forgiven
held on the inside.  And  The Holy Sprit says:
To  know  peace, one must master judgment.
To know peace one must master forgiveness.
To know peace, to master judgment, and to
master forgiveness, leads you to a place,
where you will not know anger, ever
again.  It is the natural order
of things.  Where
there is
there is need
of forgiveness.
Where there are
things yet unforgiven,
there rises-up the anger,
from within; use it as a sign
of what needs to be done; and,
it is all positive learning, leading
you to, remain in, the light of God!

September 26, 2015

I have given each of you, the precious gift of
freewill, the ability to make your own decision.
Once you make the decision,  once your freewill
is incorporated fully, in your daily life, you live in
the choices made, utilizing the gift.  You have the gift
of freewill, use it wisely; and do not infringe on another's
right to use their freewill.  And The Holy Sprit says: How precious
it is, when another comes, freely, to you, and brings you the gift
of love, speaks words of kindness, and generosity, and under-
standing, touches you, with compassion.  They have used
their freewill to give love, unconditional love.
When you choose to resist
the temptations
all around you,
when your freewill
is to act within the light
of God, your life is one miracle
after another, leading you Home!

September 25, 2015

I have given you eternal life;
you did spring-forth from Me;
therefore, eternal life is the core
of your being!  You are meant to be
the source of goodness, and light, and
love!  Do not be distracted, from the light,
for it is Home.  And The Holy Sprit says: No matter
where you travel upon the Earth, God is with you,
because God created you!  You are an eternal being
of great light; therefore, you are the source of good-
ness, and light!  That is how it is meant to be.
Turn from the distractions
of darkness and shadow.
Do not let your heart
be marred by
thoughts of
anger, or frustration.
Do not hold a grudge; for,
it will turn into hatred.  Free your-
self this day, and eat from the table of light!

September 24, 2015

You cannot be at peace, until
you are at peace, within.  Come,
let us go to the core, of your being,
to sit together, in that sacred sanctu-
ary.  Cross over the threshold; and,
sit quietly with Me, and together,
we will restore peace within
your being; and you
will know peace
in this Way.
And The Holy
Sprit  s a y s:
Do not delay.
Establish peace
within your being,
so that you might live,
upon the Earth, in great peace,
so that the glory of God might stream from
you, so that those around you will be touched
by the gift of peace ~ as it grows ~ within you!

September 23, 2015

The day holds great promise,
tenderly, and slowly, unfolding, as
the journey continues!  And The Holy Sprit
says: Sometimes, when you are caught-up-in
the everyday tasks, and chores, you tend to
forget that every passing minute is a con-
tinuation of your great journey, upon
the Earth.  Not one minute - is in-
significant!  Every thing you
do, adds up to be your
adventure upon

September 22, 2015

Behold the glory, of Earth.  Behold
the majesty, and beauty, of Earth, of
nature.  Walk into nature with care;
for nature, tended, cared-for, and
maintained, is a garden upon
Earth. And The Holy Sprit says:
Nature responds to love,
as a child responds
to a gentle

September 21, 2015

When you desire to walk The Way,
you are "perfection, unfolding;" and
in the desire to walk The Way, you are
already doing it!  You do not wait, until
all things are clear, until you no longer
stumble, until you are positive that you
are free of any darkness, or shadow,
before you begin to walk The Way.
No, you are perfection unfold-
ing, along The Way.  And
as you do so, it
and straight, and
good.  You are perfected
in the act of seeking perfection.
And The Holy Sprit says: Seeking perfection is
acquiring perfection!  "Seek, and ye shall find."

September 20, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

and listen:
rather than using
your measuring stick
to judge another, use the
measuring stick to deter you
from judging another; for, every
time your judge, correct, or speak to
another of their faults, you are judging
yourself; "Do not judge, lest ye be judged
to the same measure."  And The Holy Sprit says:
When you have wisdom, and you can see the
truth of all united, as One, then, you
realize, when you judge anoth-
er, you are judging

September 19, 2015

Do not spend your time concerned about what others might be
thinking, or saying, or doing; focus your energy, within!  Be still,
and quiet, and work with love, and light, and peace.  Be kind, and
compassionate, but do these things within your body.  Work within your being, so that your light might glow, so that you light might provide the light, for another to see, and know The Way; not
from what you say, but from what you create, and do.  Be
the living light of God, this day!  And The Holy Sprit says:
The old saying, "actions speak louder than words,"
is true!  It is clear, and precise. It is concise
in its direction.  Let your actions speak
for you, and let the light you
create, within your be-
ing, show The
Way, so all

September 13, 2015
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

who do not
believe in Me,
they cannot see Me;
for those who believe
fully, in Me, they see
Me all around them,
and feel My presen-
ce in them, because
they believe
in Me.
And The
Holy Sprit
says: Believe!

September 18, 2015

and supports you,
as the sunlight touches
the rivers and the oceans and the seas.
My love touches you, as the light touches these.
My love enfolds you, and holds you, like the moonlight
touches the rivers and the oceans and the seas.  My love enfolds
you, and holds you, as the moonlight does each of these.  And The
Holy Sprit says: Take some time, today, to watch the light of the sun
as it plays on the rivers, and the oceans, and the pools, and
the ponds.  Watch the light reflected from the water,
and understand ~ that it is ~ as you.
This is how you look, when
the light of God
touches, and
through you.
Bring forth the light
of the sun, and the moon,
and let it be known: this light
is good, and pure, and so are you!

September 17, 2015

blade of grass
is significant to Me.
Every leaf on a tree is significant to Me.
Every drop of water in the oceans, the rivers, the seas,
the pools, and ponds, and waterfalls, each drop of water,
is significant to Me.  I hold these things, in My light, and
see them as one.  Every child upon Earth is significant
to Me.  I hold each in My light, and they are One.
And The Holy Sprit says: All creation rings-out, and
sings of the glory of The Great Creator,
The Source of all life.
If The Creator
holds all things
as significant, let it be,
this day, that you too hold all things
as significant, and understand, that all is One.

September 16, 2015

and sit with Me,
and let Me teach thee
how life is meant to be:
rich, full, abundant, il-
luminated, with My
light; for, it is
in My
which I share with you,
that all things are revealed
to you.  And The Holy Sprit says: You
will always receive the answer
to your question, when
you sit in quiet,
when you
are still.
It is in these times
that wisdom comes to you,
and settles upon you, and you find peace.

September 15, 2015

You can hide your thoughts ~ only ~ as long as you do not speak;
but once you speak, your words reveal your thoughts.  Your deeds
are the manifestation of your thoughts, and your words; they set before the world to see,  that,  which you believe is worthy to do,
to say and to think.  Accordingly, be mindful as you move in-
to this day, and "know," others see, others hear; therefore,
others "know," what is upon your heart.  And The Holy Sprit
says: Maintain your sweet communion with God; for, it is
in this Way, that your thoughts will be noble, will be
worthy of the presence of God; and, your words
will follow suit; and your deeds will demon-
strate that which you hold, within your
thoughts, and upon your heart.
Therefore ~ let it be ~ that
you spend the days
in the presence
of God!

September 14, 2015

and see
how willingly
the trees, and the
branches, and the brushes,
and the flowers, the grasses, change
with the seasons.  They do not struggle or fight
to maintain that which is; they move with the seasons,
knowing, deep within their being, that it will all come back,
a circle of life, which never ends.  You too, move through seasons
of your lifetime upon Earth.  It is time for you to look at it as such.
And when it is time for change, do so willingly, allowing the beauty
of the change to settle all around you, knowing, deep within your
being, that it will all flow back, in a cycle, a circle of life,
continuing forever, one experience after another.
Be at peace in this knowing.  Be at peace
in this wisdom.  And The Holy Sprit
says: Watch the trees release
their leaves, preparing
to bare their branches
to the sun, knowing, a
few months from now,
the buds will appear again,
and they will blossom, and bloom,
and they will slip on the garment of spring-
time and summer.  But first, there is a new
season to explore, to feel, to be, to know.

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: