September 2, 2017

You cannot control the chaos,
and confusion, created by others; and, to try to do
so, will only draw you into the web of chaos and confusion,
where you become embroiled in the energies, created, by others.
What you can do is create, within yourself, a sacred place of peace;
for, it is within the fertile ground of peace, that love, and light, and
joy, even compassion, and understanding, are nurtured, and grow.
Create peace, within yourself, no matter what is going on around you!  And The Holy Spirit says: You can feel it, even in the midst of chaos,
and confusion, when one, who is carrying peace, within, walks into
a room; you feel the chaos, and confusion, subside somewhat,
just in the presence, the powerful presence, of peace.
It is well worth the effort; and, it is an effort
which will be rewarded, when you
establish peace, within your
being, and walk into
the world cre-
ated by

September 1, 2017

not be
to change,
to grow, to ex-
pand, far beyond
what you had imagined
before.  With every season,
there is change; and, the season
is better, for the change; for,
it shows you something
different, it shows
you life, and
And The Holy Spirit says:
Often times, you will find your-
self standing upon the threshold of a door,
that was once closed, now open; and, you see
far beyond what you could see before, because the
door is open.  The door is open, because it is time for
change!  It is time for you to step-over the threshold,
into the new day, and embrace All That Is, with you!

August 31, 2017

When you are faced with a difficult time,
or a relationship which has broken down,
the temptation is to cover your ears, and
your eyes; and, to hurry through it, to
go around it,  to avoid it, at all cost;
however, My child, I say unto you
if something has come to you,
it is yours to walk through.
Do not close your ears,
and your eyes, to
that which
is important
to learn as a lesson.
When you are faced with
something difficult, and chal-
lenging, take My hand and walk
through it, knowing every footfall,
knowing, every sound; so that, once
you have  made it through,  and you
are on "safer ground," you can look
back, and know, within your being,
that we made it through, together!
And The Holy Spirit says: Pay attention
to what is happening around you,
so that you might know it, as
a lesson, so that you might
wear it as a badge of
so you might know
how much can be done,
when you walk, hand-in-hand, with God!

August 30, 2017

Resist the temptation to react to any given sit-
uation, choosing rather to act, within the light and
the power of My love, flowing to you and into you.  And
The Holy Spirit says: Even if you are reacting to a positive action,
it is never  the stellar success  that it could be, if you choose,
rather, to act, using the love, and the light of God.  React-
ing magnifies the energy, already created.  Choosing
to act in the love and the light of God, blesses
the energy, which is already created, no
matter what it is.  Choose wisely.
Refuse to react, and choose
to act in the light
of God's

August 29, 2017

the Messiah
walked upon the Earth, He
instructed those who loved Him to: feed
the hungry, and clothe the naked, and to love
one another!  Do not permit the world, and the
ways of the world, to harden your heart to the
need of others.  Rise-up, and feed the hungry,
and clothe the naked, and love one another!
And The Holy Spirit says: When you are busy,
when you are in the midst of ac-
complishing a task, or
reaching a goal,
you have very little
time to waste; you apply it
to the project, to the mission,
to the goal.  Use your time
to begin listening,
with your heart,
to the words spoken
over two thousand years
ago; and then, follow what you hear
with action!  You have been given The Template
of how life upon Earth should unfold; it is in your hands,
what will you do with it?  Will you feed the hungry, and clothe the
naked, and love one another?  This is a new day, rise-up, and walk into it.

August 28, 2017

You cannot "know a situation, completely," until
you have changed your perspective, in such a way
that you can: see the matter, come to understand,
the issue, from all sides!  What appears to be on
one side, is very rarely the same on the other
side!  Be willing, and be open, so that you
might come to fully understand; and
therefore, know the truth, the
whole truth.  And The Holy
Spirit says: The
wise one
sits quietly,
turning, looking,
changing places, and
positions, until all sides
of the issue are seen.  Then,
and only then, do you know:
what you are holding;  what is
set before you;  or even,  what is
all around you.  You cannot know
it until you take the time to change
your perspective, and your position,
and engage in all sides of the matter.
And then, once you know, all sides, of
the matter, the wise one still is quiet,
because "knowledge," is the gift. it-
self, and knowing, is the blessing!

August 14, 2017

It is possible
to be sitting perfectly still
while a storm is raging within,
while confusion and chaos rule within.
Seek first to establish peace, within.  Let
your inner-landscape be a creation of
peace; then, even as you move
through your day,
you will be still,
you will be at peace.
And The Holy Spirit says: That
which you create, within, is re-
flected in  what you say,  and do!
Today... go within!  Establish peace
within your being, then peace will be
the gift you bring to others, every day!

August 15, 2017

the garden
of Earth: spend
your time there, blessing
all you meet, rather than cursing
those you meet; spend your time loving
those you meet, rather than judging those you
meet; spend your time: laughing, and dancing,
and singing, rather than being withdrawn,
sullen, and sulking in frustration.  And
The Holy Spirit says: The very minute
you realize that you have
the power of God
flowing into,
and through you,
and that you are the creator
of your experience upon Earth,
your life changes; your life changes
the very second you acknowledge God,
and that you are creating your experience.

August 16, 2017

can offer their children
nourishing food, making it available
every day; but the parent cannot eat the food, and
digest the food,  for the child.   A parent can provide for a
good education, for a child;  but, the parent cannot study, and
learn, and grow in wisdom for the child.  A parent can provide a
home, and comfortable surroundings, and a bed; but, the parent
cannot sleep and rest for the child.  I give unto you the manna,
from Heaven, eat of it, and you will grow in strength, and
you will be nourished, and you will have confidence.
I send unto you The Holy Spirit; and, The Holy
Spirit will whisper quietly to you; and, when
you listen, and begin to accept, then
you acknowledge, and know,
and wisdom is yours.
I provide all of the beautiful comforts of Earth,
as Mother Earth was created to be beautiful, and sustaining;
and, in this place, you have comfort, and find a place to rest, and
be at peace; for, as you rest your body recovers, as you retreat from
the world,  and rest in My arms,  you are healed,  and made whole.
Just as the good parent, of Earth, provides the food, and the edu-
cation and the comfort; but, cannot force the child to consume,
or to learn, or to rest, I, too, provide these things; but I have
given you the gift of freewill.  Choose wisely, and eat, and
listen, and rest in My arms!  And The Holy Spirit says: Amen!

August 17, 2017

That which you create in your thoughts
moves-out from you; and, if you are creating
love, within your thoughts, that is the vibration
moving from you, into, and through, those around
you, and further still, out into the world.  And The Holy
Spirit says:  You have been given The Power of Creation;
therefore, see the people standing, in every nation,
creating love,  within their being;  and, watch
the  vibrations  move  out,  crossing  the
lines between the nations, deliv-
ering a message of hope,
and promise, de-
livering the
of lo-

August 26, 2017

you reach the place
where you are actually living
in the world, but not of the world, then
you will find it easier to resist the temptation, to
react, because you will be living the energy of love,
which is sent to you from the heavens above, from
a dimension cloaked, yet approachable.  And The
Holy Spirit says: It is possible to reach through
the veil, and return Home; and,
it happens every time
you connect
with God,
The Creator of All Things.
This connection is what keeps you
held in the hand of God.  This connection is
what makes it easier to resist the temptation to react,
because you feel the hand of God, with you!  Connect to God!

August 25, 2017

of the joys
of living upon Earth
is recognizing that you are, truly,
My child; and, that, as I bless you with My
love, flowing to you, and into you, you bless
others, and all of the Earth, by allowing
My love to flow from you, to others,
to Earth.  Rise-up My child-
ren, receive My love,
and bless all
others, and
bless the Earth!
And   The  Holy  Spirit   says:
When Jesus walked the Earth
He said, "Suffer the little children
to come unto Me;" and, He said this
for a reason;  because  the love of God
would flow into and through Him, onto
those around Him; and, in silence, He
blessed them all: the short, and the
tall; the good, and the tiresome;
the sweet, and the tempting;
He blessed them all, for
the glory, of

August 24, 2017

and song, and dance
be in celebration of God's creation.
Let laughter be the song, and dance be the rhythm,
of the new day with you.  I shall hear the song,
and feel the rhythm, and know My child
is happy, and joyful!
And The Holy Spirit says:
Celebration of life
comes in many forms;
but, the most joyful form, is
held in laughter,  song,  and dance;
for, there is rhythm held in the swaying,
and song held in the playing with laughter.
Today has come, let it be celebrated, joyfully!

August 27, 2017
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

best effort
results in success
when you are well-rest-
ed and ready, for the mission.
Take the time to set yourself aside.
Go to a deserted, or secluded place.  Sit
down, and find peace, all around you.  Rest,
and then, you can do your best!  And The Holy Spirit
says: When you allow your body to get run-down, or
to feel tired, it is easy to fall to the temptations: to
become grumpy, or grouchy, or irritated; to be
sullen, or quick-tempered.  When your work
requires  that  you  touch  others,  with
the  love  of  God,  first,  make sure
the  love  of  God  is  enfolding
you, and you are rested
and  ready,  and
at peace!

August 20, 2017
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

of the most
challenging positions,
you will ever take, is to be
an island of peace, in a sea
of turmoil.  And The Holy Spirit
says: Those who are crazed
with aggression, and
retaliation, can
only be
and healed,
with the energy
of peace, and love;
for, it is in the quiet, and
the stillness,  of peace,  that
there is light, and illumination.

August 23, 2017

It is
in silence
you determine, that
which you are thinking; and,
that, which you are thinking, is
revealed in words you speak; and,
the  words  that  you  are  speaking
do reveal what you were thinking, in
the silence.   And The Holy Spirit says: When
you make the determination that your life,
and all life around you, is sacred, your
perspective is altered in every
way.  Bless the Earth
by checking that
which you are thinking,
before you do pronounce it.
You have "the opportunity,"
to create  an  environment
that is sacred and sweet
precious in every way.
Therefore, be still be-
fore beginning this
day.  Check your
thoughts, and
every word
you do

August 22, 2017

Do not be
afraid, of change; for,
when  you  accept  change,  as
growth, it enhances your journey u-
pon Earth: there is a bend, in the road,
that leads you to the river; there is a dip,
in the road, that leads you out, to the sea;
there is an incline in the road that lead you
up, into the mountains;  and,  these changes,
are welcome relief.  Do not be afraid of change,
for change is a sign of growth, and progress.  And The
Holy Spirit says: When you experience four seasons in a year,
the year has change, and interest.  The weather is warm,
the weather is cool, the weather has a snap in the air,
announcing winter is with you.
And with each
changing season,
you progress through
the year; and then, wait
for the next year to begin.
These changes are signs of
progress, making your way
through the year.  And it is
the same, in your spiritual
journey.  Change comes,
and with the change
there is growth.

August 21, 2017

There shall be
signs, in the heavens, and
there shall be signs, upon the Earth;
and, for those who will open their eyes, and see,
they are not "caught, off-guard."  Sometimes the signs
are the indicators of great change; sometimes the signs are
indicators of small change; but the signs come, and they are indicators, of change.  And The Holy Spirit says: For those who open
their eyes and accept the signs,  there is a quality of life,  which
cannot be measured by those who will not open their eyes,
who refuse to see, and read the signs.  The signs
are all about thee, wake-up, open
your eyes, and see.

August 19, 2017

All of the material possessions you gather
around you can fall into ruin, rust, and decay,
or in some cases be taken away.  All of the learning,
all of the hours of studying, can sometimes be altered
by a new finding, a new discovery, a new revelation
and you have to rethink,  relearn,  and restudy
these things; but, as you grow in spiritual
maturity, as you branch-out
as a tree of God,
these things,
these sacred things
you accumulate, will never tarnish,
never fade, and can never be taken from you,
unless you surrender them.  Spend as much time
amassing your spiritual abundance, as you do, gather-
ing material possessions, which will fade.  True happiness
is found in the wealth of spiritual abundance.  And The Holy Spirit
says: When you pronounce that you are a child of God, you are giving
indication that you understand, completely, that your inheritance is
of Heaven, is of The Dimension of Perfection.  Your eternal Home
is with God.  Say it often, and you will come to understand
that grace is bestowed upon every child of God!

August 18, 2017

Enjoy the work you are doing, and
work in such a way, that all around you
know, you enjoy the work, you are doing.
When it is difficult to find joy in the work
you are doing, do your work and be joyful
that you can do it, and let all around you
see the joy you have, because you can
rise-up, and do it!  In this way,
there is joy in your day,
no matter how much
you work, no matter
how much you play.
And The Holy Spirit says: Be
joyful this day.  Let the joy
come  from  work.   Let  the  joy
come  from  the  fact,  that  you  can
work.  Let the joy ~ come ~ from play.  Let
the joy come from the fact, that you can play.  No
matter what you are doing, let it be done joyfully, today.

August 13, 2017
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Be quiet.
Even in trying
to follow The Way
there  is  a  tendency
toward . . . frustration.
Be still ... listen ... and I
will whisper...  just to you!
The only thing, you need do,
is to take one step at a time.
Do not try to do it all, in one
action, or deed. Do not strug-
gle in fact, at all.  Be simple
in your attempt, be simple
in your trying.  Today,
be kind, that is all;
for, My child,
when you take
one step at a time,
you find you have reached
the goal, one step at a time;
therefore, let the step, today,
be a step of kindness.  And The
Holy Spirit says: One step leads to
another, as one chapter in a book
follows another.  Be patient in your
attempt  to achieve  a place of peace,  a
place of comfort, a place of knowing, you are
doing exactly, as you are meant to do!  Be at peace!

August 6, 2017
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

You might not understand
the source of the gift of Freewill,
at  all;   yet,  it is a most valuable gift,
given to all My children!   Do  not  attempt
to deny another the opportunity to use the gift
of Freewill.  And The Holy Spirit says: Honor your gift
of Freewill!  Understand the power, experienced,
in using the gift of Freewill!    Understand the
growth process,  and the graduating steps,
with regard to the gift of Freewill; and
then, allow others to see, and
grow, within this gift,
given, by the
hand, of

August 12, 2017

Even the most talented professional golfer
must stop, and begin to change, and modify their
stroke, in order to achieve a higher level of success!  A
world champion swimmer, must, often, stop, and think about
every movement under the water, before they can shave a second,
or one-half a second from their time, before they reach a higher
level of success!  Example, after example, could follow.  Even
when one thinks they are doing their best, even when one
believes: they cannot swing the club better, or swim
the length of a pool faster, there is always room
for improvement and, sometimes, it is sur-
prising to know, you can do better,
go farther, and faster,
because you stopped,
to make a change, to slightly
modify The Way you do things.  Now, My child, apply
this lesson to your spiritual practice!  And: your confidence
will grow stronger; your courage will move mountains; and your
faith will bring the light, wherever there is shadow, and darkness.
And The Holy Spirit says: As you move along the path, as you follow your des-tiny: you are writing a story; you are writing your book, the book of
your journey, on Earth; and, when the book closes, and
you return Home,
there will be great celebration.
Your life upon Earth is an adventure, and
every day of your adventure there is change; but,
it is you who decides to master whatever comes your way,
and it is you who decides to create perfection, wherever you go.
The day is set before you, step over the threshold, and go on your way!

August 11, 2017

a misstep,
or a stumble and fall,
to distract you from your mission,
from the goal.  Once you set your intention
to accomplish a goal, everything in between is part of that
accomplishment: the start; the doubt; the faith; the courage;
the strength that you gain, as you go on, pushing doubt from you,
trusting, victory is yours.  Victory is within you, even when you fall,
you are victorious, in the rising-up!  Keep going.  Do not stray,
or wander, off, the track.  It is your adventure, your mission.
It is yours.  I AM with you, and the blueprint is written
by My hand, upon your heart, and your soul, and
your spirit does understand it, even when you do not.
And The Holy Spirit says: Your life journey is important, and every piece
of it is important.  What you decide to do in your heart, is important, and
your intention is important.  Do not be distracted, by: fear, and doubt, and worry, and concern.  Be up-lifted in the light of God, and let your soul
sing-out, in such a way, that your spirit follows, and your heart
acknowledges the role you play, as a child of God.

August 10, 2017

will be signs,
all around you, and
before you.  Follow the signs.
Listen, and you will hear My whisper;
follow My whispered advice.  In this Way,
as you watch, and you listen, you will begin
to grow, in trust, knowing I AM with you.
And The Holy Spirit says: Once you have learned
to follow the signs, once you have opened
the ears of your soul, and you hear
what it is you need to hear,
then you come to
the realization
that you, truly,
are never alone,
and that your path is
well-prepared for you;
but, ~ to follow ~ you must
watch; to follow, you must listen.

August 9, 2017

Be the bringer of light, not the sewer of darkness, and
shadow; for, there is a difference: in that which you sew, in
that which you harvest, in that which you bring to the table;
for, as you sew the seeds of light, and love, and peace, those
who eat from your harvest table, gather around; and, grow
stronger,  they are courageous,  and their strength comes
from the light, and the love, and the peace,  which you
did harvest, which you did grow!  And, it is the same,
in reverse, only those who dine from the garden of
darkness, and shadow, do not grow in strength;
they become weaker, as they eat, until they
are overtaken, and brought down!  And
The  Holy  Spirit  says:  Every day
you have a choice; and,
the decision is yours.
Fill your thoughts
with love; and your thoughts
will be the seeds you sew in your garden; and,
like the good gardener who picks through the seeds, or
chooses the plants wisely, do the same with your thoughts!
Cast from you the thoughts of darkness... and shadow... and
let your garden spring-up healthy,  and wise,  and abundant,
worthy to harvest, and bring to the table of those around you!

August 8, 2017

Do not
turn your head
from the truth.  Recognize
the signs,  as  they  come  to you.
Set aside the defensive mechanisms
you have put into place, so carefully,
and listen to  the messages,  as they
are spoken.  When you do this,
you see,  and know!   You
act upon the signs,
and know,
to say,
what to do.
You are never alone.
Now ~ watch for ~ the signs!
And The Holy Spirit says:  Wise  is  the  one
who rises-up, looks into the mirror, and says,
"Good morning, I see you;" but beyond  seeing
the reflection in the mirror, knows the soul, and
the spirit, carried within the body.  Wise is the
one,  who sees,  and knows;  for,  they  shall
be  lifted-up,  everywhere  they  go!

August 7, 2017

in such a way that
you free yourself of judgment
regarding others, requires practice, it requires
constant attention, it requires diligence.  Soon, with practice,
you find that you are living free from the shackles of judgment; because, if you believe that we are all One, then you come to
the realization, that every judgment, is a judgment
upon yourself.  And The Holy Spirit says:
The quickest way
to relieve yourself
from the anchor of
judgment -is- to let
the first thought, in
your head, be, "I bless you."
Never go any further, never say any-
thing else, until "the tempter, judgment,"
tires, and falls away.  Today, when you think
of someone, and are tempted to move in-
to questions of judgment, say, "I
bless you;" and, move
on your

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: