July 30, 2017
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

You have, within you, the ability
to do great things!  When you connect
with Me, when you remember, who you
are, and practice using this ability, then,
you do great things!  And The Holy Spirit says:
Being able to do something ~ and ~ doing it,
are two different things.  Recognize your
ability.  Practice that, which you
are able to do, until it
becomes that,
which you
August 5, 2017

for you
to know
there is perfection,
within you; and, when you know it,
when you believe it,  you will find it!
And The Holy Spirit says: You have a piece, of
perfection, within you; and this piece of
within you,
remains dormant,
until you believe it; and,
when you believe it, it begins to
grow; and, as it grows, your faith,
and belief is the water, your spirit
is the soil!  Believe the perfection
within you, and you will grow it!
August 4, 2017

the company
of those who inspire you,
those you admire.  Seek the company
of those, who exhibit strength, and courage,
while showing The Way; for all to know, peace,
and taste happiness, in full measure!  And The
Holy Spirit says: The company you keep,
makes a profound difference,
in how you see
the world,
all around you.
Seek the company
of those you admire,
and they will inspire you
to noble deeds, and you will
come to know the power of peace!
August 3, 2017

a new opportunity
arrives, embrace it, even if it
doesn't appear to be exactly what
you envisioned.  And The Holy Spirit says:
When you treat your life upon Earth, as
a great adventure, the great adventure,
upon Earth, will treat you, the door to
a new day will open wide, all that lies
before you will be the opportunity
of your lifetime, the great ad-
venture, of your life u-
pon Earth.
August 2, 2017

There is always a way,
the difference is held
in the choices made.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Miracles abound;
while making
your way,
The Way;
and the present
unfolds, revealing
a piece, of eternity,
and  peace,  and  joy
resound, within you.
August 1, 2017

words, you will ever hear,
are "I love you," when they are spoken from the heart,
they will lift-you-up, upon eagles wings, and they will be,
as angel wings!  And The Holy Spirit says: Love is the energy
which will carry you, triumphantly,
where once there were
spaces, defying
all impossible places,
to rest in the light of the sun.
July 31, 2017

You can tell a lot about someone's confidence
by the way they stand and walk and move.
You can tell a lot about someone's heart
when you listen to the words they say,
when they respond,  or answer,  and
speak with you.  You can tell a lot
about someone's faith, and trust,
when you watch them move through
the day.  All of these are outward signs,
announcing how you feel.  Pay attention
to what you think, and say, and do, be-
cause you are giving signs, and the
signs are pointing to you.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When you rise-up
in the morning,
rise-up in joy, if
for no other reason
than you are rising-up;
and, let that joy continue
through the day.  Let it ring-
out in the words you say.  Let it fill
your thoughts; and, in this way, your
deeds will be of joy, all along The Way!
July 23, 2017
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

My child,
you are not bound,
or held prisoner, to My will,
to what I want you to do.   You are a co-
creator of The Eternal Plan, that was set, in place,
before life on Earth, began.   It is a masterpiece, and you
are a part of it.  It is not My demand, but My comprehension
of The Eternal Tapestry, so that it might be, as it is meant
to be:  in peace;  moving;  vibrant;  including you,
each  of  you,  "knowing,  The  Way;"  and,
walking in it!    And  The  Holy  Spirit  says:
Freedom is the opportunity to be
exactly:  who  you  are,
how you are meant to be,
doing what you are meant to do,
touching all,  you are meant  to touch; and,
this freedom has a rhythm, and a flow; and, in free-
dom, you "know," exactly: where to go, and what to do,
because of that "piece of eternity," that exists, within you!
The Eternal Tapestry is not complete without you!  You are
the co-creator of eternity!  Begin to understand ~ who ~ you
are, and know your place in The Divine Plan, of All That Is!

July 29, 2017

Look at the wonder-filled things, you have done;
look at the good, you have created!  Celebrate these
accomplishments!  Focus more on the good, you have
done, than where there seems to be a lack, where there
seems to be something needing work, and concentration;
because, the more you concentrate on that which you do
that is good,  and wonder-filled,  the more you will see,
and know, and the more you will be, and live, filled
with wonder!  And The Holy Spirit says: When you live
filled with wonder, your heart cannot help
but be in a state, of gratitude!
When you live wonder-filled,
you sing a song of thanksgiving
all the day long.  Look at all you have
accomplished, and celebrate the accomplishment.
July 28, 2017

When you season your day
with work, and play, and prayer,
you feel Me there, with you, because
I AM a part of your work, and your play,
and your prayer.  And The Holy Spirit says: Open
your eyes to the adventure, of this new day;
for, you are about to create something
that has never been experienced
before.  So, if you want to
experience more love,
a deeper love,
create it!
If you want
to experience joy,
create it!  If you want to
experience kindness, and com-
passion, or understanding, create these
things, too; for, it is all there, for you to do!

July 27, 2017

are possible.
You can do all that you are meant to do.
You can accomplish that which you believe is impossible,
only, when you drop the idea that it is impossible, and
embrace the power that I give unto you as My child.
Together we can do all things.
And The Holy Spirit says:
What you cannot
on your own
can be done,
when you stand
in the light of God;
for, if it is meant to be,
and if it is meant to be accom-
plished through thee, it shall be done!

July 26, 2017

to see My
children, happy,
and joyful, singing a song, run-
ning over the Earth, all the day long, happy,
playful, enjoying the creation.  And The Holy Spirit
says: Your Eternal Parent delights, when you enjoy
the creation.  Do not lament, the state
of the creation.  Celebrate
the glory,
restore it
to its wonder,
where it needs restoring,
and then it will merge together,
and you will have done your part of
the realization of Heaven, upon Earth.

July 25, 2017

The ris-
ing of the sun, is
a sign that night is done.
With the coming of the day,
you begin it ~ and ~ you pray
and you wait, to look, and see,
what your guidance might be.
So, let the guidance go forth
this day, it is time to go-out
and play! And The Holy Spirit
says: The perfect way to
begin each day, is
to stop, in
to bow
your head,
and pray; for,
this is a sign that
your faith is strong, and
you will know that God is with you
all the day long.  So, rise-up, and go forth,
continue your journey.  Be at peace, pray, dance,
sing, and most of all, today, be sure you stop to play!

July 24, 2017

The choice is yours.  You always have the op-
portunity to choose wisely.  In the face of anger, stop:
choose understanding, and compassion; choose to be kind;
choose to be loving; choose to master the energy that you are
going to use;  and,  do not be baited into darkness, or shadow.
You always have a choice.  And The Holy Spirit says: For every energy
of darkness and shadow, there is a counter-energy of light and glory.
If you choose to meet shadow, and darkness, with shadow and dark-
ness, you are multiplying and magnifying the shadow, and dark-
ness.  However, if you decide to master the situation, you can
bring forth the light, choosing from a chest, from a sa-
cred storage space, of the energies of God,
and The Kingdom of Heaven.
Choose wisely, for the
choosing ~is~

July 22, 2017

When you begin each new day,
meeting together,  with Me,  then
you rise-up, and go forth: knowing
The Way;  doubt,  and confusion,
fall away in the light of faith;
and, in the light of faith,
you find confidence,
and peace, in
that, which
you are to do.
And The Holy Spirit says:
It has come again, for you,
a brand new day.  You are creating
anew, and all eternity is waiting to see
that which you create, that which you do.

July 21, 2017

It takes great patience, and faith, to stay,
when you want to wander!  It takes great
courage, and faith, to go forth, when you
want to stay.  I will call you, and whisper,
and you will hear Me, and in this Way,
you will "know," whether you are to
rise-up, and go, or, sit down,
to stay.  And The Holy Spirit
says: Make the effort
to maintain
the connection
with The Spirit of God;
for,  It  Is  All  around  you.
It is around you in your brothers,
and sisters.  It surrounds you in the grasses,
and the trees, and the flowers.  It touches you
in the caress,  of the breeze.   It touches you, by
the raindrops.  It touches you, by the rays of the
sun.  Stay connected to God, and you will know
which way to go; and, your days, upon Earth,
will be filled with adventure, completing
your mission, knowing The Way.

July 20, 2017

I call,
and you rise-up.  I
whisper, and you say, "Yes."
I touch you,  with My love,  and
all are blessed,  because,  you said,
"Yes." And The Holy Spirit says:  Let your
faith lead The Way, and you will find
the courage every day, to move for-
ward, to bless the day, and all
you encounter along
The Way.

July 19, 2017

you live
your life upon Earth,
oftentimes you will find, that
the things, you have taken as fact,
begin to crumble, when the light of re-
search illuminates errors, missteps,
or a study that is not complete.
In these times you find
that you have based
everything you have done
upon a foundation which is not accurate;
and so it goes, moving from one truth to another,
as the passing centuries change, and rearrange, the facts.
My child, if you want to know the truth: walk into the woods, sit
by a stream, or a river; lie down in a meadow; and, feel the Earth
on your back; be quiet, quiet enough to hear the movement of the
birds, watch the dewdrops in the grass glisten as gems, in the light
of a new day.  These things hold truth, which will not slip away.
And The Holy Spirit says: The song of the stream, and the river, and
the ocean holds truth.  The words in the breeze, as it moves
through the trees, will not lie.  The grasses, and the
grains, of the fields reach deep into the soil,
and move with their roots, feeling
the creation of God.
If you want
to know truth,
walk into nature.  It is God's
creation, and it holds all you need to know.

July 18, 2017

some of
My children,
the direction is rise-up
and go work, cutting the grass,
tending the flowers.   For some of My children,
I send them to school to study, to learn.  For some of My
children, I send them into their houses, to sweep, or clean.  For
some of My children I say, drive-out into the countryside, to
see the sun, and the moon, and to play.  Still, some others,
I send to places, upon the Earth, to let My love flow,
through them to others.  My guidance, My
direction to My children
is rarely the same;
the guidance,
and direction,
is individual,
especially designed
for the one with whom
I AM speaking; and, it is good!  And
The Holy Spirit says: If you have been called-out to
do a specific task, or on a specific mission, rise-up
and follow the direction;  but,  do not hinder the ways
of God by demanding that all around you follow suit; for,
the ways of God are abundant, and many; yet, each is filled
with light, when done for the glory of God.  Do as you are cal-
led to do ~ and permit all others ~ to follow God's calling ~ too!

July 14, 2017

I call you to come, to set yourself aside,
to be quiet; and, in the quiet, hear Me!
Hear and know ~ The Whisper ~ which
will lead thee,  into a peaceful place,
where My light warms your face.
and you are at peace.  And
The Holy Spirit says:
There are days
meant for peaceful
communion, with God!
There are days meant for sing-
ing, in thanksgiving for the gifts sent
from  God!  There  are  days,  for  danc-
ing,  glorifying  all  the  creation  of  God!

July 15, 2017

no part of
for procrastination will
lead to frustration, and irrita-
bility, and sometimes, anger.  It will
definitely lead to judgment.  Do today,
what is meant to be done today; and,
tomorrow will take care of itself!
And The Holy Spirit says: A life free
from care, and worry, is a
life free, from pro-

July 17, 2017

Stand in My light,
and you will shine with the truth,
and it will be good, and beautiful, and
peaceful, and healing.  When you attempt
to change another, the attempt usually fails,
unless the attempt is made by living example;
for, when you are the shining light, you bring
peace... and comfort... and those around you
absorb the peace... and rest in the comfort,
and bear, what they are able to bear.  And
The Holy Spirit says: Let the light, of God,
fill you, and you will be healed,
and made whole, and you
will  find  peace,
in that li-

July 16, 2017
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

you walk,
you must gain
your balance.  Before
your run, you must be steady
on your feet.  And The Holy Spirit says: Laying
a good foundation is important.  It is difficult to walk
if you do not have your balance.  It is difficult to run,
if you are not steady on your feet.  You can apply this
to almost anything you do: first, you must be in bal-
ance, you must be steady, you must be in-
harmony with all around you,
so that you can move,
with confi-

July 9, 2017
See Jesus' Sunday Sermon

Seek to "know," peace
within!  And The Holy Spirit says:
Seek to be at peace: both, within
the world of man, and the world
of God; in your everyday life,
and in your spiritual life;
in work; and, at play.
Peace is a worthy,
and noble goal.
Be at pea-

July 13, 2017

Every  second ~ you  are ~ upon  the  Earth,
you are doing one of two things; you are either:
creating, or magnifying the creation, of another;
and this creation, or magnification of another's
creation: is your reality, is your experience, is
your life upon Earth.  And The Holy Spirit says:
Be mindful of that, which you are
creating.  Be mindful
that you are under
no obligation to magnify
the creation of another.  Be mindful
that you find your rest, and your comfort,
and your sanctuary, in that which you create.
Be mindful, while you are upon Earth, your crea-
tions are to magnify, and glorify, the creation of God.

July 12, 2017

If today, you find yourself, living,
upon the Earth, you have a mission, upon
the Earth.  You moved onto the Earth plane to ac-
complish a mission, exclusively for you.  Now, your task
is to realize, to remember your mission; and, that, which you
are to do.  Rise-up, and begin!   And The Holy Spirit says:   The most
extraordinary, truth, is, that, every single person, upon the Earth,
has a specific mission, a mission which cannot be accomplished,
by another.   It must be done, by you!  Once you realize this,
once you comprehend,  the importance,  of your mission,
in The Divine Plan, then, you will be willing to stand;
and,  in the standing,  you will say,  "Help me, re-
member my mission,  today!"   And when you
ask, you shall receive; and once you know
it is time to go about addressing your
mission, engaging-in one of the
greatest adventures, you
will ever experience,
your life, your
journey u-
pon the

July 11, 2017

Many only read about what few experience,
as they walk upon the Earth.  Many are willing
to accept  "the possibility,"  while the few,  "know
the truth, and see the light, and all the amazing, in-
credible miracles occurring."  The difference is be-
ing willing to open, and embrace; and then, that,
which is present all the time, is revealed by
grace, and faith.  And The Holy Spirit says:
Wake-up!  Open your eyes; and
do not deny, that,
which you
can see,
when you
turn the pos-
sibility, into your re-
ality.  Do not doubt, believe!

July 10, 2017

Do not let your confidence be shrouded in doubt,
for there is much for you to do, and I AM here
to whisper unto you, and show you The Way.
And The Holy Spirit says: You have seen, someone
with confidence, completing a task.
You have also observed
someone in doubt,
struggling with a task.
You see, and know the dif-
ference!  Therefore,  refuse
to allow  the energy  of doubt
into you.  Rise-up in confidence
to do what you are to do; for, The
Great Spirit rises-up with you, and
within you, and will accomplish, thr-
ough you, what is meant for you to do.

to every man, woman,
and child, on Earth, everyday!
And at The Quiet Place, we conclude
our morning prayers with these words asking
God, what we should know, today: "Our Creator,
God, what is it that You wish for us to know, today?"

God says: