October 23, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

I ask My children to remember
this ~ it is The Spirit ~ which gives life.
The body, the skin, the things of the world,
will fail; but The Spirit is eternal, and is filled
with life.  It pulses with the blood of forever, and
it holds the wisdom of all ages.  It knows all things;
and ~ this Spirit ~ is within you.  It is a piece of you.
You are Spirit first, and foremost.  Do not pay more
attention to that which will fail; rather, turn your
focus on that, which gives life!  And The Holy Spirit
says: The Spirit of love will often bring forth
a child, and that child is filled
with Spirit, and
and walks;
and, most often,
the child walks the way
it has been taught.  Therefore,
teach your children that God is Spirit,
and should be worshipped in Spirit, and
they too, are Spirit, and shall live forever!

October 29, 2016

Be vigilant, and resist the temptation:
to chide, to chastise, to belittle, to mock,
to damn or to judge another.  Be quick to
work on perfecting: your thoughts;  your
words;  and your deeds;  for in the pra-
ctice, of perfecting, you come to see,
that  you  are  at peace,  just you
and Me!  And The Holy Spirit says:
Change, first, that, which is
within you!  Perfect,
first, that,
which is
within you!  Walk
each day as a child of God!
Do  not  be  concerned  about
what  others  are thinking  or
saying or doing; place your
attention on maintaining
your thoughts, words,
and deeds; so that
they are worthy
of creating a
gift, for
October 28, 2016

Those who are "asleep," in the dust of Earth
are not responsible for the creation of this day,
for they are held in the web, of slumber; but, for
those who have "awakened," in the light of the sun,
there comes the opportunity, and the responsibility,
to create this day, this new day.  I have given you
all you need, to create a day worthy of eternity.
Rise-up, go forth, and let it be.  And The
Holy Spirit says: Do not hesitate,
or wait for others
to begin,
for today
is a celebration
of what you will do with
what God has given, unto you!
Rise-up, and begin.  Go forth with great
delight, and create in the glory, and the light of God.

October 27, 2016

the times
you are tempted
to be angry, or hurt,
or feel rejected, when
you are in pain, when
there is illness, when
there is frustration,
chaos, and confu-
sion, come to
Me, first;
as we sit,
you will be
healed, and
made whole;
for it is in My
peace, My light,
and My love where
you  find  your  true
strength, and courage,
and begin to know you are My
child, and I always care for you!  And The
Holy Spirit says: Reject the temptations to worry,
to be afraid.  Reject the temptations to judge others,
for this or that.  Reject all things except the light, for, it
is within the light of God, that you are healed, and made
whole, that you find strength, and courage, to move on,
and complete your mission, before you go Home.

October 26, 2016

As I did create Earth, I wish for My children
to appreciate,  and celebrate,  the glory  of Earth;
for it is your heritage to see it in its wonder, to know it,
in its greatness!   So, My children, celebrate!   Sing-out: in
the majesty of the mountains; in the quiet of a gentle spring
rain;  in the sunrise and the sunset;  when the ocean waves
crash  upon  the  beach;  when a mountain stream flows
over the rocks catching the light of day within every
drop flying-up! Look all around you and see My
creation is celebrating!   Join-in the party;
for as you sing, and dance, and play,
you are saying to Me, "Thank
you, this truly is a great
creation!"And The
Holy Spirit says:

October 25, 2016

Resist the temptation to be set in your ways,
holding onto that, which you have been taught.
It is time for you to grow, to set aside that, which
you think you know, and embrace the truth, held
in the whisper; for, I will whisper, and tell you all
you need to know.  And The Holy Spirit says: Set your
intention to embrace the words of God,
and then pray for the wisdom
to understand that
which is un-
within you;
for when it is time
for your spirit to grow
it will receive a sign, and
there will be an awakening,
and you will know, more than you
knew,  before  you  did  hear  the call,
hear the whisper, before you did awaken!

October 24, 2016

the lesson,
in every challenge; find
the joy, in every accomplishment;
find the peace, in knowing these
things; find My love, in all things!
And The Holy Spirit says:
Turn your head
from the
the world teaches,
and embrace the love of God.

October 16, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

When you come to know
the true meaning of the words
"turn the other cheek," and you then
put this knowing into practice, you are
operating within,  and with,  the energy
of Home, of Heaven, of The Dimension
of Perfection; and, all things change,
for the better!  And The Holy Spirit says:
You have the opportunity to prac-
tice turning the other cheek,
almost  every  hour,  of
every day;  and,  as
you  practice,
you perfect

October 22, 2016

I wish for you to know the glory, of living the story,
living The Word, in such a way, that you understand,
completely, that which I do say to you!  Set your heart
to singing!  Set your feet to dancing!  Set your ears to
hearing the song of others; for, it flows, together, as
a chorus! Today, be in celebration of life, life lived
in the light, and the glory!  And The Holy Spirit says:
If you are upon the Earth right now, you are
writing your story, the book of you,
whoever you are,
whatever your name
might be; and, that book
will travel with you into
eternity.  You have the
ability to "create,"
your life, the way
you want it
to be!
So, if it is yours to do,
why not select a story of your life
which is filled with the glory of God?

October 21, 2016

the struggle
of trying to control
what others say, or do; for,
this is trying to control negativity.
It is better to spend your time, ~ wisely,
learning to "master," the positive energies:
of light, and love, and peace; ~ for, the only way
you can change another ~ is by your words of love,
and by your deeds, which live the love; ~ and within
your words and deeds, ~ they will see, and know Me,
and let it be their decision ~ to come to Me, through
you!  And The Holy Spirit says: Rise-up, and sing!  Let this be
a day of great celebration!  Let your hearts be filled
with love, and let your feet be light!  Dance in
the joy, sing with delight, you "know,"
God; and, God is good!

October 20, 2016

you no longer
put your attention on
what others are saying, and doing, and focus
all of your attention on what I AM doing through you,
then you will be at peace; for the light of God is with you!  This
My child, is My promise: "focus on what we can do, together, and
all things will be as they are, and you will be in the world, but
not of the world!"  And The Holy Spirit says: Do not be distracted
by what others say, or do; for, it is not about what others
say or do; it is more about how you act,
in the light of God, feeling
the love of God, flowing
through you.  This day
find peace, harmony,
and balance, with all things,
by living in the light, of God!

October 19, 2016

Listen to  what another is saying without interruption,
or correction, and you will know the heart of the other.  Let
My love, flow, through you, to all who come to you, no matter
whether it is in the physical form, or in your thoughts or in your words or in your deeds.  Let all things, worries, and concerns, and even celebrations and glories, rest with The Holy Spirit; in this way
you will be at peace!  And The Holy Spirit says: You will not find peace, out-
side of your being, without establishing peace, within your being, first!
When you carry peace, within you, everywhere you go is touched
with the sacred presence, of peace; and, in this way, from
within your being,  you bless,  wherever  you  go,
with peace;  in this way,  you become the
bringer of peace, you become
the peacemak-

October 18, 2016

Do not give-up, or be disheartened
if you fumble, or fall, along The Way; for,
this realization is "a sign:" that you are begin-
ning to know The Way; that you see; and you make
corrections and adjustments and continue!  This is how
it is done... practice!  So My child, do not give-up!  Do not
let your heart become heavy, with failure; for it is anything
but a failure, as: you learn; you go; and, as you walk along
The Way, you will hear My whisper, you will hear Me say,
"You are My child, and I love you!"  And The Holy Spirit says:
There is not one profession that will come to mind, where
there is not fumbling and falling; but the professional
gets-up and keeps going!  You are a child of God!
God has given you birth,  given you life,  given
you all you need to complete your mission
and  return  Home!   Understand
that you are "practicing,"
and  practice,  e-
very day!

October 11, 2016

When you are tempted, to: stand your ground; stay
where you are; refuse to grow; and complacency
becomes the norm, shake-it-off; for, you are
meant to be on an adventure, the adven-
ture of your lifetime; and, it is meant
to be exciting; it is meant, to stretch
your faith; so that, in the exercising,
you become strong, and in the strength,
you find courage, and within the strength,
courage, and faith, you become confident, and
you know who you are, and exactly where you are
going.  And The Holy Spirit says: You know the destination
is the glorious Home, from which you came; but,
there is much to do along The Way.
There is much to gain.
Be still, and quiet,
and you will hear
the whisper, and
it will call your name,
and invite you into the experience
of a lifetime.  Be prepared; for, it is time,
for a very exciting segment of your journey,
and you are ready; or... it would not be... time!

October 12, 2016

When it is your decision to work for Me,
it is My desire that you do the work in joy,
so that light and love fill, the product, fills
that which you produce, with your desire.
When we work together ~ in joy ~ mira-
cles abound!  And The Holy Spirit says:
The most amazing way to live
is to live in the light
of God, doing
the will of God,
and all your work
for the glory of God; for,
the light shines about you, and fills
every corner, and aspect of what you are do-
ing.  Therefore, if you are working and doing
the work, for God, do so for the glory of God!

October 17, 2016

"Be still," and
you will hear Me.
I  will whisper,  "Rise-
up," and you will follow Me.
I will whisper,  "Take  your  rest,"
and  you  will  heed  Me.  I will whisper,
"Let us go forth, and accomplish this deed," and
it shall be done.  All things, we will accomplish, if you
will allow Me to work through you.  And The Holy Spirit says: For
those who know, the presence of God, there is peace; for, within the pre-
sence of God, it can be no other way; for the presence of God carries peace.

October 14, 2016

Do not get caught-up in the things you did not do.
Do not spend your time worrying about the mistakes
you think you have made.  It is far better use of your
time, to look and see the opportunities, of this day!
Forget what you did not do, forget the mistakes
you feel you made, and concentrate on
creating, the perfect day!  In
other words, My
child, let your
spirit, shine,
in the present piece
of eternity, today!  And The
Holy Spirit says: Each of you are making
your way, through a lifetime upon Earth,
preparing to go Home.  Look around, and see,
there is joy all around thee:  in the trees,  and the
flowers; in the song of the birds; in the laughter of
the stream!  Look, and see, what today does bring!

October 13, 2016

Some I call to complete a mission that is clearly defined
as a ministry; it is apparent to all what is happening;
others I call to take The Way, into their everyday
lives: into an office or work situation; into a
classroom or a study situation; onto the
playing fields; into the home; out-
side in nature; wherever you
roam; and, it can be said,
that the path, calling you,
to live The Way in your every-
day life, can be more challenging;
but, it will be easier, if you remember,
that it is a ministry!  It might not look like
the one called to immediate service; but, it is still
a ministry, of great importance!  Treat it as such.  And The
Holy Spirit says: No matter where, or how, you begin your day, let it be
that you understand that you are to show The Way, and The Way is love.

October 10, 2016

chooses to go
another way, it
is  important  to
honor their choice
for they have been
given freewill, too.
When this occurs,
stay your course,
and allow
to do the same.
And The Holy Spirit says: It is far better
to live The Way, than to teach with words.
Stay your course, this day.  Walk The Way!
Live the Word!  There will be others
who are walking with you;
and there will be
others, who
Walk in peace,
and the day will be good,
and filled with miracles!  Stay your course.

October 9, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

and trying, give birth
to success!  And The Holy Spirit says:
For those who are willing to
put forth the effort,
for those who
have the
there comes
and sweet success!

October 15, 2016

When another comes,
and knocks upon your door,
do not sit, quietly, rise-up and
open the door and ask, "What is it
you are seeking, what is it you need?"
And then provide, without thought, worry
or concern for your own wellbeing, provide
what the seeker seeks!  And The Holy Spirit says:
If there comes a knock upon your door, it is
for you to answer; for, you have what
the seeker is seeking.  When
you are asked, give!
Open the door, to
the one who knocks,
and let them see the glory
of God, shining about you, and
they will be comforted in the light
and they will be at peace in the glory.

October 2, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

for you to
set your course
with  intention,  and
purpose, and confidence
that, that which you seek,
will be given unto you!
And The Holy Sprit says:
Do you know
who you
Do you
know, what
you seek?  "Knowing,"
the answers to these two questions,
will set you on your way; for it has been
promised to you, that, that which you seek
you  surely  will  find.  Are you seeking, in the
world of man; or are you seeking in the corridors
of all time?  Know, who you are!  Know, what you seek!

October 8, 2016

Let your
thoughts be
filled with light:
refuse to let shadow,
or darkness, abide therein;
let your words be of compassion,
delivered in kindness; let your deeds be the
deeds ~ of an angel; these things ~ will free you,
and you will fly, and you will see, how it is meant
for you to live your life on Earth.  And The Holy Sprit
says: Do not surrender your thoughts, or words,
or deeds, to darkness, and shadow; for,
they will consume you;
rather: join light;
mingle in God's love;
stay  in  the  present,  with
God; this fire, burning within you
will not consume you.  It will lift- you-
up, so you might see, and know The Way.

October 7, 2016

You have been given gifts
to use, for every situation
you encounter; use them;
do not let them sit, or
lie dormant.  And
The Holy Sprit
says: The world
would be a different
place, if all of the people,
on Earth, would use the gifts
they have been given by God!
Today, take out the gifts, you
have been given, and use
them, and you will
the world
a better place!

October 6, 2016

That which you plant in your garden, is
that which you will harvest, from your garden.
Choose the seeds wisely.  Plant that which will feed,
and nourish your body, soul, and spirit.  And The Holy Sprit
says: The wise plant the seeds, tend the shoots, weed the garden,
care for it and nurture it; and then the wise eat from the garden
they have grown, and see the good, in it!  The foolish do not pay
attention to the seeds they are planting.  They throw the seeds
into the garden, and become distracted, or go away.  When
it is time to eat, they come back to harvest, to find rocks
and weeds, and they cannot eat.  The foolish are not
nurtured, by the garden, untended.  Choose
wisely, and you will know health,
of body, soul, and

October 5, 2016

not refuse
to let My love
pass through you
to another, especially
to those who can be difficult, and
challenging; for, it is the plan, that, as My love passes
through you to them, it lifts-them-up, out of their difficulty,
and replaces their challenges with My love and confidence
and hope.  And The Holy Sprit says: When you begin to learn
how to let God's love flow through you to another
your life gets easier, and easier,
because you cannot be
the source of God's
love, without
and feeling,
God's love, passing,
through  you!   God's  love
will cleanse you, of all disease(s);
it will restore mental stability, and
balance; and, you will be at peace!

October 4, 2016

It is important to remember,
that I have great love, for each of
My children.  When you open to My
love, and allow it to flow through you
to others:  you are My heart, and My
hands;  you are My arms,  reaching-
out; you are My ears hearing; you
are My lips, speaking;  you are
My eyes seeing!  And The Holy
Sprit says: For those who
"know,"  the  on-
ly way, is

October 3, 2016

around you, and see,
so that you might celebrate
the creation story with Me.  And The
Holy Sprit says: Do not lose sight of the glory
all around you, because your head is turned
toward the concrete, steel, and buildings,
created by man.  Lift-up your eyes,
and look at the cathedral
of trees, look at
the birds flying,
and singing, as they go,
breathe-in the aroma of all
that is around you.  See the flowers,
breathe the air, and celebrate creation
there,  where you are,  right now,  today.
Sing-out, in joy; for, you are experiencing
creation, and you are co-creating with God.

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: