January 15, 2017
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

your thoughts
in  such  a  way,  that
all  you do ~ create ~ this day:
will be positive; will be of light; will be
brimming with love; will be singing, with joy!
Understand the power you have been given to create;
and then, spend your days creating: beauty, peace, light,
love; and you will know joy, and happiness, in doing so, My
child!  And The Holy Spirit says: No matter where you find yourself,
right now, you can make a correction toward the light, by
mastering your thoughts.  Do not waste your energy,
harboring thoughts that are negative, filled
with shadow, and darkness.  It is pos-
sible for you to reject thou-
ghts of darkness,
and create

January 21, 2017

song of
and celebration,
produces a vibration,
which is capable of healing
the body, soothing the soul, bringing
the heart to sing!  Do not sit, in: remorse, sad-
ness, or grief, when a day is available for you to create
song, dance, and celebration, as a thanksgiving, for all you have
been given.  And The Holy Spirit says: It will take a while, at first, especially
if you are used to sitting in darkness,  and shadow,  especially  if you have
isolated yourself; but if you will take the first step, breathe deeply, sit-up straight and tap your foot, as you list each blessing you have been given, soon, your body will begin moving, soon, it will be a song, and a dance,
soon you will be creating, and producing, a vibration, which will heal
you, and make you whole, because it is a song of thanksgiving, to
your Creator, God, for all that you doth hold, within you!

January 20, 2017

times,  you  rise-up,
and enjoy  the light  of the day.
And sometimes, when you rise-up, you
are meant to be the light of the day!  But
no matter which way you rise-up, there is
to be light in every day.  And The Holy Spirit
says: It is possible to live in light, and
celebration, every day.  If
you look a-
and think
there is none, it
has fallen upon you,
as a daughter, or a son, of
God, to rise-up, and be the light!

January 19, 2017

not post-
pone celebration; for
life, upon Earth, is fleeting;
it is temporary; and eventually
it is done, and you come Home.
Celebrate the experience, you
longed for, you waited for,
because now,
it is yours.
Do not throw it
away, without cele-
brating, the day!  And The
Holy Spirit says:  Enjoy your life
upon Earth!  Make the best, of
every single day, so that, when
it is your time  to come  Home,
you can close your eyes saying,
"I did my best, and it was good!"

January 18, 2017

whose hearts
are filled with thanksgiving,
find it easy to sing joyfully in celebration.
And The Holy Spirit says:  Count your blessings, with
a joyful heart; and  resist the temptation  to visit
that which you think you lack.  Count your bles-
sings,  sing of your blessings,  be joyful,  for the
blessings you have been given!  In this way,
you will stand: amongst those whose
hearts are filled with thanks-
giving; amongst those
who find it easy
to sing joyful-
ly, in cel-

January 17, 2017

You take celebration to an eternal level
when you begin to see, and realize, that
your entire life, should be a celebration,
a celebration that you live, that you live,
eternally! And The Holy Spirit says: The song of life
is glorious!  At the present time, you are creating
your life, as it unfolds, and merges, and blends,
into the eternal flow, of The Divine Plan
of God.  This is sacred cause,
for jubilation,
and celebration.
Rise-up, and sing;
you are a child of God.

January 16, 2017

All of Heaven is filled,
echoing with the joy, of My song,
when I see My children, dancing, with
happiness in their hearts, acknowledging
all they have done, playing in The Garden,
loving  one another!   And  The  Holy  Spirit  says:
Do not overlook  the practice  of  celebration!
When a task is complete, let there be song,
and dance,  and celebration;  for this
is  the  music,  of  Heaven,  the
celebration, of creat-
ion, for the

January 14, 2017

and steady
pace, will get you
where you need to go;
there is no need to hurry,
or rush, or run.   When you
are confident, and know where
you are going,  and what you are
doing, you are sure, you are steady,
and this is all that is required of you.
Be sure!  Be confident!  Be steady!  And
The Holy Spirit says:  Be at peace.  Do not rush.
Do not scurry here and there.  When you
have received the guidance you need,
rise-up and declare, "I shall do it.
And I shall do it, God,
in your time!"

January 5, 2017

your thoughts
to keep you from achieving your goal.
What are you thinking? Make sure that your thoughts
are pure; and, of light; for, your thoughts, create; therefore,
it is only right to be vigilant, to pray, and to say, "My thoughts
are good,  my thoughts are light,  my thoughts are blessing all,
my  thoughts  are  forgiving  all;  and,  in the blessing  and
forgiving, I bless, and forgive, myself as well."
And The Holy Spirit says:
Sometimes it is easy
to forget, that thoughts
are creating, every second
of the day.  Many are mindful
of the words they say, and the deeds
they do; but, in reality, it is very few,
who guard their thoughts, as preci-
ous treasures, seeds for creation,
in The Garden of God!

January 6, 2017

how down
you might feel
at the present, it is possible,
when you have purpose and intention,
to lift-yourself-up, to be flying, on the wings
of The Dove, in a very short time.
Let your thoughts
create your
And The
Holy Spirit says:
Do  not  dwell,  in
the dungeon,  when you
can live  on  the mountaintop.
Let your thoughts create a magnificent
life, a bountiful garden, and a world of peace!

January 13, 2017

My child, it all began with a thought;
and then, The Thought ~ became ~ The Word;
and then The Word was fully created, functioning,
moving, animated.  Your life will be Heaven, moving
upon the Earth as it was intended to be: if you will sit
and walk, and talk, with Me;  if you will acknowledge
that angels are all around you to minister unto you,
and embrace that which they are to give to you;
if you will trust in Me; if you will believe
in Me; for, I have given you life,
and My Thought is to
protect you; and,
hold you
And The Holy Spirit says: When you were given life,
eternal life, you were given a gift.  The gift of freewill
is given to every child, created by God.  This gift of freewill
assures, that when you make a decision, it comes from you, using
your will.  Because of your freewill, an announcement is made when
you choose to follow The Divine Plan, and walk in the light.  Today, bre-
athe deeply of the air of Earth, let it fill your lungs; let the beauty of the
Earth, saturate you; and, let the love, and the light, and The Presence
of God, be with you, blessing you, loving you, all through the day!

January 12, 2017

Practice, every day,
so that the act of loving one another:
comes naturally to you; comes in a way that
you don't have to think, or wonder, what to do;
comes to you,  and through you,  so that when it is
your time,  for the light to shine  upon you,  and you
take center stage, all the world will see, that you truly
are living, and acting, authentically, from your heart,
you live the words, you have been given to say.  And
so it will be, come the day, when you take center
stage, and the light is on you, and all around
you can see, that you do believe, and
act, and love one another!
And The Holy Spirit says:
So many know
the words,
so many
the words; but,
when  there  comes  the  day,
or  the  hour,  when  it  is  time  to  act,
they forget, they wander, lost, in chaos, not re-
membering the words,  they have been given to say;
therefore, they stumble, and misspeak, as they try to make
their way.   The only way you will be sure, to know what to do,
when the hour is yours, is to practice, every day... Love one another!

January 11, 2017

It is easier to say, "I forgive you," than it is to live,
"I forgive you."  It is easier to say, "I forgive all things,"
than it is to live, "I forgive all things."  It is easier to say,
"I bless you, I bless all things," than it is to live, "I bless you,
I bless all things."  Today, recognize the difference, and move
to a stronger position, a place of confidence in knowing, you
do forgive, you do bless.  And The Holy Spirit says: Thinking about
doing something is the first step.  Talking about doing some-
thing is the second step.  And, actually doing it,
living it, bringing it solidly into
the third dimension,
is the step
of completion,
when the thoughts, and
the words, come to life, in you.

January 10, 2017

The very minute you believe,
that together we can do all things,
all things change for you, because
you then can see, what we can do
together; and, it becomes your
reality, a reality filled with
miracles.  And The
Holy Spirit says:
Take a
and say,
unto yourself,
"I believe, that to-
gether, with God, all
things are possible."  It is
at that moment, when you be-
lieve, that it happens, and you know.

January 9, 2017

Trust  in  Me;  and  believe
that together we can do all things.
If you wobble, I will hold the course;
and, you will "know," I AM with you!
And The Holy Spirit says: Do not limit yourself
to that which you can accomplish on your
own; throw open the door; there will be
no limitation to what you can do,
together, with God; for
God is with

January 8, 2017
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

as  you  begin  each  day,
there is a divine plan, a sacred map
if you will!  And following it, is assurance,
you will not go astray;  and,  with every footstep
you take, The Holy Spirit is your compass!  Knowing
this, will bring you confidence, to move forward!  Do so!
It is your adventure, it is your time upon Earth!  Go forth
My child!  I AM with you!   And The Holy Spirit says:  As you go
forth upon the adventure that is your lifetime upon Earth:
be  kind  to  yourself;  be  forgiving  of  yourself;
be  compassionate,  and  understanding,
of yourself!   And,  do  the  same
for all who are walking
with you, or
to you; for, the word, has
already  been  delivered,  all  you
have to do, is to live it!  Love one another!

January 1, 2017
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

you prepare
to embark upon
a great journey, into
a New Year, and I will be
with you, every step of The Way.
I will be  with you,  to  encourage  you:
to be mindful of your thoughts; to be mindful
of the words you say; to be mindful, of the delivery
of the words, in every way; to be mindful, so that you re-
member, that those around you,  are watching,  as you live;
so they will see, and know, that you live The Way!  It is time
to act upon the words you say, to be a living example of har-
mony, and tranquility, and balance.  Therefore, do not
permit others to dictate your days, your ways,
your nights, your life!  Do not react
to others, in any way.
Stay in My light,
and we will walk
through every day,
together.  And The Holy Spirit
says: There  is  confidence,  and
courage,  strength,  and  excitement,
when the slate has been wiped clean; for it is
at times, such as these, that you realize, you are
the only one, who will write the story of, each day.
Be mindful of your thoughts, and the words you say.

January 7, 2017

When you reach the degree of spiritual maturity
wherein you can understand, and comprehend,
that you create, your own reality, within your
thoughts, your life will change immediately.
When you embrace, the truth, that you are
the creator,  of,  your destiny,  your life
will change immediately.  And an
extra gift, to go along with this
realization, and acceptance,
is that you will judge,
others, and your-
self, less; you
will be
your day,
and your night,
working in the present,
with your creative gifts, to be
casting judgment, on others.  Wake-up
to The Power, within you; and change your life
forever!  And The Holy Spirit says: You are a child of God!
You are a co-creator, with God!  God's desire, for you,
is Love!   Love  ~  in the  ~  perfect  ~  present tense!

January 4, 2017

and this day
will be created
from, within, you.
What do you intend
to create today? And The
Holy Spirit says: Rise-up, and
begin this day with an in-
tention, and purpose
to create peace,
to create
light, to
God's creation
of love.  Let it be, that
you create, in such a way, that
Earth, becomes Heaven, this day.

January 3, 2017

making your way
through each day, upon Earth,
each day will be one of great significance,
majestic in every way, if you will permit
The Holy Spirit to lead The Way.
And The Holy Spirit says:
I AM with you:
to assist you;
to spread
My wings
over you;
to say this way,
or that way; to say stand,
or sit, and rest.  I have been sent
to be with you, and within you, so that
you will not be afraid, or worried, or con-
cerned, or anxious.  Let Me show you The Way.

December 27, 2016

to you; and,
when you are ready,
you hear Me!  I gather you, into My
arms;  and,  when you are ready,  you come
into My arms easily.  I take you into My lap; and,
when you are ready, you sit with Me; and, while you
are sitting, with Me:  I touch your tears,  and your eyes
become clear; I touch your wounds and they are healed;
and, in the healing, you are made whole.  And as we sit
you come to know, that you are, eternally, My child!
I will heal  the wounds;  and,  make you whole!
And The Holy Spirit says: You cannot experience
true joy, and happiness, until
you are healed,
until you are whole,
as you are meant to be,
in the eyes of God; and, as
you begin to breathe deeper, and
deeper still, you exhale your breath
into the world, and you realize you are at
peace!  This day, breathe deeply as you sit in
the lap of God, holding the hand of God, hearing
the words of God.  This day be healed, and made whole.

December 26, 2016

Every day is
an adventure, and
when you come to see it
as such, your life upon Earth
will become the adventure. it is
meant to be.   And  The  Holy  Spirit  says:
When you get  caught-up  in  monotony,
in doing the same thing, day-in and day-
out, without looking around, and seeing
the miracles, of the day, your life loses
its luster, the adventure turns bland,
the journey stale; but, when you
begin each day, wondering,
"What will come my
way?" as you
you begin
to see each day, as
the opportunity it is, the oppor-
tunity, for the adventure of your lifetime!

January 2, 2017

in the
Do not be
tempted to
wander into
the past, or to be
concerned about the future.
Live in the present, with Me.
And The Holy Spirit says: Those who
live in the present, doing
the present things,
taking care of
the present,
and all the joy
it brings, are not
stressed, are not anxious,
are not worried, or concerned;
for, those who are able to live in
the present, are filled with faith,
and trust, and hope, knowing
they are a child of God.

December 31, 2016

You have been carrying a burden,
you have been pulling a heavy weight,
for a very long time, and it is not necessary,
My child.  Rise-up, lay down your burden, re-
lease the chains, of the load, you are pulling,
and come to Me, with faith, and trust, that
I will always: take care of thee; provide
what you need; and, encourage you
to move forward, to complete
your mission.  And
then, I will wel-
come you
And The Holy Spirit says:
It is not necessary to carry a load.  It
is not necessary to be burdened, by the past,
or the present, or to fear, or be concerned about
the future.  All you are required to do, to experience
life, as you are meant to experience it on Earth, is: to
breathe deeply, to look around you, letting your pray-
ers of gratitude, be an exclamation of the wonder, and
awe, that you feel, as you are walking through The
Garden, created by God.  There is work to do;
but it is not necessary to do your work,
carrying a burden.  Put it down.
As soon as you have re-
leased all of the
all of the weight,
you will fly into the new
day.  Come, fly away with Me.

December 30, 2016

The song of the old time is growing still,
soon to be quiet: so that the vibration of the new time
can move-in,  so that the tones will begin,  so that the song
can be sung by all who recognize the new vibration, the new
tone; for this new tone, and new vibration to come is softer,
and sweeter;  yet, so quiet, that it will not be heard by all.
Be still and quiet.  If you feel the vibration, and harken
to the tone, it will become, your song.  And The Holy Spirit
says: Eternity is created of pieces and portions all strung
together, artfully, by the hand of God.   It is time
for creation to take a new turn, to settle-
in, in such a way, that this piece, of
the journey, will be shining,
and sparkling!  It
will be, as
floating, in
the air, between
Heaven and Earth.
Prepare for the signs,
of the time; for one is dying-
out, and one is growing!   They
are  connected;  but,  the  new,  is
showing a different life, for each of you.

December 29, 2016

passes into night,
and night passes into day,
and so it continues on... this way,
creating the sacred procession of eternity.
You are a piece of eternity; you create the space,
and what occurs in your piece of eternity; therefore, if
you must think, let your thoughts be, only, of how sacred,
and holy, your space can be created by you!  If you must speak,
at all, speak softly, so you do not disrupt the gentle vibration of the movement, of eternity.   Be at peace, within your being!   Recognize
what you are doing.   If it is necessary to be emphatic,  place your emphasis on softness, kindness, understanding and compassion.
Move slowly, speak softly, and live divinely!  And The Holy Spirit
says: Stay connected with God, in all you do; for, when the light
of God is flowing through you, you cannot be consumed, by
the fires, of: treachery; deceit; hatred, or anger; greed;
or envy.   Nothing  will touch you,  or harm you,
when you are filled with the light of God,
and being filled with the light of God
means there is no room for any-
thing else!  Be filled with
the light of God!

December 28, 2016

you will find
there is nothing
more freeing, than
the act of forgiveness,
practicing the art of for-
giveness; for, with every
piece, released from you,
through the gift of for-
giveness: you bre-
athe deeper,
you shine
you live
more joyfully,
because the weight,
and the burden, has been cut
from you!  If you are living upon Earth,
right now, there is the possibility that you have not
completed forgiveness.  Let today be the day, you say, with
conviction, and purpose, and intention, "I will forgive all things,
until I am free, and joy rings within my being!"  And The Holy Spirit says:
Forgiveness, is a beautiful gift, actually fulfilling the giver, even more than
the receiver, because you "know," you know the effort, the trust, and the
faith required, in forgiving completely!  Forgiveness is a part of your
everyday life, or at least it was intended to be that Way; there-
fore,  let it be your intention,  to make it so,  today!

Christmas Day
December 25, 2016
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Use the times
you think you are alone
as  an  opportunity  to  sit  quietly
with Me.  Be still.  Begin speaking to Me,
as if I were sitting right next to you; and soon,
you will find, you began a conversation with Me,
and I AM responding to thee!  Because, the truth is,
you are never alone!  Believe.  And The Holy Spirit says: It is
most often true, that the darkest times surrounding you, are
the times when you feel there is nothing left to do, but to try
speaking to God.  And, in the challenge comes victory; you
succeed in contacting,  and connecting,  with God,  when
you could not do it before; and you feel the protection,
and the presence of God with you; and, where there
was once darkness, you begin to see the light.
You begin to see the light, and embrace
the light, until you are, the
light!  Believe!

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: